Wendie Blackthorn @WendieBlackthorn

Kinky Haven Offline

pay no attention to the kitty behind the curtain

Liked posts

The Ice Breaker arrives at The Mountain.

Gather ye thoughts and lay your plans well.
Come the dawn do not tarry, at the toll of the bell.
Castles hold secrets. How many? Who knows?
Be a feared not of shadows, or ghastly red glows.....

And in the darkness, will their cups runeth over, into the well of despair.

ToyBoy: Cool! 2 months ago

Many have tried. Many have died. And their bones turn to dust even now.

Small comfort, perhaps, but a welcome respite on your journey through the forests.

Froot Loops: this is how you sail in style 3 months ago

Halloween display coming soon. and Kinky Havens 4th birthday.

Lizzy: Be afraid. Be very afraid...... 8 months ago

oops, this is not santas workshop

Just going to leave this here

Did you know?

Fitted mesh was a middle step between the classic mesh were you had to choose your clothes between several sizes and bento mesh that has a great deal of flexibility.

Fitted mesh adapts pretty well to most regular avatars but it's never perfect as you need to add an alpha layer to prevent parts of the avatar to poke through the clothes.

This minidress was one of my first attempts to make a fitted mesh for girls, it comes in several colours and I included all the textures in the box, so you can customize it to your taste perfectly.

Happy Sunday!