Trouble Ahead @Trouble


Owner of Catronian Archipel in Kitely

Joined 6 years ago

About Myself


My Regions

Catronian Archipelago
13 0 Archipelago 0 Users
Website: Video: When this region shows offline: it takes only 30 seconds to start up when you TP there. :) Catronian Archipelago provides a place for sailors and roleplayers. Lots of sea to sail on, and you can test ser...
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comments 15 post likes 296 SatyrFarm points 6,990
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My Reviews


Must see, one of the most beautifully landscaped places I have seen in OS.

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Profile Comments

it is a pity when people allow those who are abusive in private to hide that, and see no reason for that to be brought into the light where it belongs. Protecting such abusive people adds nothing to this site here, pity.