Liked posts

Hicks: Encore une jolie rΓ©gion d aphra .bravo 22 days ago

The party starts at 21 h in Europe means Noon grid time.
Aphra Hendrix will present her first music album.

please click on video...

Mistressdalgato: happy for ya but 97% of the video is a black screen. 3 months ago

Heute um 11 SLT Party Time mit Dj Dark Wolf
Habt Spaß und feiert mit uns

Today at 11 SLT Party Time with Dj Dark Wolf
have fun and celebrate with us

Hi everybody :)

Just sharing what we are creating on our grid.
Still have a long way to go, but so far we are happy with the creations we made/placed.
Hope to keep you all updated weekly on how we are doing.
Please freel free to drop by, love to see you :)
Bouncer and Ansjela