Tonia Kara @ToniaKara

Trowbridge, Wiltshire, UK Offline

Nerdy Girl

Liked posts

Rez Zone is a shared creative Sandbox where users can freely build. Please be mindful that all items left in the sandbox will be automatically returned every 24 hours to keep the space open and organized for everyone. By using this sandbox, you agree to respect the builds of others, refrain from disruptive behavior, and follow all community guidelines. We aim to maintain a positive environment for creative expression and collaboration. Thank you for your cooperation!

Experimenting with the glass properties of PBR

ToniaKara: Beautiful x 3 months ago
Why has the "What Are You Looking For" group grown to 130 members in a year? Well, there is this recent post by Tainted Angel:

"I have over 60 free oars that I give away free, and I'm always adding more. Most buildings are furnished as well. I use Dreamgrid and they'll work for opensim and secondlife. As long as you can upload an oar, there's plenty to choose from. Hope this helps"."

Join us for our second year. Tell us what you are looking for. And, best of all, help people find what they are looking for.

"What Are You Looking For"
Harmony Isle Events:
Dj KrisTina
Starting NOW to 6pm Grid-Time
Classic Rock / Country Night
Danger Lytton
Starting 6 to 8pm Grid-Time
Blues, Classic Rock, Country
Taxi: hop://
Zoree Jupiter Live
1:00-2:00pm GRID Time
Club Fire
Gentle Fire Grid
Halloween costume encouraged
Hey Everyone 🙂 I'm performing at Stark Islands at 11:AM
Come join me, request a few tunes and have some fun!
Time: 11:00am/1100hr Grid Time
Dress: Seasonal/Casual/Club Wear/Nakie
MAP: hop://

niki stuart: looking forward to it as always rogue 3 months ago

Jupiter Rowland: Seriously, if your machine has got what it takes, set your viewer to shared environment, crank your graphics settings up as far as you and your hardware can bear (shadows strongly recommended), take o... 3 months ago

TheFactory: Wonderful work, looking forward to seeing it expand! 3 months ago

Lone working on his stand at Wolf Winter Fest this weekend!

ToniaKara: Very Handsome Indeed xx 3 months ago

Sam and i are working on a huge area, depicting pre-contact New England and Canada. This panorama is of the estuary where the Saco River in Maine meets the sea.

Jupiter Rowland: Why do I feel the urge to inspire the Argentoratum people to make an animesh Oumpah-Pah? 3 months ago