Leslie Kling @TanGLeGrid


Co-Owner of TanGLe Grid

Joined 7 years ago

About Myself


My Regions

TAN HG Station2
1 0 tanglegrid.net:8002:TAN HG Station2 0 Users
HG Station 1 is our main hub to other grids and places on TanGLe Grid. There you can also find an information center about us. That is also where you can CLICK on the sign to get your verification to our Privacy Act Site so that you can travel around TanGLe Grid. If you have more then 1 grid you H...
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TanGLe Services Center
1 0 tanglegrid.net:8002:TanGLe Services Center 0 Users
TSC is our head of regions rental & Grid information center. It is our main office for the grid and a place we hold our meetings. Come look around at our different region price plans. We have something for everyones price range.
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Memorial Park
1 0 tanglegrid.net:8002:Memorial Park 0 Users
A beautiful place to relax and chill. We now have CAMPING FOR CASH there so you can make a few tbucks while hanging out. Come visit us today and make a few dollars. tanglegrid.net:8002:memorial park
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Kling Farm
33 10 tanglegrid.net:8002:Kling Farm 0 Users
Hobby Farm- We also have a group joiner so people with this type of farm can talk with each other about things that can be improved or added to make are farms better. SATYR FARM. Also see their G+https://plus.google.com/communities/105311550018643513376/stream/f30d8b85-0abf-47fe-8814-b912c7bc9264
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New Items added to our FREE STUFF. Come pick ours up today.

tanglegrid.net:8002 kling farm

TanGLe Grid HG address is wrong

Hi just want to let you know the HG address for all TanGLe Grid regions is: tanglegrid.net:8002 not 8001. can that be changed so our visitors are able to go to TanGLe. Many thanks.

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