Webby Merlin @Webby

Jacksonville, FL Offline

Joined 7 years ago

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Musical Mystery Tour
1 0 alternatemetaverse.com:8002:Musical Mystery Tour 0 Users
TEAM 2 Build by Clan's Band - 8 levels of music genres on our "Musical Mystery Tour" -- We didn't win the AMV Building Contest, but we hope you will enjoy the sim :) Take the TP at ground zero directly to any level, or ride a series of balloons up through all the levels. To book a show at any of the...
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Club Escotia
52 3 alternatemetaverse.com:8002:Club Escotia 0 Users
An entertainment venue fit for The King! Created for and featuring the singing talents of Clan Escotia, the sensational Scotsman who will amaze you with his range and his quirky personality. Join him as he hosts various artists from around the metaverse and sings for the amusement of his adoring fan...
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This unique sim created by members of Team 2 aka Clan's Band features a "Musical Mystery Tour" of 8 different genre levels of music. Today we'll be on the BeBop level 5 at MoonShine's Drive In Diner. Clan will sing LIVE and we'll push back the juke box and accompany him on stage. Take the TP to the BeBop level 5 from the ground, or ride a series of balloons up through the levels. See you here at 11 AM SATURDAY JUNE 22! hop://alternatemetaverse.com:8002/An%20Alternate%20Metaver...

CLAN LIVE today at Neptune's Undersea Garden in Club Escotia with his Underwater Band :) TODAY at 1PM!
alternatemetaverse.com:8002:Club Escotia

CLAN LIVE with Clan's Steampunk Band Today at 1PM - Club Escotia in AMV!
Happy Cornflakes Week!
The thing is about Club Escotia, it's beautiful enough for a poster,
One week it's the diner, and nothin' is finer, so come this weekend for a joiner,
This week we perform on the main stage, we've taken everything outta' the trunk,
Top hats and wings, monocles and things, yes it's all about calliope and steampunk!!
http://alternatemetaverse.com:8002:Club Escotia

LIVE at the RED HEN NOW! CLAN and Clan's Band ROCKIN the Chalet!

SPECIAL HAUNTED DOLL HOUSE SHOW featuring CLAN ESCOTIA LIVE with Clan's Band today at 1 PM to 2:30 PM
Clan sings live for an hour, then slips into DJ mode at 2PM for a half hour of spookieness!
MAP: AlternateMetaverse.com:8002:AMV Autumnfest Stage
Lots of fun shows and activities this year at AMV's Autumnfest! Check us out :)
CLAN LIVE- The redheaded gypsy (today) plans to ROCK YOU today at 11AM! MAP: alternatemetaverse.com:8002:Club Escotia - Don't miss this special show in our own Gypsy Camp all decorated for fall and a rockin' good time!

MidnightRain Glas: HMMMMMMMMM WHAT A REAL RED SCOT!!!!!!!!! 1 years ago

Clan's Band rehearsing for Friday's Redheaded Gypsy Camp show at Club Escotia!
Many new songs added to the show, new animations too!
All redheads get in free!! Save the date! Friday 1PM

Clan's Band preparing for Friday's Redheaded Gypsy Camp show at Club Escotia!
All redheads will get in free!! Save the date! Friday 1PM

HG Safari visits Club Escotia today at 1pm for a tour of some of our 22 venues... Feel free to join in the fun! Clan's Band Radio will be on the land, and our TP MENU HUD will be given for your touring pleasure :) Meet at The Landing to start!

Webby Merlin: Thanks for all who attended the HG Safari Tour of Club Escotia... that was fun showing everyone the venues, we didnt get through half of them, but feel free to use that TP MENU HUD and visit the rest ... 2 years ago
Roses are Red, Violets are Blue
Some verses rhyme, this one doesn't!

Join us on the Aurora II in Seven Seas at 1PM for our special Valentine's Day show!
A jam-packed evening of entertainment on the best luxury liner in the metaverse!

CLAN LIVE with Clan's Band at AMV Winterfest TODAY 1PM
alternatemetaverse.com:8002:Christmas Market

MidnightRain Glas: We are beautiful !!!!! love our family band.. 2 years ago

Setting up for today's WHITE FRIDAY show! (1 PM) Free Ice Skates and Hot Chocolate...
Deets here: https://opensimworld.com/events/93937

Today's Autumnfest show with CLAN LIVE and Clan's Band will be Steampunked! Come hear Clan and blow off steam at the same time! Our usual Monday time slot (1PM) with Clan singing LIVE, in the beautiful AutumnFest stage sim.
hop://alternatemetaverse.com:8002:AMV AutumnFest Stage

Figured out the max setting thingie :)

ClanEscotia: Welcome to my World, wont you come on in........... 3 years ago

PhotoTools-Owler skies, Maldives Water, from the roof of the Castle over Main Stage. YEAH BABY!

DJ CLAN at the ClanAir Airport MONDAY 1PM
Where: Club Escotia
When: 3 years ago [18 Jul 2022 13:00 SLT]

First Class passengers now boarding.... Captain Clan is here to get your boogie shoes moving and your spirits soaring! First class all the way! You know he's really, really certain you won't guess the contest for bits this week. But then when doesn't he say that ;) See you here!

When you feel you are blessed from above, and you get that flutter inside ya,
Maybe some friends try to match ya, and if they do is that enough?
If everything's pleasant, no tears abound, everything is roses and doves,
Then face it my friend possibility is there, you too are addicted to love!

Find us at the romantic CandleDance venue this week! AMV is the place to be!

When it comes to verses, I try my very best,
When it comes to singing, vocals are put to test,
And when it comes to memories, I sometimes reach the bend,
It's times like that I count on you, the ones I call my friends!
P.S. Bring square photos of your favorite inworld memories, we'll display on the big screen on the main stage :)

It wouldn't be the Fourth of July without some fireworks, some BBQ, and Friends & Family! So come by and listen to some good ol' American songs (played by a Scot ;) along with his weekly COMPETITION for Gloebits..

Webby has made a fun pop out TP MENU HUD for all the venues (OMG there are 20!) in Club Escotia, feel free to try it out and pop around to any you may have missed! Have an independent day wherever you are!

Get yer Red White and/or Blue on and get ready to party! Deets: https://opensimworld.com/post/90593

DJ CLAN is Missing! Clues placed starting 1PM Monday...
Where: Club Escotia
When: 3 years ago [27 Jun 2022 13:00 SLT]

DJ Clan is hiding somewhere in AMV, and has left clues
in each of the venues at Club Escotia. Each clue is a
letter in the name of the AMV region where he is hiding,
collect them all and unscramble the name, put the name
in your Map, and TP there to win today's gloebits prize!

Clan will be on the stream with more clues, so tune in
while hunting, his clones will be watching you ;)

Look for purple clues in any of the Club Escotia venues.
(A box with a notecard of all venue locations with LMs
is at the landing point.)

It's International "Bring Your Dog To Work Day!" Join our canine festivities in the new Dogwood Forest venue at Club Escotia on Friday for a (don't make me say it...) Doggone Good Time! Oh, these cats in the pic? They told me they identify as dogs ;)

DJ CLAN at Moonlight Bay at 1PM MONDAY!
Where: Club Escotia
When: 3 years ago [20 Jun 2022 13:00 SLT]

We were sailing along on Moonlight Bay
We could hear the voices singing
They seemed to say
"You have stolen her heart"
"Now don't go 'way"
As Clan played love's old sweet songs
On Moonlight Bay (...on moonlight baaaaaaaaay..)

Clan LIVE with Clan's Band at The Swamp 1PM Friday!
Where: Club Escotia
When: 3 years ago [17 Jun 2022 13:00 SLT]

Down in the boondocks... deep in the misty swamp... ok well I can't think of any rhymes today so let me just say, y'all come for a good time :)

Calling all Aliens, we know you're out there, dancing among us... Show your true colors today at Club Escotia's elaborate Area 51! DJ Clan will be creating the mood with his personal collection of out of this world music :) There are 2,000 Gloebits in the Contest Prize Jar to start, drop in some of your own, winner takes all! Beam over!

If you're prone to settings that's beachy,
Where your skin goes all rosy and peachy,
Bring the sunscreen and hat, eat a burger -- get fat!
And let Clan and Band entertain ya!

Where: Club Escotia
When: 3 years ago [6 Jun 2022 13:00 SLT]

So we just like to wear elegant gowns? Perhaps... But at least once a month it's dress up time at Club Escotia's beautifully decorated CandleDance venue, high on a hill overlooking the kingdom. DJ Clan's got an amazingly romantic set planned, come feel the magic of a warm summer night with your crazy family, we clean up pretty good! LOL

CLAN'S LIVE with Clan's Band at the RED HEN 1pm FRIDAY!
Where: Club Escotia
When: 3 years ago [3 Jun 2022 13:00 SLT]

Roses are RED, violets are RED, everything's RED on Friday
My face is RED, cause some folks have said, they like when I'm singing songs My Way
So join us in RED, with eggs on your head, and bring all your friends to the Chalet
Come by The Red Hen, to start your weekend, with your favourite band and a PARTY!

All you will hear is the count of the ref, as your backside touches the canvass,
A left uppercut, and a right cross, could possibly land you in Kansas,
So with 3000 Gloebits that's ripe for the taking, are you smart enough to enter,
Cause if you fail to get it correct, on the canvass you'll land, in the center!

DJ CLAN'S May Garden Party and CONTEST
Where: Club Escotia
When: 3 years ago [23 May 2022 13:00 SLT]

Roses are pink, violets are blue,
To start your week off right....
Here's what to do:
Visit our garden all decked out for May
Put all your spring cleaning away
Dance with us and relax under trees
The music delightful and so is the breeze!

P.S. Don't forget Clan's weekly competition for Gloebits! 5,500 in the pot to start! Throw some of your own bits in there, winner takes all!

Clan's Birthday Surprise! THURSDAY NOON!
Where: Club Escotia
When: 3 years ago [19 May 2022 12:00 SLT]

OK we're ready to rock over here.. Come on by any time..

DJ CLAN Swamp Party at Club Escotia 1PM Monday!
Where: Club Escotia
When: 3 years ago [16 May 2022 13:00 SLT]

1 PM Monday, Clan's Clan has arrived, and we're all down at The Swamp!
Beware of the critters, especially the gators, on your legs they love to chomp!
Two Thousand gloebits and some rockin' licks, we hope make you smile and be happy,
Come see Creole Queen, climb aboard, and like a gator, make it snappy!

Clan's BAND CAMP Friday 1PM!
Where: Club Escotia
When: 3 years ago [27 May 2022 13:00 SLT]

This one time.. at band camp... you know the line ;)
CLAN sings LIVE with Clan's Band and some acoustic specials from Clan you have not heard! Full main stage at Club Escotia turned into a giant campground for your amusement for the month of May! Watch out for the local wildlife, oh and the animals also. See you here!

DJ CLAN and the CLANETTES! Come on over to CandleDance at 1pm for some great fun, a competition for gloebits and some new eye candy ;) Map us: alternatemetaverse.com:8002:Club Escotia Look for the TP at the landing to CandleDance!

ClanEscotia: bit of salt and pepper - it will be fine 3 years ago

It's Saturday and it's kinda impromptu,
So here is a suggestion of what you could do,
Pull on those shoes and dancin leathers,
Head to Geronimo's for a laugh and a blether!

CLAN LIVE with Clan's Steampunk Band 1PM!
Where: Club Escotia
When: 3 years ago [6 May 2022 13:00 SLT]

Wherever you go, there you are
We hope you never go so far
That you can't hear our handsome hunk
For this week Clan will be Steampunk!

It's Monday! It's here! The time has finally come,
To shake your poms, or your hips or maybe bang a drum,
The DJ's in PJ's, and lookin' rather arty,
So come along at 1 pm and join us for the PARTY!!

If you come to this thing, we're sure you'll look a dish,
Not lookin' like Crustaceans, Octopus or Squid,
For we are living artists, not acting like a goon,
Welcome to Club Escotia to the land of King Neptune!

DJ Clan roams around his kingdom each week to bring a fresh new set of music and a "competition" for Gloebits every Monday from 1pm till...? This week's Prize Pot starts at 5875, add your own bits and winner takes all! Join us at the airport, and thank you for flying ClanAir ;)

With all the colors of the wind, Clan sings our favorite songs while we throw paint around the room. Bring a painting of your own to display (first 10 people to claim an easel!)
Special thanks to those who made this build a lot of fun: RainO for his 3D Mesh Blender skills, Essensual McMahon for her RL abstract art "Sure webby use it however you like!" Famous last words ;) - Jimmy for his incredible EEP work - as i watch the summer clouds waft by... and all of you good peeps for coming to our shows :) Clan's still looking for the return of the errand avatar he sent to the paint store for Tartan Paint. AMV is the Place to BE!

One night only: DJ Clan and the Clanettes! Come see us and dance to the sounds of DJ CLAN at 1PM! See you here!

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CLAN LIVE with Clan's Circus Band Friday 1 PM
in 3 hours - 1 likes - 0 comments

My Reviews

Profile Comments

Webby, you have incredible talent. Your entire band displays, from costumes, themes, promotions, etc.. Keep up the amazing work.
Wow thanks so much Shea! Appreciate the appreciation ;) Have a great day!