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News!! Costumes Fantasy Party Friday,18th October

Aurora Starchild: Olvidate de la colmena. QUIERO SER UNA SETAAAAA! 2 months ago

News!! Costumes Fantasy Party Friday,18th October

Aurora Starchild: Jo, trae las cosas más cucas siempre 2 months ago

DJ Genie goes Latin:))

The new complete Male Franck avatar awaits you at Shop Agartha!

Emma Lewis: Beautiful ! 2 months ago

Was für ein Megaevent. Nach all den unzähligen Trainingsstunden auf der Kart Bahn fand gestern das große Finale statt. 10 Fahrer aus 6 Grids sind an den Start gegangen und haben sich heiße Duelle geliefert. Auf den Tribünen wurden alle von den eigenen Fans in bunten Outfits angefeuert. Die Stimmung war einzigartig und zeigt, dass es auch gemeinsam Spaß machen kann. Die After-Show-Party im Anschluss sorgte für einen würdigen Abschluss dieses Events.

An dieser Stelle möchte ich ein ganz großes DANKE an das Pangea Grid aussprechen. Ich mag nicht wissen zu wollen, wie viele Stunden damit verbracht worden sind, nicht nur die Strecke, sondern auch das Drumherum so zum Laufen zu bringen. Karsten hat zusammen mit seinem Team Großartiges geleistet und das verdient meinen höchsten Respekt. Gemeinschaft und Erlebnis, Spaß und Freude so unter einen Hut zu bringen ist etwas Einzigartiges in Open Sim World. Danke Danke Danke
What a mega event. After all the countless hours of training on the kart track, the grand finale took place yesterday. 10 drivers from 6 grids started and had hot duels. In the stands, everyone was cheered on by their own fans in colorful outfits. The atmosphere was unique and shows that it can be fun together. The after-show party afterwards ensured a worthy end to this event.

At this point I would like to say a big THANK YOU to the Pangea Grid. I don't want to know how many hours were spent getting not only the track but also everything else running like this. Karsten and his team did a great job and that deserves my utmost respect. Bringing together community and experience, fun and joy is something unique in Open Sim World. Thank you, thank you, thank you
Last week's Safari tours, plus an in depth interview with Pangea Grid's Marlon Wayne
The thoughtful, profound and unmissable installation by Loru Destiny
Exploring Moonrose grid, with the very talented Chrissy Coage
Pangea Grid's birthday
Autumnfest 2024 @ Alternate Metaverse Grid October 24th-October 31st, 2024

A 9 Region Tribute To Autumn Celebrating Autumn & Halloween
AMV Autumnfest, AMV Welcome, Open Mic Arts, AMV Autumnfest Stage, Surreal Autumnfest, Autumnfest InTribute, Autumnfest Halloween, Meow Fashion, Autumnfest October

Autumnfest @ Alternate Metaverse Grid is hosting MANY of your FAVORITE Entertainers - Live Performers & DJs Live at the AMV Autumn Stage and several other venues throughout Autumnfest. Autumnfest features Live Music events From October 24th-October 31, 2024 There will also be Belly dancing, Storytelling, Dreamwalking Guided Meditation class, Freak Night Party, Free outfits for all, A Rocky Horror Show Tribute, Halloween parties, Open Mic, AND Karaoke @ The Autumnfest InTribute Venue! Be sure to check our events calender on the AMV Website @
Autumn & Halloween Portraits will be taken by our amazing staff Photographer, Zelle Mist throughout events!
Costumes are welcome and even encouraged at any of the events!
Visit our Cos-Play Store @ AMV Freebies Mall if you need one!

Come Join us! Paste to Map Autumnfest

Welcome Area for Alternate Metaverse Grid visitors & New Residents! Home of the Late Night & Morning wake up parties!
Watch our AMV Event boards for times and dates of these special events!
While at AMV Welcome Look for your favorite Live Performers & DJs and travel using our Explorer Board and HUD & Club Crawl Board and HUD! Welcome

Welcome area for AUTUMNFEST - A Multi-regional Tribute To Autumn Celebrating Autumn & Halloween, on Alternate Metaverse Grid!
Teleport from here to other Autumnfest Regions and explore!
Live Events, Portraits by Zelle, Spooky Castles & Decor, Graveyards, Cabin by the Lake, Beneath the Graveyard (A music halloween castle venue)

The Graveyard hop:// Autumnfest/552/272/40

Live Performers & DJs @ AMV Autumnfest Stage
Belly Dancing Pavilion
See the schedule below for details

hop:// AutumnFest Stage/130/94/26

Enjoy the beauty & majesty of Autumn in a serene park setting at October Park- - Virtual style! A Beautiful & Peaceful place to relax with someone special and enjoy the beauty of Autumn.
Storytelling, Guided Meditation & Greedy! Autumnfest October

Home of the spooky Skull Castle- Halloween Party at Skull Castle October 31st Autumnfest Halloween

What kind of Thrills & Chills await you at Surreal Autumnfest - Dare to come and find out and careful not to get probed and abducted!!
Live DJs
Live one man Rocky Horror Show Autumnfest

AMV's got talent Karaoke at the stage @ Autumnfest InTribute InTribute

Home of The Cat's Meow Fall Fashion Shows- We are not doing a Fashion show this time around but Meow Fashion is filled with previous fall fashions free for all! Come get yours!

hop:// Fashion/257/268/22

Hosted by Chrid Dayellis and Whisper Carfield,
Our Spooktacular Open Mic Night is always incredibly fun!


Schedule Of Autumnfest Events 2024

Thursday, October 24th

10a-11a Mavenn Live sings live @ AMV Autumnfest Stage
11a-12n Joao Frazao Live Guitar & Vocals @ AMV Autumnfest Stage
12:30a DJ Alex Harper -Lilies Graveyard @ AMV Autumnfest
4p-6p DJ Maldrul Smith Lilies Graveyard @ AMV Autumnfest
6p-8p DJ James Bogbat - Lilies Graveyard @ AMV Autumnfest ???? TENTATIVE

Friday, October 25th

12n-1p Storytelling at October Park with Yichard @ AMV Autumnfest October
3p-5p Cataplexia Numbers sings live @ AMV Autumnfest Stage
4p-5p DJ Anys @ AMV Autumnfest Stage
6p-8p Power Trance Night @ AMV Autumnfest Stage??? TENTATIVE

Saturday, October 26th

10am-11am DJ Yana Dakota @ AMV Autumnfest Stage
11am-12noon Clan Escotia & Clan's Band Live @ AMV Autumnfest Stage
1pm-2pm Icky & Sum Dual Stream Live @ AMV Autumnfest Stage
2p-4p Open Mic with Chris D & Whisper @ OpenMic Arts
5pm-7pm DJ Chris (The Mighty) McCracken - Freak Night @ AMV Autumnfest Stage
7pm-9pm DJ April McKenna - Freak Night @ AMV Autumnfest Stage

Sunday, October 27th

11am-1pm Ernest Moncrieff - Rocky Horror Picture Show @ Surreal Autumnfest
1pm-2pm Ian Kitsilano w Mr M & The All Nighters Live @ AMV Autumnfest Stage
2pm-3pm Khiron Ametza Live @ AMV Autumnfest Stage

Monday, October 28th

9am-11am DJ DragonLady Shinobiaaa @ AMV Autumnfest Stage
12noon-2pm DJ Ted Junior - Lilies Graveyard @ AMV Autumnfest
4pm-6pm Dreamwalking & Guided Meditation at October Park @ AMV Autumnfest October

Tuesday, October 29th

10am-12noon Belly dancing @ The Belly dance Pavillion- @ AMV Autumnfest Stage
12noon-1pm Mr Mikie String sings Live @ AMV Autumnfest Stage
4pm-5pm Beccca Baxton Sings LIVE @ AMV Autumnfest Stage

Wednesday, October 30th

11a-12n Dave King Live @ AMV Autumnfest Stage
12noon - 1pm DJ Baby @ Autumnfest InTribute
1p-3p Karaoke @ Autumnfest InTribute
5p-7p DJ Maia Antara @ Autumnfest Surreal

Thursday, October 31st

11am-12:30pm Zoree Jupiter Live - The Halloween Party, Skull Castle @ AMV Autumnfest Halloween

A Spectacular Fall Season & Happy Halloween To Everyone!

Sunday 13 October
Pangea Go-Kart-Race 2024
9:30 AM SLT / 18:30 Uhr CET
12 PM SLT / 21:00 Uhr CET ....Live Putri Solo
Aftershowparty mit DJ Marlon Wayne

JasonFlux: An Tagen wie diesen....kann nur Adriana die Erste sein :-)))) 2 months ago

---- NEW ----

Gentle Dragonheart: Love your outfits and you are one of very few who puts a picture of the outfit in the box with it. Which is awesome, so much easier to see in inventory what an outfit looks like than having to go by "... 2 months ago
Liebe Opensim-Freunde,

wir vom Pangea Grid feiern unseren 4. Geburtstag – und das möchten wir mit euch so richtig groß feiern! Unser Jubiläumswochenende findet vom 11. bis 13. Oktober statt, und wir können es kaum erwarten, mit euch anzustoßen!

Dear Opensim Friends,

We at Pangea Grid are celebrating our 4th birthday – and we want to celebrate it with you in a big way! Our anniversary weekend will take place from October 11th to 13th, and we can't wait to kick off the festivities with you!

Opening Party
Start: 11 AM SLT / 20 Uhr
DJ Marlon Wayne
Live Zoree Jupiter – 12 PM SLT / 21 Uhr

Happy Rainbow Parade +
Show mit Lampithaler Start: 10 AM SLT / 19 Uhr
Men’s Ballet mit Bink Draconia Start: 11.30 AM SLT / 20.30 Uhr

DJane Loru Destiny

Pangea Go-Kart-Race 2024
10 AM SLT / 19 Uhr
Live Putri Solo
Aftershowparty mit DJ Marlon Wayne
DJ YANA@Welcome Stage~AMV Welcome
When: 11 octobre, 06:00 – 08:00

Yana loves the old rock sounds like the 60`s but the 70`s & 80`s are her favorite. When she DJ`s the roof will blowing off and the walls are shaking from their foundations. If you like a good partytime and wake up with those sounds, your so welcome to join in at Yana`s spectacular stage, where it all happens.
AMVs Welcome area is the landing point for HG visitors and new residents, come and make new friends
Early Morning

Early Morning Parties 6am-8am
DJ's Include:
DJ Tyler Mathews
DJ DragonLady
DJ Sylvia Koln
DJ Dave King
DJ James Bogbat
DJ Yana Dakota

Put on your dancing shoes and come on down to AMV Welcome!
We are looking forward to seeing you all here :)

here is your taxi: hop://
The beautiful souls in Florida are in our thoughts and prayers as this monster named Milton hits land. May God protect and shield you and deliver you from the ravages of yet another storm...our hearts go out to you.
Am 10.10.2024 um 19 Uhr starten wir wieder auf der TimeBandit im ArtDestiny Grid zu Richi's MusicCall durch. Alle sind wie immer herzlich willkommen. Musikalisch geht es wieder ab wie die Sylvia.

Streaming URL:
October 6th start 19 Uhr CET / 10 am PDT
Blues, Rock & Reggae Event at Bourbon Beach
10am PDT Live Music by Rogue Galaxy: Reggae an Blues performance
11pm PDT Live Music by Evan Williams: An unforgettable Pink Floyd concert.
12pm PDT Live Music by PutriSolo: Captivating Blues and Rock performance.
13pm PDT Live Music by Dorian Dragon : Captivating Rock performance.
DressCode :beachwear
hop:// Beach/247/366/22

----- NEW -----

"Seid gegrüßt, tapfere Abenteurer und edle Gäste!
Am 04.10.2024 um 20:00 Uhr öffnet das neue Wikinger-Dorf auf Candoranien seine Tore zur großen Einweihungsfeier!
Tretet ein in eine Welt voller Ruhm, Ehre und Abenteuer. Genießt den Abend mit Musik und der Erkundung des neu erbauten Dorfes.
Kommt vorbei und erlebt einen unvergesslichen Abend im Zeichen der Wikinger! Seid dabei – Skål!
Taxi hier: