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I agree with Taylor. Finally someone who speaks up.
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Great Work. Thx Betty
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Ja, ist schon erstaunlich, wieviel Trolls sich hier rumtreiben. Ich verstehe das nicht.
Jeder kann doch veranstalten, was er will: Motto-Parties, Events, Vernissagen, Fotowettbewebe, Hunts usw.
Wen das nicht interessiert......... braucht nicht hingehen. So einfach ist das.
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The Schnüss from Cologne thanks for the praise and the great evening with you.
Fantastic people, that's how a set is fun. Gladly again.
I'm sure your set was great as always Sylf, and I'm sorry I missed it. Unfortunately there is still too much intolerance against LGBT people around and I know it's not your fault, you've alve always been a great friend and great DJ.
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Why you don`t ask the Grid-Owner?