Thirza Ember @Thirza

Somewhere on the hg Offline

Safari, and other foolishness.

Joined 9 years ago

About Myself

There is a Safari Group here on OSW where I post updates about recent visits

My Regions

6 1 0 Users
Home to the installation "The Little Prince" by Wizardoz Chrome, Tina Bey and Cherry Manga, and to Inworld Review studio
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19 3 0 Users
Annex to the main HG Safari clubhouse on OSGrid. Home to Inworld Review with Mal Burns
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HG Safari
47 17 Safari 0 Users
Home of HG Safari, with information about our weekly hypergridding trips. Self Guided Tour hub - themed trips on art, science history, film etc. Free items, including mesh clothes at Meshanthropy store, also on the island. PLEASE NOTE the photos in the slideshow are of Destinations visited by the ...
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The first in a series of articles about places on the SGT (Self Guided Tours)
This time, 'Sauce' by Maya Paris on Aire Mille Flux.
This is a new project for the Safari. Themed tours, each with 6 destinations, that you can take alone or with friends, any time and not just on Wednesdays with the big Safari group. These Self Guided Tours can be found at the clubhouse on Avacon and (soon) on OSGrid too. jump to to see them and pick up the LMs.
Some tips for would-be hosts for the chaos that is our group trips. If you have had the Safari visit your grid or region, do you have any added advice to give?

Fun at LoveGlo and the Craft birthday party

Fun on our Second Safari of the year.

Fun on our Second Safari of the year.

Thanks to everyone who came on Safari yesterday! There were about 30 of us. I didn't get a photo of everyone, some were killed by dinosaurs before I could do anything.... See the photos on MeWe or on Facebook.
Thanks to everyone who came on Safari yesterday! There were about 30 of us. I didn't get a photo of everyone, some were killed by dinosaurs before I could do anything.... See the photos on MeWe or on Facebook.
Where: HG Safari
When: 6 years ago [28 Feb 2018 12:00 SLT]

Three parties on the regions, to celebrate opensim silliness!

HG Safari Week 178
Where: HG Safari
When: 6 years ago [14 Feb 2018 12:00 SLT]

Valentine's Day Special!
DESTINATION 1 The GENOME PROJECT by Max Chatnoir, managed by Clowey Greenwood, part of the magnificent VIBE grids... this is a journey around genes that should put you in a romantic mood!
DESTINATION 2 Cinderella on Outworldz
We are guests of Debbie and Ferd Frederix and guaranteed a fairytale ending to our tour!

HG Safari Week 177
Where: HG Safari
When: 6 years ago [7 Feb 2018 12:00 SLT]

DESTINATION 1 Art Talk about 1biennale and Grand Ball with +Ervare Farroretre aka Art Blue and company. There is a Formal Ball as part of this event please wear period costume! some dresses an men's outfits will be available at the Clubhouse the day before this event.
DESTINATION 2 Boats, Planes, and Automobiles with Locked Semaphore on Neverworld! un includes a floor shoe, dancing, a loads of scripted freebies. international

HG Safari Week 175
Where: HG Safari
When: 6 years ago [24 Jan 2018 12:00 SLT]

DESTINATION 1 Garden Party = please dress with flowers in your outfit!
DESTINATION 2 Big Art on Craft
First, a trip to +Cherry Manga 's Ciliegia region,
Then we go to Alpha AUer's Uqbar region, part of the Museo del Metaverso by +Rosanna Galvani

HG Safari Week 174
Where: HG Safari
When: 6 years ago [17 Jan 2018 12:00 SLT]

DESTINATION 1 Satyr 'Gator' Aeon invites us to come see his farming system on roman region, metropolis, he will be present to explain it and answer questions about raising animals, feeding, even making your own wine and honey!
DESTINATION 2 A visit to Elbereth Elentari's Mystical Haven on her beautiful region on Tangle Grid. Use the notecard to explore the region, answer five questions, and find the prize at the end. Music by the lovely Leslie Kling, at the castle.

HG Safari Week 173
Where: HG Safari
When: 6 years ago [10 Jan 2018 12:00 SLT]

DESTINATION 1 Azi Az and Danger Lytton invite us for a sneak peek at the new Marina they are opening officially on Saturday! Land on The Almost Islands, then use the portal to get to the Marina. almost islands
DESTINATION 2 DJ Phil has a brilliant region on OSGrid dedicated to finding ways to communicate information in new 3D ways... and we're invited! concepts

HG Safari Week 172
Where: HG Safari
When: 6 years ago [3 Jan 2018 12:00 SLT]

Let's start the new year off with some big art.
DESTINATION 1 The River of Forgetting on Kitely
+Karima Hoisan invites us to experience firsthand the build that became a glorious Machinima river of forgetting
DESTINATION 2 Art Blue aka +Ervare Farroretre and co invite us over to Futurelab to see 'Sand' a spectacular light show with Venus Adored at the particle helm.
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HG Safari Week 170
Where: HG Safari
When: 7 years ago [20 Dec 2017 12:00 SLT]

Two fun places, one old favourite, one new discovery!
DESTINATION 1 HGLuv Hyacinth Jewell invites you to sample this relatively new grid with lots of exciting new creative content going on! plaza
DESTINATION 2 We return to Creanovale as guests of Dabici Straulino and Kelso Uxlay. This French Canadian grid is a winter wonderland. Added bonus, a concert with Truelie Telling is part of the package!

HG Safari Week 169
Where: HG Safari
When: 7 years ago [13 Dec 2017 12:00 SLT]

Two destinations again this week!
DESTINATION 1 A visit to one of opensim's oldest grids, 3rd Rock, where there's a chance to do cross country skiing, skating, and we will get some news about next years no borders event.
DESTINATION 2 Get your Group on... Hie!
The Hypergrid International Expo is at the weekend, this is a chance to dance, to join the Language Groups, to learn about the speakers and how the conference will work.

HG Safari Week 168
Where: HG Safari
When: 7 years ago [6 Dec 2017 12:00 SLT]

Marc Moana shows off his Art grid packed with prestigious installations by big name artists..
learn more at
Logi invites us to explore his Space themed region. Dancing, learning about the Mars Society of Belgium, and a trip on a Space Shuttle
learn more at

HG Safari Week 167
Where: HG Safari
When: 7 years ago [29 Nov 2017 12:00 SLT]

DESTINATION 1 FASHION! with Loru Destiny and friends
Last Saturday there was a Gala Fashion show at the Castle on Loru and Art Destiny's beautiful castle region - we go back to see what happened, try the fashion, and have some fun! castle
DESTINATION 2 Return to Counter Earth
Kindra Turian invites us back to see the 10 new 'worlds' being constructed on the Gorean grid, Counter Earth. fields

HG Safari Week 166
Where: HG Safari
When: 7 years ago [22 Nov 2017 12:00 SLT]

Nick Zwart invites us to learn about a new project Eva Park. This is a way that people with aphasia can be helped to find their words in a virtual environment.
22 November is the 54th anniversary of the assassination of John F Kennedy, and we mark the occasion by visiting Aacme Fall's build on 3rdLife Grid. As a long-time student of the literature surrounding this historical event, AAcme is the perfect perso

HG Safari Week 165
Where: HG Safari
When: 7 years ago [15 Nov 2017 12:00 SLT]

Two 90 minute stops
Frankie Rockett invites us to explore his immersive art exhibits, and to put yourself in famous paintings and photos!
*IMPORTANT* this region can be delicate, so don't be surprised if you crash! Please load on LBSA plaza before going to see the art.
please go to first, then jump to Art Box 1
Thai Low and Christine Endivatomic invite us to play Thai's new Zombie game! Also a chance to ask him about this new scriptl

HG Safari Week 163
Where: HG Safari
When: 7 years ago [6 Nov 2017 13:00 SLT]

Two 90 minute visits
DESTINATION 1 A Kroatan Halloween. Bink Draconia, Kiki Baily and Paristella Marisol welcome us to their 'Missing Person' hunt on a spectacularly lovely small town build. Click on the people to get clues, and gifts, and solve the Abbandonato mystery
DESTINATION 2 VIBE islands. Nova Saunders welcomes us for a look at these Virtual islands of learning, to discover how academ

HG Safari Week 164
Where: HG Safari
When: 7 years ago [8 Nov 2017 12:00 SLT]

DESTINATION 1 Intro to the Hypergrid International Expo. Come dance and learn more about how you can be part of the upcoming Expo
DESTINATION 2 Seanchai Library invites us to explorea new build by Shandon Loring 'The Citadel' and hear a reading from A Connecticut Yankee In King Arthur's Court by Caledonia Skytower

HG Safari Week 162
Where: HG Safari
When: 7 years ago [25 Oct 2017 12:00 SLT]

Two semi spooky destinations, each 90 minutes
DESTINATION 1 Spookiness on Metro
We visit Metropolis Grid, and learn about the IMA, in a Halloween spook and zombiefest. Outpost Alpha
DESTINATION 2 A farewell to Avatarfest 2017
The Festval grid will be closing its doors at the end of the month, so we take one last look around the exhibits, with a concert by Truelie Telling

HG Safari Week 161
Where: HG Safari
When: 7 years ago [18 Oct 2017 12:00 SLT]

Two stop safari this week, each destination = 90 minutes
DESTINATION 1 Sanctuary Grid.
Meet Shaun Emerald, ower of Sanctuary, the grid famous for its Gates to other Worlds... and much more! Sanctuary grid is about 8 years old, so there is much to learn about its history, and the secret of its long life, so bring your questions...Shaun will meet us on Eld, the welcome region.
DESTINATION 2 Opensimlife
Bill Blight invites us to explore some more of the grid noted for its mo

HG Safari Week 159
Where: HG Safari
When: 7 years ago [4 Oct 2017 12:00 SLT]

Two stops this week, each 90 minutes
DESTINATION 1 Edu3D on Craft Grid
Giliola Giurgola invites us to explore some of the fun ways this Italian educational group uses Virtual worlds, beginning with a trip to to Blane and a Pirate game
DESTINATION 2 OSGrid fundraiser revisited
Dancing and fun on Event Plaza, and a chat with Albertlr Landar:about the future of the grid and its place in opensim culture. plaza

HG Safari Week 158
Where: HG Safari
When: 7 years ago [27 Sep 2017 12:00 SLT]

Three destinations, so brace yourselves.
DESTINATION 1 Versailles - a work in progress. On Ignis Fatuus, the group is working on a mega project to build a virtual Versailles
DESTINATION 2 How much do you know about TanGle? Meet Leslie Kling, as questions, dance on the Grid's HG Station, and take a quick visit the Steampunk expo. Station 1
Hans Nerido invites us to his new grid, Vartown, for a super Load test. Part of the fun, RACING o

HG Safari Week 157 ~ Pirate Week ~
Where: HG Safari
When: 7 years ago [20 Sep 2017 12:00 SLT]

Shiver me timbers! In honor of Talk Like a Pirate Day, we're having 2 Pirate events this week.
DESTINATION 1 Pirates on Dereos
Vivienne and Victor Clary welcome us to their seafaring regions, for a dance (and maybe some freebie shopping!) sea
DESTINATION 2 Pirates on Digiworldz
Strannik Zipper invites us to come dance on his region, Pirates Atoll, and also to hear a Dramatic Reading by Emil Jannings, taken from the famous novel, Moby Dick atoll

HG Safari Week 156
Where: HG Safari
When: 7 years ago [13 Sep 2017 12:00 SLT]

Two spectacular destinations this week
DESTINATION 1 (90 minutes) SnowCrash by Art Blue and Juliette Surrealdreaming
This is a performance to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the novel Snow Crash, which gave rise to the vw use of the word 'metaverse' .
DESTINATION 2 (90 minutes) Here Comes The SUN! A party to celebrate the contribution of Sunbeam Magic to the opensim community, with music, dancing, and more. Wear your wings! sunbeams

HG Safari Week 155 We're Back!
Where: HG Safari
When: 7 years ago [6 Sep 2017 12:00 SLT]

Safari returns with two destinations to get us back into the groove.
DESTINATION 1 (90 minutes) Roland Francis welcomes us to Neiferleaf his fantasy landscape realm for a conversation and dance. Learn about this beautiful Belgian-based grid, and enjoy the tunes provided by DJane Cataplexia Neiferleaf
DESTINATION 2 (90 Minutes) Posh Prim invites us to see an artistic tribute to whistleblowers like Edward Snowden. Find out more about hackers, ask why this subject enthralls, and hey, w

HG Safari Week 154 FINALE WEEK
Where: HG Safari
When: 7 years ago [5 Jul 2017 12:00 SLT]

4 hours of fun, exploring, and music!
Another group hypergridding trip
Starts from the Clubhouse, be ready to grid jump to meet new people and enjoy live music. Details available at the Clubhouse, and in the comments below.

HG Safari Week 152 Harry & the Hunt
Where: HG Safari
When: 7 years ago [21 Jun 2017 12:00 SLT]

DESTINATION 1 Hogwarts by Franziska Bossi Fabulous reconstruction of Hogsmeade station, the school and much ore, with Potteresque NPCs and lots of furnished houses to play in!. IMPORTANT The risk of crashing the regions is HIGH Please load your avie on Metropolis Startregion
Treasure Hunt on Neverworld Grid!
Locked Semaphore Govega Sachertorte and co invite us back to check out Neverworld's latest attraction, a Hunt region... collect the gold coins of different valu

HG Safari Week 151 Make a Scene!
Where: HG Safari
When: 7 years ago [14 Jun 2017 12:00 SLT]

Safari Makes A Scene!
DESTINATION 1 Wedding sim on Kikiandwollex grid
See one of opensim's most romantic regions, KiWo Wedding, created for the wedding of Kiki and Wollex Bailey and then look for KiWo Wedding region
DESTINATION 2 Art in Boxes!
Frankie Rockett invites us to explore Art Box, one of the top 10 best regions in the hyperverse. Strike a pose, and have your moment of fame!
Please remember this is a tiny home-based region. Help us not to crash, go FIRST to

HG Safari Week 150 Space Week
Where: HG Safari
When: 7 years ago [7 Jun 2017 12:00 SLT]

DESTINATION 1 Pangea, Metropolis
Explore the James Cameron movie Avatar with some Na'avi roleplayers... step into their world and learn more about the virtual Pandoran ecosystem. With Kxyria Weytana and David Kreisel (PLEASE Help prevent the region crashing - make sure you load your avie on Metropolis grid's Startregion before going to this build)
DESTINATION 2 Alpha Centauri Trek, Outworldz
Ferd frederix does it again with another fun and beautiful build complete with NPCs and

HG Safari Week 148 3 year Anniversary party
Where: HG Safari
When: 7 years ago [24 May 2017 12:00 SLT]

Join us to celebrate three years of group hypergridding

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No upcoming events

My Reviews


A beautiful landscape!


Congratulations on making one of the best art regions in opensim. This is a wonderful place.

Lioness Den

Outstandingly interesting and lovely region. If you like animals this is a must see.


what a work of art. Love it.

Starfleet Museum of Science

wow great work, really informative!

CCI Tromsoe City

What a wonderful place to visit - and revisit! so much beautiful detail, gifts, fun things to see and do.

Forest of Azure

Absolutely beautiful work - everything positioned with exquisite care. One of the prettiest landscapes you'll find in opensim... with some bonus material you may find intriguing.


This whole grid is so beautiful. Great shops, and fun people too!

Far Far Away

One of the most thought provoking Hunt regions in opensim


So many handy animals! (Caution: region is subject to flooding)

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