Thirza Ember @Thirza

Somewhere on the hg Offline

Safari, and other foolishness.

Joined 9 years ago

About Myself

There is a Safari Group here on OSW where I post updates about recent visits

My Regions

6 1 0 Users
Home to the installation "The Little Prince" by Wizardoz Chrome, Tina Bey and Cherry Manga, and to Inworld Review studio
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19 3 0 Users
Annex to the main HG Safari clubhouse on OSGrid. Home to Inworld Review with Mal Burns
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HG Safari
47 16 Safari 0 Users
Home of HG Safari, with information about our weekly hypergridding trips. Self Guided Tour hub - themed trips on art, science history, film etc. Free items, including mesh clothes at Meshanthropy store, also on the island. PLEASE NOTE the photos in the slideshow are of Destinations visited by the ...
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RIP Torben.

KarinBecker: Rest in peace and condolences to all his friends and loved ones. 2 years ago

Lyr Lobo talking about Shopping and Content in Opensim, on Inworld Review. Do you agree with her suggestions and opinions?

Arielle: What specific suggestions and opinions are you meaning @Thirza Ember? Can you point to the time of the show you are referring to? 6 months ago
Tomorrow, one final party on Metropolis Grid.
THURSDAY, 30 JUNE Begins at 12.00 Grid time, 21h CET
Come to the Startregion,
Remembering all the good times and great sims that were there.
DJane LadyJo Martin spins the tunes, at this *Unofficial Farewell* to one of the grandest old ladies of Opensim.
If you can't get to Metro, join us on the new Osgrid region Memoriam

Sweetgrl: Hello and Farewell, all the best. Any Metro people signing up to OSGrid or other grids, welcome. 2 years ago

Do you know anyone who suffers from this common hypergrid misconception ?

Arielle: Some of the early iterations of the ToS's some Grids put up for authorization, sounded like they collected and held on to all information about visitors for 7 years, not just IP. 11 months ago

The beautiful new build by Mudpuddle Cleanslate and Chelsea Louloudi in lfgrid.
If you like the Beatles, this is for you.

Dabici132: Neat assenblage of diverse natural habitats and Gnome paradise 2 years ago
How many women writers are celebrated on this build at NoiLab?
Brilliant build by Tonino Lane and dreamt up by Lorenza Colicigno...
A must for all booklovers...

Thirza Ember: Fun fact: the world's best-selling author is a woman, Agatha Christie. Go ladies. 11 months ago
The trial run of Inworld Review was filmed yesterday. Still got to work on the poses, and this first episode really long, (90 minutes!) but if you want to get a general idea of how the show works, with a view to being a guest in the future, take a look here
Hopefully many people sign up at join in, it's a great way to let people know about your work in the hg! Contact MAL BURNS on DISCORD

River: Now I want to know what the horrible things were that was said! lol 2 years ago
WOW Such an interesting conversation with Ubit, and then a fascinating tour of a region on AMV. Huge group, and we (barely) broke anything! Altho I think I may have to pay for Kelso's dry cleaning. Grass is such a tricky stain to get out.

Luna Lunaria: Fun trip :-) 2 years ago

Blog post about Metropolis

Jupiter Rowland: And this is what happens when you (read: I) can't shut your (read: my) yap at OSCC. Don't ask. That said, I have to agree: Metro has got one of the most gorgeous landing sims out there. It's still my... 2 years ago

Tomorrow Safari starts again! hope you can make it

Thirza Ember: Thanks to everyone who came along, and to our fabulous hosts. If you missed the trip and are curious about what happens on Safari, or would like to visit the places independently later, here are som... 1 years ago

Thanks to @Bibiana and to @Aphra for having us visit, and a special thanks to @Jupiter for his contribution

Jupiter Rowland: If you're still looking for SFposer, you can find it boxed and ready to go here ( and the script itself here ( 2 years ago

Part One of this week's HG Safari trip. Because it was just that big.

Max Hill: Thank you very much to all the visitors as well as to Thirza without whom this would not have happened. It was a pleasant moment for us to have received you. Thank you again for being here. 2 years ago
Two great trips this week for the Safari
Thank you so much to Trouble Ahead and all the Catronians, and to Kitely owner Ilan Tochner for our great visit to Kitely
Thanks to Andron Rae and the glamorous Chilli Bean for letting us come to Sharingiscaring to see Brigadoon
If you'd like to see what happens when 20 people go hypergridding...
plus the vid by the ever brilliant lifted pixel

Thirza Ember: For the record, Jup, that wasn't barf. 2 days ago
Thanks to all who came on Safari this week to visit Karsten and Lavia's great builds! For the full story, do check out the Safari blog, or watch Lifted Pixel's walk through of the event on Youtube

Luna Lunaria: I really wanted to participate in this one but RL work held me hostage :-P 1 month ago
A new season of Safari began on Wednesday - thanks to all friends, old and new, who joined us to visit CyberGlo on Wizardry and then Jimmy Olsen on Europa, with Xenon Darrow guiding us around Jimmy's build - both spectacular and informative places.
Here's the Safari blog posts, telling our story - plus, a few pics of the really lovely build by Lampithaler that premiered yesterday.

Luna Lunaria: This was a fun tour :-) 1 month ago
More fun out on the HG with a growing crowd of intrepid group tourists.
First, a biker racetrack that boldly goes beyond your expectations with SoS BAD and SIWAS
then a magical venetian evening with new friends, talented builders, and an amazing concert.

Aphra Hendrix: oh i missed the group visit, will check out on my own.... looks very interesting! 4 months ago
A week of fun on and off Safari - opensim empty? Nah.
With visits to Aire Mille Flux, Shipyards, and Creanovale.
What makes OSGrid special?
Some grid veterans weigh in... including Dan 'pretty boy' Banner, shown here
plus news of the musical fun coming up over the weekend of the 30 - 31 July

NAZIRAH: Hugs thirza!! 2 years ago

Visiting Winxtropia with Cuteulala and then a trip to the Fest! plus some corn on the cob

Luna Lunaria: Great blog! These statements, though, confounded me: "Will you advertise in various grids to let them know about OS Fest when it opens?" "So many people in opensim HATE social media and don't have it,... 2 years ago
1. Keeps posting the same crap
2. Insists on unpopular or false statements just to trigger you.
3. Craves negative attention, while pretending to be a victim.
Starvation. Resist the urge to feed it!
- from "Troll Removal 101" in 'Internet for Dummies', 1983

Han_Held: The 2016 elections proved that not all trolls are motivated by attention. This is equally true outside of the U.S. ...especially here on opensimworld, where a fair amount of trolling is done for the s... 2 years ago
HG Safari 2022 Week 09
Where: HG Safari
When: 2 years ago [9 Mar 2022 12:00 SLT]

Books, Big Art, and Carnival
Please come to the CLUBHOUSE on OSgrid to meet the group, get the LMs and find out any last minute changes. Safari
DESTINATION 1 Books and Art at the MdM. Rosanna Galvani invites us to check out the new Ebook library at the Museum, and to see some of the famous art collection on the surrounding regions 2
Fun and dancing on Wyldwood! Sample the sights of New Orleans, learn more about the Bayou, and indulge in some Carnival dancing with Harmony Beningborough and the gang Bayou N'Awlins

Safari returns with a roar today at 12 noon SLT with a visit to Dinkies and Dinosaurs on Discovery Grid! Join us if you can we depart from Safari where you'll find the details of the trip.
Can't come? There will be the usual writeups on a big thanks to @ShalHeira and @KayakerMagic for making this wonderful debut adventure possible!

Thirza Ember: wow thanks to everyone who showed up to the event, about 25 of us (including the naked and the clouds!!) If you'd like to see a few pictures, here are the links 9 months ago
Our weekly Safari trips start again on Wednesday April 5, hope you can join us!
Opensim is full of cool places to visit anytime of course - and the Safari Blog never stops, here are three recent reviews
Angkor Wat:
Monet's House:

LaviaLavine: Love going on these Safaris when I have a free moment to go!! 1 years ago

Thirza Ember: to travel with friends like you guys is pure bliss 2 years ago

Big thanks to Maria Korolov for coming on Safari with us yesterday. If you missed it, here's some of the highlights.

Hella: Maria is an unprecedented meeting in the world of the metaverse, so enthusiastic since so many years :)), thank you for having organized this evening like no other. 2 years ago
Thanks so much to the wonderful @Oni Kiri and to Alia Soulstar and Lorin Tone for hosting the final Safari of the season. We all had such a great time!
Here's our adventure.
Safari returns on September 14 with a visit to see Maria Korolov

Thirza Ember: Thank you so much Oni for getting up so early to join us, and for the warm welcome - that's dedication! 2 years ago
Two new posts today, one about the end of an era, one about a new project just getting started

Marianna : I hope we see Sunbeam again one day, I love her writing style and her focus was keen as to what we wanted to learn about. Like you Thirza I love to read you too, thank you for your thoughtful style w... 2 years ago
HG Safari 2022 Week 10
Where: HG Safari
When: 2 years ago [16 Mar 2022 13:00 SLT]

due to 'Spring Forward' Clock Change
DESTINATION 1 "Silent Refueling" on Outworldz
Ferd Frederix invites us to explore this sci fi themed build, which is based on the 1972 movie "Silent Running" with Bruce Dern
DESTINATION 2 Mondego vLab
Crista Lopes aka Diva Canto invites us to a conversation about the State of OpenSim, and its place going forward in the metaverse, if such a thing exists.

Thirza Ember: Just two more Safari trips in this final season. Thank you all for the support and the enthusiasm you've shown, both the hosts and the tourists. 2 years ago

A donation - however small - to charities engaged in helping the victims is worth much more than sharing your dubious wisdom about the current situation in Ukraine. Be serious.

Thirza Ember: Thanks Satyr for suggesting these great ways to make a practical difference. Talk is cheap. 2 years ago

Thirza Ember: Say what you want, Apollo is hot. 2 years ago
The new season of Safari began yesterday with two outstanding destinations ...
For this first season of 2024 we are one down and 9 more wednesdays to go, if you missed yesterday, here is what happened when we went to
New Orleans with @MsCaladium and
the Guggenheim build by @ToshaTyran
Would you like to have the safari come visit your grid or region? Send me a DM and let's get planning!
HG Safari -out there exploring opensim! The past couple of weeks have taken us to a re-creation of dreams, a community in the tropics, an African sanctuary, and an audience with a famous grid owner. Lots to learn and to laugh at ! If you missed our trips, here are the words and pictures

Thirza Ember: I forgot to add this link. If you have never been on the Safari trips, and would like to see what it looks like, Jessica Pixel livestreamed the last event, here is the link. 8 months ago
sad comment Icons
Today there was a post about the closing of a really nice grid, and I want to put an icon showing I am sorry it's going.
The only non-happy comment icon is the prayer symbol - not appropriate. I don't want to encourage negativity on OSW but... can we have a face with a tear? Also a "wow" face would be a great icon to add.

Kelso.Uxlay: I second this excellent suggestion! 10 months ago
Anatobotanica ! What does it mean? How was it built? Cherry Manga's new build is a must -visit, here is what Cherry told us when we toured on Wednesday
... almost as exciting as camping for money to buy freebies.

Luna Lunaria: I love Cherry's work in Opensim 12 months ago
Whether you're looking for an educational build, some real world art, or just want to meet Arnie on vacation, nothing could be finer than Tosha Tyran's Angkor Wat. The Safari visited the temple and environs, and learned some curious things about the builder...

Luna Lunaria: I love large detailed architectural builds like this one, done with great textures and environment settings. I wasn't able to make the Safari tour due to RL work obligations, but I'm placing this reg... 1 years ago

AMAZING hosts @CCI Grid gave us an unforgettable tour this week on Safari, and the sailing on Alanna was a treat! Words and pictures here:

Thank you Walter and Camryn for sharing this gorgeous build with us all.

Yesterday's Safari, with the friends of Soul Grid, and then Luna Lunaria!

Rudi Bakerly: Thank you Thirza. It was an amazing experience to have you with us. Many thanks for the attention you give to this nice hypergrid project. 2 years ago
Snoots and Nyx - two artful destinations on OSGrid and AMV. Thanks to both our hosts for letting us explore their work

Thirza Ember: Al Scot made a nice video of Nyx's build 2 years ago
A mini roundup of opensim happenings on the Inworld Review.
Always on the lookout for news and new guests, join the Discord group or send me a message if you'd like to be part of the show.
Hypergrid Explorers & Creators

Thirza Ember: Have an upcoming event? Got a poster? Drop it on me, with a short explanation of your event and we will do our best to include it in the show 2 years ago

comments 331 post likes 1318
No upcoming events

My Reviews


A beautiful landscape!


Congratulations on making one of the best art regions in opensim. This is a wonderful place.

Lioness Den

Outstandingly interesting and lovely region. If you like animals this is a must see.


what a work of art. Love it.

Starfleet Museum of Science

wow great work, really informative!

CCI Troms og Finnmark II

What a wonderful place to visit - and revisit! so much beautiful detail, gifts, fun things to see and do.

Forest of Azure

Absolutely beautiful work - everything positioned with exquisite care. One of the prettiest landscapes you'll find in opensim... with some bonus material you may find intriguing.


This whole grid is so beautiful. Great shops, and fun people too!

Far Far Away

One of the most thought provoking Hunt regions in opensim


So many handy animals! (Caution: region is subject to flooding)

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