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Thanks for the update and all the great work the ops do!
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Ah..great AI render! Dorena and her far left, fascist Antifa gang hunting down people with an other opinion.
I took it as representing her running from masked Antifa members and the refugees that seem to be a problem in Germany.
That was the first thing that came to my mind.
In my country Antifa scum also has violent protests, all cowardly hiding there faces.
Comments like yours show me how necessary an event like ours next weekend is. Thank you for your unwanted approval.
My pleasure Dorena, love to contribute!
Enjoy! :)
Contrary to what some people here think I'm doing, namely crying, I actually enjoy watching people reveal their true selves.^^
You are indeed revealing a lot of yourself :)
And I actually enjoy doing it, rather than playing in a virtual sandbox with a bucket and shovel.
So much for the subject of image interpretation, set 6
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Hitler was left-wing....the far left wing to be correct.
But like racism, fascism has no color. It can be "practiced" by both, the left and right spectrum.

Communism and fascism go hand in hand.

Sad thing is we never learn, history repeats it selves.
The statement "Hitler was a communist" is historically incorrect.

Justification in historical context:

1. Hitler's ideological orientation:

Adolf Hitler was the leader of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP) and the dictator of Nazi Germany. The ideology of National Socialism was based on extreme right-wing, racist and nationalist elements. The fight against communism and socialism was explicitly at the center of National Socialist propaganda and politics.

2. Opposition to communism:

Even in the Weimar Republic and during the rise of the NSDAP, Hitler's political agenda was also strongly directed against the Communist Party of Germany (KPD) and other left-wing movements. After the National Socialists came to power, communists and social democrats were systematically persecuted, imprisoned and murdered. Hitler saw communism not only as a political opponent, but also as an ideological enemy.

3. Conceptual confusion and rhetorical strategies:
There are occasional attempts to mix or reinterpret political terms or ideological concepts, for example to mobilize voters or influence the political debate. However, such rhetoric contradicts historical reality. The term "communist" refers to a person who is committed to communist ideology - an ideology based on the abolition of private ownership of the means of production, the establishment of a classless society and a radical redistribution of power. Hitler and the NSDAP, on the other hand, pursued an authoritarian, racist and nationalist policy that pursued entirely different goals.

The claim that Hitler was a communist does not correspond to historical facts. Hitler's politics, ideology and actions were the opposite of what is meant by the term communism. The statement is therefore misleading and factually untenable.
You conclusion is not correct :-)
Hitler was a National socialist and was charmed about communism.
Hello Toy Boy, don't waste your time debating with leftist fanatics, it's the same as dialoguing with a hungry donkey, they are indoctrinated not to accept the facts and the true story that are not theirs, they are dictators of reason, the only way to silence a leftist is to pretend to agree with them, Dorena Verne is the mirror of political illiteracy, her sources of information are visibly from leftist websites that spread fake news, she is the famous copy and paste, Suzi Avonside she projects her image in pure fascism, just observe her repeated words, fascist? bans? shut up, prejudice and prohibit, this is a strong sign of a fascist dictator they even deceive themselves, for Suzi if the breed of the neighbor's dog is not your preference it is Fascist. Ha... but of course they will say it is a lie? I quote Joseph Goebbels Adolf Hitler's campaign manager, A lie repeated a thousand times becomes the truth. So effective was his work that there are still those today who defend the TRUTHS of the Third Reich.
If arguments and evidence for your own statement are missing, then just say something like what you say?
Sorry ToyBoy, but you don't seem to be capable of anything more than trolling without any evidence. You give me the impression that you just want to provoke, but please. Have fun with it.
Just responding on disinformation and I am trying to do that in a polite manner unlike some impolite and rude people, waves to @Suzi_Avonside :-)

Trying to better my life to not be triggered by far left nonsense but I have to admit I am having a hard time doing that.

But ok, I wish you a lot of fun coming weekend.
Enjoy your day.
Thank you, I will. But I would be very interested to know what sources you can use to support your opinion. So far, I haven't heard much, if anything, from you...
He can't Dorena, because he's a fucking moron. These idiots are far more concerned about miniscule groups that spend more time hacking chunks out one one another to the extent that they are nowhere near a threat, than they are the real and present threat that is already in government in the USA, Hungary, Slovakia, Turkey, Argentina and Italy and a resurgent far fight in many other countries. What utter fucking morons!
Too bad that wasn't Dorenas conclusion dear. What Dorena posted there was an evaluation done by ChatGPT. That is what intelligence is about: Check the facts and don't fall for blatant lies.
The word "Socialist" in the name of the party was a lie to begin with - and to now try to frame him a socialist is just the perpetuation of that lie.
AI is cool but, wrong data you put in, also comes out :)
Here ist the "wrong data" that resulted in the evaluation abocve:
In a widely read interview with Elon Musk, Alice Weidel (AfD) said:
"Hitler was a communist."
Please check and evaluate the truthfulness of the statement.
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That's the spirit ;)
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@Sylvia is right.
We should use this platform for OpenSim and not politically.
Maybe it is better to post these far left meetings on X or FB?
das ehe icha uch so ..dieses führt nur zu spaltung und zum abwandern in ander spiel arten wo eben diese art der feiziet , des erholens von all dem dadrausen möglich ist ,,als ruhe und freude tanken ..
It's an event within OpenSim, so it belongs here just like carnival or something similar. The fact that it became a discussion post is thanks to you alone.
spaltung gehört also hier her ..tolle idee .. das sich meschen egal ob nun so oder einafch nur auf der suchen nahc ruhe diesen ort verlassen könnten ist egal ?? so viel egoismuss ..??
Das ist eine Ankündigung für ein Event, wer da nicht dabei sein will, bleibt eben fern. Es war nicht mein Idee das die Kommentare derart eskalieren.
Always happy to contribute Dorena.
Political extremists, seem to trigger me. I am working on that :)

Enjoy your day Dorena.
You have pushed the event into an extreme corner, the event itself is not extreme...
In my world Antifa is a very violent and extreme organization.
so ist es von24-28 war es die SA ein kampftrupper der linkes extremen NSDAP ( mit dem haus von nationalismusn als gen pol zur linken KPD und beides Kinder der SPD alles linke udn keiner von ihen hat deustchland gut getan bis heuTe ) und heute hat die linke wieder ien kamptruppe die ANTIFA
NSDAP war links,..oh Mann, in der letzten Zeit lese und höre ich ständig so einen Schwachsinn...
Yes, well, you're a fucking moron.
Whatever your world should be...
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Very extreme people.
All unwelcome opinions are considered fascist by definition.
No one is forcing you to be here, so why not just fuck off?
udn primtin geht immer ..merh ist da nicht ausser gewalt sowohl verball als auch körperlich .. freiden udn iebe unbekannt ..
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@Anachron, Ok, it is clear that it is a violent club.

It is also an organized group of people who often express their left-oriented opinion in a violent way.
They do this via websites, social media groups, etc. (Hi Dorena :)
All characteristics of an organization.

Everyone has the right to express an opinion... you can then have a dialogue about it.

Unfortunately, people on the left and right spectrums are diametrically opposed to each other, even though they often have the same basic interests.
Left and right peoples have absolute identical dreams and want identical things.
But their leaders is always only money oriented and totally don't care about any other values!
Das ist so stimmig .habe viel rl gespräche mit linke und rechten geführt,
im grunde wolle die gemässigten alles das geleich , werden jedoch von minderhiet so strak manipuliert das diese in ieien art gewissen starre verfalen auf grund ihrer eigen trägheit und genau diese momnetum nutzen jene wenige um diese spaltung aufrecht zuerhalten und doreen fütter deise spiek auch noch und bringt diese spaltung in einen raum in dem die menschen ruhen wollen von der RL welt ..
I always assumed that you are a Far Right Person Pagane?
ABSOLUTE YES! I was left before 30 years ... and pay for this with all my dreams!
You really NOT READ! I live 35 years in this. We all in eastern europe live in this socialism - now neoliberal.
For me this is PAST! I read memories and history.
For you is dark future and if continue .... will pay with many years of life. Your and your kids!
Sad, but fact!
Me and my Kids? My daughters are Autistic and as for many years of my life I am nearly 64 years old. 53 lost years trying to be who other people wanted me to be? I am in the UK not eastern europe!
Then NOT ask from easter europe peoples to return to socialism = liberaldemocracy (Mao name this social imperialism and disable in China.... this starts Chine industrial and culture jump)
Direct proof of the audacity and stupidity of neo-liberals and LGBTQ victims.
Seriously, have you ever read any books about fascism or socialism?
Official statistics prove you wrong. Compare the violent crimes comited on the right and left side of the spectrum. No doubt there is extremist violence, but "Antifa" is not about violence at all - its just opposition to fascism in any form whatsoever. Actually antifascists are generally opposed to violence.
we bitt statitik der BRD behörden . es gibt einhohen anzahl rechter gwalt ..un zur im bereich der Meinungs anmerkung ..dagen stehet eine sehr hohe anzuhl von gewalttaten der antifa . so wohl gegen objekt als auch direkt gegen person .

viel interasnter sind die zahle voninterpol und dessen warhnung vor der linken gewalt ..alle Daten zufinde im WWW ..
There we disagree :)
You would, only a fucking moron would disagree about a fact!
You are a rude imbecile :-)
Rude, yes, imbecile, clearly not. And why shouldn't I be fucking rude? I'll always be rude to those who are apologists for fascism.
You are not only rude but also very stupid with the assumptions you make.
Have a nice evening there :)
I've not made any assumptions, your initial comment was sufficient to form my opinion. Anyone who thinks Antifa is an organisation has clearly drunk all the Trump Kool-Aid.
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Antifa is a violent terroristic organization and should be forbidden.
Just fuck off with your cretinous rubbish!
Ah, a real Antifa member :)
You've just been told that Antifa isn't an organisation, so no one can join, and it has no membership, I'm not an Antifa member. I do however shade under the Antifa umbrella like any decent anti-fascist. Are you seriously telling me that you're outing yourself as a fascist or fascist supporter?
Antifa is not an organized entity at all, nor is it violent, let alone terroristic. Climb out of your echo-chamber and reconnect to reality.
Thank you for your reply Anachron.

It seems you are disconnect from reality :-)
That's not a problem at all but don't accuse others about something that you lack.

Have a great day :)
A Google picture search, wow! That absolutely proves it! For fucks sake, do some proper research, read a few books, Hananh Arendt is good, read Robert Reich's Substack, in fact open your obviously closed mind and STOP WATCHING FOX NEWS!
That there are antifascists doesn't mean there is an organization "Antifa". Antifa is just a label - there is no organization that could be forbidden - its an opinion and you wouldn't forbid an opinion, would you? And if you would, that exactly would label you a fascist.
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Die Faschisten der Zukunft werden sich Antifaschisten nennen.

Nach der Abrisspolitik der CDU ist es gut, dass nun andere Parteien entstehen.
Das intellektuelle Deutschland wählt AfD.
For fuck's sake I hope not!
"Das intellektuelle Deutschland wählt AfD. " - Also der Satz stellt mein Zwerchfell jetzt auf die Zerreißprobe.
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When people run out of arguments, they quickly play the Nazi card.
Not the first time that, politically biased, Dorena does that :)
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Awesome gallery!
thank you ! how can I say this, you cant escape the photo :) So when and where ?
When you got time :)
You're place would be great.
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Nice people and great music!
It was a good moment thank you !
Yes, it was pleasurable.
More people should join the happy hour :)
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I am not lost :)
Toyyyyyy Boyyyyyyyy! I am a huge fan of your Modified Beach house haha. I still haven't put any furnishings in it but I do love that custom rooftop hangar. =) And you were the first one in all the grid to have a rezzer too haha
Smiles, happy you like it Lilly :)
hugs and have a great weekend!
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Great set, thanks Miss Munk!
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wow! Awesome work!