Thirza Ember @Thirza


I run HG Safari, and the Hypergrid International Expo.

Remembering Lucy Afarensis

Hicks: I met her sometimes, she was a nice person. 4 months ago
THANK YOU Satyr for moving The Box .
The HG Safari trips are on hiatus for the summer, but here's a round up of some other news from around the HG on the Safari blog:
A great new art collective led by Victoria Logan
Theater on the French grid SV3D
OSgrid's 17th
A trip through time on Zetaworlds
and some hints about opensim in general
Plus posts about Creanovale, AMV, GenesisRP Grid, Ruritania on Littlefield Grid, and more...

Safari trips begin again tomorrow - ten more weeks of fun !

The OpenSim Community Conference is, of course, next weekend. Here are five bits of info about the event. Did you know them all?
Here's the menu to the feast of fun...which talks are you planning on coming to hear?

Lyr Lobo talking about Shopping and Content in Opensim, on Inworld Review. Do you agree with her suggestions and opinions?

Arielle: What specific suggestions and opinions are you meaning @Thirza Ember? Can you point to the time of the show you are referring to? 1 years ago
Inworld Review this week was on Neverworld celebrating their 8th birthday, and learning about the grid's unique connection to The Grateful Dead. Watch the show on Youtube Thanks to Govega Sachertorte and Nexus Storm for being the guests
inworld Review is a weekly talk show by Mal Burns about opensim people and places, taped inworld every Sunday at 12 noon SLT. You can watch Live on youtube, comment and ask questions, or join us in the audience, or perhaps you'd like to be a guest on the show, send and IM to Thirza here in osw to learn more.
Small change to OSW home page possible?
Opensimworld is such a great resource for opensim - love it! The home page has so much useful info on it.
My request - could The Box be moved further down the page? Maybe swap with Events or Bookmarks? Just because more often than not The Box is so depressingly infantile and completely useless to anyone looking for information.
Summer fun across opensim, with 4 more posts for you, if you missed it. Here we go - a long weekend of Alternate events, an Ai art exhibition, an Iberian village, and an opinion piece by 3 participants in the upcoming OSFest.
sad comment Icons
Today there was a post about the closing of a really nice grid, and I want to put an icon showing I am sorry it's going.
The only non-happy comment icon is the prayer symbol - not appropriate. I don't want to encourage negativity on OSW but... can we have a face with a tear? Also a "wow" face would be a great icon to add.

Kelso.Uxlay: I second this excellent suggestion! 2 years ago
HG Safari trips return for the Fall Season in 6 weeks from now !
Our schedule is pretty much full, but if you'd like your region to be put on the standby list, or want to save a spot in the next season's schedule (starting Jan 2024), just drop me a word here in osw. Don't be shy !

Do you know anyone who suffers from this common hypergrid misconception ?

Arielle: Some of the early iterations of the ToS's some Grids put up for authorization, sounded like they collected and held on to all information about visitors for 7 years, not just IP. 2 years ago

Unmissable build by @Frankie Rockett, many thanks to @wbalazic for helping make this event happen. Great fun on LFGrid!

Thanks so much to @soabad and @Siwas for hosting a wonderful trip to Lofoten!
Spain in opensim a refreshing piece of reality!

Great new art experience by Nyx Breen on Koeln sim in Pangea grid
Check out the grand opening

Mobius has been banning osgrid avies for the past six months or so due to a security issue, but good news, the problem seems to have gone away! Here's a post about the grid guys and some photos you may remember...
Our weekly Safari trips start again on Wednesday April 5, hope you can join us!
Opensim is full of cool places to visit anytime of course - and the Safari Blog never stops, here are three recent reviews
Angkor Wat:
Monet's House:

LaviaLavine: Love going on these Safaris when I have a free moment to go!! 2 years ago

Total Sorbet tells all about her adventures in chatgpt in opensim.

Total Sorbet tells all about her adventures in chatgpt in opensim.

fun with Xi Shi on lfgrid, thanks for having us.

fun with Xi Shi on lfgrid, thanks for having us.

fun with Xi Shi on lfgrid, thanks for having us.

A mini roundup of opensim happenings on the Inworld Review.
Always on the lookout for news and new guests, join the Discord group or send me a message if you'd like to be part of the show.
Hypergrid Explorers & Creators

Thirza Ember: Have an upcoming event? Got a poster? Drop it on me, with a short explanation of your event and we will do our best to include it in the show 2 years ago
Interested in Roleplay? Already have a group, or looking for a new RP family? Learn about the Wyldwood RP , their regular meet-ups with other RP afficionados, and of course, the roundup of news in Opensim
InWorld Review: Sundays at 12 noon SLT
Like - Subscribe - Comment - be a guest on the show!

This week's InWorld Review featured a great build over on the Science Circle, with AbaBrukh Aabye, plus a 30 minute roundup of some opensim news. You can watch it here.

RIP Torben.

KarinBecker: Rest in peace and condolences to all his friends and loved ones. 2 years ago

Opensim. it's all about options, creativity, and wide open spaces.

Hi all, Maria Korolov is joining us tomorrow for the first Safari of the Fall season.
The announced venue has changed, though. Meeting at the OSgrid clubhouse, not on the Safari annex. That's because Avacon grid had something happen with its servers, and although it is back online and lovely, there is a bug in Textures.
Do you like chatting in French? Do you want to explore the hyperverse with a gallic air? Then the Soirees Franco are right up your alley. Or should that be allee? Learn more here

Here comes season 3.

Roland Francis: Great read, Thirza. 2 years ago

Rage Darkstone, a profile of the artist

The beautiful new build by Mudpuddle Cleanslate and Chelsea Louloudi in lfgrid.
If you like the Beatles, this is for you.

Dabici132: Neat assenblage of diverse natural habitats and Gnome paradise 3 years ago
What makes OSGrid special?
Some grid veterans weigh in... including Dan 'pretty boy' Banner, shown here
plus news of the musical fun coming up over the weekend of the 30 - 31 July

NAZIRAH: Hugs thirza!! 3 years ago

The Inworld Review 10 July
The Museo del Metaverso party, recent Safaris to Winxtropia, Ignis Fatuus, and of course OpensimFest all reviewed

Tomorrow, one final party on Metropolis Grid.
THURSDAY, 30 JUNE Begins at 12.00 Grid time, 21h CET
Come to the Startregion,
Remembering all the good times and great sims that were there.
DJane LadyJo Martin spins the tunes, at this *Unofficial Farewell* to one of the grandest old ladies of Opensim.
If you can't get to Metro, join us on the new Osgrid region Memoriam

Sweetgrl: Hello and Farewell, all the best. Any Metro people signing up to OSGrid or other grids, welcome. 3 years ago
The Little Prince, a new build on osgrid by Wizardoz Chrome & co, and the newest Ignis build.
Beginning soon (12.00 Grid time) a party to celebrate fifteen years of the MdM and the extraordinary dedication and work of Rosanna Galvani to nurture, divulge and protect virtual art in both SL and Opensim.
The party is here Garage