Liked posts

Versailles garden

Versailles Kings room

Versailles Queens room

Versailles Salle des glaces

Versailles gardenside

Versailles frontside

Interconnecting Dorsal Deck 8-14

Hangar Bay Deck 19

Deck 7

Deck 6

Deck 5

Hi everybody,
I'm the creator of the complete USS Enterprise 1701 in open sim ( Soul )
come and have a look !
Roleplay possible

News news!!! heheheh me again ....

LeonitasLionheart: 3! now to see if i can make this fit Jake/Ares xD 13 days ago

Lazy Sunday morning outfit, and some shopping at amazing @Pilar 's Tierra de Volcanes

Pictured above......typical product from Friends mall

I have tried to tell people that our mall is a little different; but tonight I want to show you one of our best selling products - the amazing horses from my friend Roland Francis.

Most of you know about Roland and his horses....but I am going to brag anyways. I used to raise horses in SL. You dont even want to know how much I spent on food.....and then the horses were not naturally grazing. If you found ones that could not ride them. I have tried every horse I found in Second Life and Opensim, and I honestly believe Roland's horses offer the best ride and most realistic animations. might ask...what does this have to do with a mall? We are honored to be able to offer Rolands horses to you here at Friends Mall and I have built a special path to let you try them. Ride over the mountains...past the pond...and the long oceanside trail....and I am sure you will fall in love with these horses.

Go to the Equitacion Store at Friends Mall.

Then walk out the back of the store to take a horse for a ride. When you arrive back at the building, you can get your own horse is called HHorse rezzer v2.0 and is inside the stable building at the Mall.

These horses are wonderful! Thank you Roland!

Lillysparks: Awesome. Love it!! Can't wait to see these! 16 days ago

News! Cucciola Shop hop://

Blake Hayvenhurst: My eyes are treated so well ♥ 19 days ago

The Dragon King!

we LOVE builders!

Textures Trees & Scripts

The beauty of Opaque

come see the 17 new glass textures at

Textures Trees & Scripts

"Opaque Glass Texture" by rjg329 is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

They say that it's the journey, not the destination... So why not have fun while you get there? And bring along another 4 friends while you are at that!
Mariner's Lustful Speed boat comes packed with +1200 animations. But I thought we could add some more, so I integrated the menu with the Underwater sex ones...because I can!
Speedboat is fully drivable and include some sounds!

Uber: hop:// Boutiques/388/411/23

Aurora Starchild: Hey lovelies - I know some are getting some region errors...please click on the vendors just once and wait. It does take some time if you are from another grid. 2 months ago
New Item in Store!

This is a set of 4 garden pavers with a full season changing HUD. If you want to jazz up your a garden a bit, come on over to Raven's Peak and get your FREE copy now!

If you like what we're doing, please keep popping over because many of the stores are being updated daily!

Mike & Zoey ♥
They are exhausted, but the fox hunt went well (or studying scripting pack behavior)
Arriving with an exhausted pack

Sim crossing over 4 var regions with followers works extremely well IF you cross calmly and keep your objects close.

PinDeluca: Wow this look amazing. I must visit. 8 months ago
Ecco qua una grid italiana dove poter giocare ballare cantare fare musica interagire con tutto il metaverso italiana ma anche internazionale ricordiamo che è aperta a TUTTI.
A breve apriremo anche la land dedicata allo shopping , e la land dedicata ai giochi.
Here is an Italian grid where you can play, dance, sing, make music, interact with the whole Italian but also international metaverse, remember that it is open to ALL.
Soon we will also open the land dedicated to shopping, and the land dedicated to games.

Aquí hay una grilla italiana donde puedes tocar, bailar, cantar, hacer música, interactuar con todo el metaverso italiano pero también internacional, recuerda que está abierto a TODOS.
Próximamente abriremos también el terreno dedicado a las compras, y el terreno dedicado a los juegos.

Hier ist ein italienisches Raster, in dem Sie spielen, tanzen, singen, Musik machen und mit dem gesamten italienischen, aber auch internationalen Metaversum interagieren können. Denken Sie daran, dass es für ALLE offen ist.
Bald werden wir auch das dem Einkaufen gewidmete Land und das dem Spielen gewidmete Land eröffnen.

Darci Viper: would love to visit but cant find the LM for this 1 years ago

Early morning harrow- or the early bird gets the worm.

Mind Odyssey art exhibit is a spectacle of vibrant colors and animation. If you are free this weekend, please consider taking the time to visit this exhibit. Art is presented by these artists:

Cherry Manga
Amaranthim Talon
Shirl Tainted Angel
Nyx Breen

Bibiana has beautiful pieces about too! Odyssey

nyxbreen: Great place for surreal to magical experiences by many artists. Thank you, Mariana for supporting virtual art with this wonderful space. A new piece coming soon. 1 years ago

NEW TO STARK SHOPS!!!! Windlight settings as imported by Mattie, a must have for all!!!!!

UPDATE March 3rd : New version 2.1 with newly created high-LoD meshprim

16 Charsx5 per line= 80 Chars Mesh XYzzyText Message Boards: grab yourself a copy at
(For Arkham grid members: you need a special VIP Group Account to get access, please contact our grid administrator)

KrisTina: Very useful, well done! 1 years ago
Experimenting with hearding of animals with different heights on EAS region

They all stay nicely on the ground (or prim) auto-adjusting their height to the leader's.

Kelso.Uxlay: Really cool - keep working on this! 1 years ago

JeanDagostino: wünsche dir auch frohe sweety♥ 1 years ago
What could be nicer than sharing something. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the shared time. Merry Christmas and a Happy and Hopeful New Year....
Was kann es Schöneres geben als etwas zu teilen. Ich danke euch von Herzen für die geteilte Zeit. Friedliche Weihnachten und ein glückliches und hoffnungsvolles neues Jahr....


Plötzlich und unerwaret schlief am 4.12. mein liebster Rudi unser Grid Vater ein

Ich bin nur ins Zimmer nebenan gegangen.
Nichts ist passiert.
Alles bleibt genauso wie es war.

Ich bin ich, und ihr seid ihr, und das alte Leben, das wir so liebevoll zusammen lebten, ist unberührt und unverändert.
Was auch immer wir füreinander waren, das sind wir noch.
Ruft mich mit meinem alten vertrauten Namen.
Sprecht von mir in derselben selbstverständlichen Redeweise, die ihr immer benutzt habt.
Macht keinen Unterschied im Ton.
Erzeugt keine gezwungene Atmospäre der Feierlichkeit oder des Kummers.
Lacht, wie wir immer über die kleinen Späße lachten, die wir gemeinsam genossen haben.
Spielt, lächelt, denkt an mich, betet für mich.

Lasst meinen Namen immer vertraut und alltäglich bleiben, wie er es bisher auch war.
Lasst ihn ohne Anstrengung gesprochen werden, ohne einen geisterhaften Schatten.

Das Leben bedeutet alles, was es vorher auch bedeutet hat.
Es ist dasselbe wie es immer war. Es gibt absolute und ununterbrochene Kontinuität.
Was ist dieser Tod anderes als ein vernachlässigbarer Unfall?
Warum sollte ich aus eurem Sinn sein, nur weil ihr mich nicht mehr sehen könnt?
Ich warte in der Zwischenzeit auf euch, irgendwo ganz in der Nähe, gleich um die Ecke.

Alles ist gut.

Nichts ist verletzt; nichts ist verloren .
Ein kurzer Moment und alles wird so sein wie früher.
Wie werden wir über die Mühen des Abschieds lachen, wenn wir uns wiedersehen!

Tatum: I've known rudi a little bit (under different avis), but I do remember one of the nicest and most kind people of OS. Rest well my friendly friend! My condolences to friends and family! 1 years ago

News at Camballa
Moon Diva Dress in 5 Colors
All news at the News-Box look at the Teleporter
have all a Good Time your Karin Becker

News for St. Nicholas Day have a lot of fun and a contemplative time
Greetings from your Karin Becker

Weihnachts Achten
Es schlagen die Herzen
so hell und fromm
es funkeln die Kerzen
so wild im Sturm

Es friert die Armut
das Fest erwacht
auf Bänken im Winter
in voller Pracht.
(Claas Claasen)

Wir wünschen Euch einen besinnlichen und achtsamen 2. Advent,
und viel Spaß mit Türchen 4

Hugabug: beautifully done ! 1 years ago

for the 2nd advent new on camballa

KarinBecker: Thanks Jackie i love it to 1 years ago