TabbyJinSeonMi @TabbyJinSeonMi

Living room Offline

Korean Drama

Joined 1 month ago

About Myself


My Interests


I'm Looking For

more cats

Favorite Quote

Think of yourself as a rose, the more sh*t life throws at you, the stronger and more beautiful you become.

Music I Like

trance, k pop, j pop, soft rock

Films I Like

K drama

Books I Like

anything readable

My Heroes

my cats

OpenSimulator Version

huh? I do no techie

Viewer Version

as above


old and knackered

My Regions

This member has no regions yet


Found my 13 year old account today, but can't remember the password hahaha or which email I used.... I need a brain.

comments 4 post likes 0
No upcoming events

My Reviews

Cosplay Universe

Great explore, met the owner, lovely chap. Some really great costumes.

Kat's Korner Shop

wish I could get there, keeps saying unable to connect with viewer, is that a me or region problem please?


Great place, so well done, I loved exploring and the garden centre was great. Still have more to see there, so will be back!!


I try to tp here many times from also the board at amv welcome, but unable to get there.

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