Joined 6 years ago

About Myself

down to earth guy

My Interests

motorcycling, sailing, walking, SL and Open Sim, Cinema, Theatre...

Favorite Quote

Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world...(Marilyn Monroe)
I´d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not (Kurt Cobain)

Music I Like

Everything except Hard Rock

Films I Like

to much to count...but a lot of movies from the 40,50,60s

Viewer Version

Always the newest Version of Firestorm

My Regions

Paraiso das Calopsitas
25 0 das Calopsitas 0 Users
Twin sim to Cockatiels paradise. Here you find this and that items, funny costumes for system avatars by Froggie Pond and a lot more!
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Birds Paradise
6 0 Paradise 0 Users
relaxing, exploring
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1 0 0 Users
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0 0 0 Users
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11 0 0 Users
Lionbeach was never away but not listed for a longer time. Are you shy, dont want to be surrounded by a crowd of people and dont feel comfy? Social phobia ? Perhaps this is the right place for you. Dance among a lot of funny artificial generated characters (Sky Tower) or the more sophisticated C...
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24 0 0 Users
Exploring, adventure, winter, christmas, relax, fun, entertainment!
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Cockatiels Paradise
72 0 Paradise 0 Users
Everything but Christmas. Party items, birthday, easter,valentine, St. Patricks Day..,a store with this and that items and a lot more!, freebie sim
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34 2 0 Users
Christmas and winter sim. Exploring and freebie region.
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62 7 0 Users
where good meets evil and in between. Autumn and Halloween decoration, exploring! This is a seasonal sim, means only open a short time in the year
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Oh no, I hope she will not ban clowns this person is really horrible.. happy weekend folks!!

Happy sunday.. The sim needed a restart, but now it is up and running again...

I promised a longer time ago to create more characters out of Froggy Ponds costumes. The first 3 new ones are ready! Voila may I introduce you to Gary Goatee, Larry Lobster and Lucky Ducky? If you are interested you can grab them on Lionbeach,next to the landing point.. Happy weekend all!!!
Atmos and Xanten will close their door for public tomorrow. If you need last minute christmas items this will be your last chance today. It was a long season this year (opened in September together with the Halloween sim) but now I am a bit tired. As you noticed items had always been stocked during the season and the sims also changed the face (a bit) . Thank you for your lovely christmas wishes and hopefully see you back next year!

"The cards never lie...Halloween is celebrated on October 31st! And now $10 please!"

the fitting stage building for the film set

Hello all.. I just want to inform you that Birds Paradise changed to a private sim. Some new items at cockatiels paradise...enjoy the week!

google Translation for my spanish, italien a guests.Traducción de Google para mis invitados españoles e italianos.Traduzione di Google per gli invitati spagnoli e italiani.
Y ahora una traducción al español para los visitantes de mi sim, que siempre parecen un poco perdidos cuando visitan mi lugar.
El simulador está lleno de "obsequios". Algunos están ocultos, muchos también son visibles libremente. Hay 5 ranuras principales para estos artículos.
En la entrada, en la parte trasera del pueblo, en la "Tienda Mágica", en la iglesia, y por toda la cima de la montaña... Diviértete explorando el lugar. Espero que esta traducción te haya sido útil.
E ora una traduzione in italiano per i visitatori della mia sim, che sembrano sempre un po' smarriti quando vengono a casa mia.
La sim è piena di "omaggi", alcuni sono nascosti, molti sono anche liberamente visibili. Ci sono 5 slot principali per questi oggetti.
All'ingresso, nel retro del paese, nella "Negozio magico", nella chiesa, e in tutta la cima della montagna.. Divertiti ad esplorare il luogo. Spero che questa traduzione ti sia stata utile.

Stay safe and enjoy this time of the year!

I wish you all a relaxed weekend and a happy 2nd Advent:-)

Hello Folks and happy weekend. Due to RL movement , I can not be online, so I close the sim for public for some days. If all is going well it will be back on Tuesday next week. Greets Thomas

watching how the pumpkins grow:-)

"Pumpkins..Pumpkins..I see Pumpkins everywhere..."

Sim is up again, we had some problems here, sorry for that.
Even Freddy has fun

ps..the hydrant is scripted.. click on it and a waterfontaine spreads out

LeonitasLionheart: Let's just hope nobody names their fountain "R. Kelly" ;) 18 days ago

Birds paradise will be online again soon. At the moment we are busy working at the Oktoberfest. The first rides are already there!

and dont forget.. March, 17 is St.Patricks day!

And don´t forget...
February 14th is Valentine's Day
Take a look around, perhaps you might find something great for your beloved ones or give yourself a present!

Now I know the meaning of "fingerfood"!

Night over Xanten. Everything is peaceful and quiet.

The place for your Autumn decoration

problems with the server are fixed. The sims are online and visitable again:-)

For the romantic moments in your life ..(If you find the right animations.. lol).... Feathered Nest!!!!

Valentine´s day is not far away. Still time to find something nice for decorating your sim or find something nice for your beloved one(s)..

The place for your Autumn decoration..

After a server crash yesterday, the sim is online and accessable again! Have fun!

right at the moment there are problems with the server, hopefully it will be fixed soon, thank you for your patience

i can not log in into Foundation, nor Sacrarium gid

can you help me somehow? i can not log in into both grids. has someone else these problems too?

Grid is closed for some renovations!!!

Do we still have an Arcadia Asylum library somewhere?

I found a very old landmark in my inventory but this place is gone. Do we still have a Aracadia Asylum library somewhere?

chest hair

Howdy and hello folks. I have a question.. Is chest hair for mesh avatars available ? I always look like a naked snail and want a bit more hairy chest but dont find any. Can someone help?

Hello . I have a question. Do we have perhaps a NPC Generator for Mesh Persons? The old " Npc Poser Poseball V1/V2--Blank from Nara Nook are still working good to create Non Mesh Avatars but with creating Mesh Persons they have difficulties.(parts of body are missing) . If we have something like this, I would be glad, if someone handles me a NPC creator over or show me the place, where to get! Thank you!

Do we really have on open sim only round about 6 hairstyles for men and tons for women? Or do i always visit wrong places?

Thomas epic fail..
Before Foundation went down a few weeks ago and before they came back I bought this wonderful burlesque outfit for my Nightclub. Well now i look more like a drag queen.. or a twisted Bo Peep 2.0 version
lol.. damn I should have worn one of those female mesh bodies:-)

Winter is coming...... setting up my winter sim

Attention..I found out that some of the BoM Eyes contains a so called "Bom eyes alpha iris layer". If you put this on, you cant teleport to a lot of place in hypergrid. You always will get a message like "unable to teleport, your clothes are to heavy, please choose another outfit"..This is cause you had put on this iris alpha layer. This layer is not necessary I found out. Your eyes are "there" without that layer!!!!!

Is there perhaps an insider tip, where to find Freebies or a freebies place that is not handling with the usual stuff you find meanwhile everywhere?

little yellow pyramids
hello Folks i have a question.. Sometimes i see little yellow pyramids above some items( no i am not drunk!!!lol) and then they vanish. Can someone explain please,what the meaning of those pyramids are? Is something wrong with the item then? greets Thomas
I heard that animesh conquer open sim now too. In SL i was a big fan of those animesh persons. Someone know a place where i can get those "npcs-dummy-statues(however you call them) that I could convert to animesh persons?
Ps .. I already found this doorman and a dancing robot

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No upcoming events

My Reviews

Old Western

impressive authentic Wild West scenery .Highly recommended to visit!

HQ Herederos

shopping fun for hours


noodle never answers mails he an alt?

Freebie Store 2021

an regulary update of items would be great too, or a seperate place at this place to find them!

Lbsa Plaza

mostly if you enter this place and people are around no friendly hello, no "how are you" back after greeting .and only special people are greeted back...horrible place

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