ViolettaBiziou @ViolettaBiziou

Lanopye Offline

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Data transfer status.

Do you remember a post I made some time ago, about assets missing due a day transfer?

Let me tell you the full story because I got a post that's a bit too angry and a bit too misinformed for my taste.

Originally OSG was mostly on a datacentre on Texas, at first it was good, but it got progressively more and more inadequate for the grid, do you remember two years ago that we had a weekly outage? Or sudden grid downs that used to last 24 hours?

It was time to move the whole grid to new pastures and they did! The total data was transferred to a better datacetre, the transference was brutal though, we're talking about millions upon millions of tiny files, it took months to transfer all that and they managed to do it with the grid running. Of course there was side effects, slowness to rez, extended times to see the textures appear, etc. A small price to pay compared to the alternative: shut down the grid for a couple of months.

Some days ago I was told the current status of the last server move, the one with oldest assets, most notably 1+ year old textures and notecards.

The good news: the transfer is done, it took about a month.
I was told not once, not twice but several times: No data was lost.

"So where are my textures?"

This is the current situation: While the data is already transferred it's the equivalent of moving, we have all the boxes into the new house, now it's time to unbox and arrange our stuff in the empty space.

That last server had about 168 million assets.

The program that the guys wrote specifically to ingest the data into the new server process about 1.6 million assets per day, plus they're verifying the integrity of each bit (thanks to that they had corrected/recover 4854 assets so far), the whole process assuming 1.3 million assets processed and ingested per day will take between 90 to 120 days from today.

I asked if this will cause lag or poor performance: No, this process happens on a separate server, and it's independent of the rest of the grid, so it won't impact performance.

No data has been lost, but many is still in the box, waiting to be put in the proper place.

Is it a bummer? of course it is, all my profile pictures (all of them are 1+ year old) are gone, white. I won't delete them because they will be back.

Finally this process is progressive, it means that as the data gets processed it becomes available, my pic today is white but tomorrow may be back, as it reaches its's turn in the queue.

So don't despair, we're in the final stretch.

