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NOT another Drama, please
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Jupiter Rowland has no idea, but a lot of it.
As always, just write nonsense
I may not always agree with Jupiter but have to acknowledge that he puts effort into his contributions and thoughts about the platform. You on the other hand Woody, are an unknown.
Woody is no stranger, Woody is a well-known troll here in the OSW..
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Ich bezwecke damit, daß möglichst viele Leute aufgeklärt werden, welch kranke Leute in Opensim ihr Unwesen treiben.
Das ist kein Cybermobbing, sondern schlicht und einfach die Wahrheit.
Dorena ist die am wenigsten geeignete Peron, hier mit erhobenen Zeigefinger zu agieren.
Sehr wahre Worte
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@ Dorena Verne
A very primitive comment. Especially since you yourself are a man in real life.
Not primitive at all, simply stating truths. What does it matter what sex someone is in RL? For all we know you could be a woman, or someone transitioning; it doesn't matter a jot. Glenn deserves all he gets: there is only one bigot here, and that's Glenn, he proves it over and over with his hate speech, which contrary to VickyJoanne's opinion below, is't problematic or difficult to define at all. It's simply any language that seeks to undermine, dehumanise or derogate someone else without sound justification, i.e. is a lie.

There are those, who, from a standpoint of false equivalence who will argue that calling out nazis, fascists, racists etc is unfair, as they have a right to their opinions too. As Thomas Mann said, "Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil" I don't know whether Glenn is a fascist, but I do know he is a Trump supporter an MAGA fruitcake. and along with Trump Glenn is the kind of person who enables fascism and the rise of the far right. I wonder what is Glenn's opinion of the Unite the RIght rally in Charlottesville in 2017? Maybe that would be unfair, as wouldn't want to tax the mans clearly confused thinking too much, as I'm pretty sure he'd be somewhat conflicted, especially over the 'Commie libtard nazi fasicst' counter-protestor who was brutally murdered.
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One I wouldn't mind experiencing lol :p
yeah for sure and makes me need this night sleep with light ,hehehe ;-)
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I completely agree with *wicked*. You desperately seek attention. Do you want to reinvent Opensim now? Each grid owner determines the rules in his grid. OSW readers and users want to find out about new Sims and events. Find another platform for your crap.
If I could, I'd give you at least 101 likes!
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Who pays you for this slime?
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Yawn with Kristina
Jupiter can do everything, knows everything, likes to make himself important
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Merry Christmas dear Sylvia
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TaylorNova is not a designer. He stole it all in SL
Und wer bist DU ? Ein nichts also verkriech dich wieder in dein Erdloch .
Man sollte nicht mit Steinen werfen wenn man selber im Glashaus sitzt. Es war nie die Rede davon das er der Desinger ist. Aber es gibt und dafür spreche ich für sehr viele (in Open Sim) die es nicht wert schätzen was andere für Arbeit da reinstecken um ihnen diese Dinge anzubieten. Wenn wir so anfangen,dann solltest du Open Sim verlassen und zu den soooo ehrlichen Leuten ins Second Life ziehen. Oder mal zur gegenüberstellung und offenen worten von Mann zu Mann kommen, dafür bist zu feige und kannst nur Hasspredigten ablassen.."Schäm dich
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Nobody cares about that
You are right. I spoke to Mr. Nobody and he says he cares about that.
you are under drugs Nico? XD
I just like letting people know when they are right about something. Who knows? This could be the first and last time the Woodster is.
you should learn to write but under the influence of drugs this can be problematic
I once knew how to write, but now I've forgotten more than I ever knew about stuff.
lucky Boy you :D
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Wonderful Blues
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It was so beautiful
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Yes, Nico did that very well.
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Cool reaction of Nico.
A clear lie from Bella
Well now, Betty could have created the creation from Bella. Bella could have created the creation from Betty. Who knows? I have had Betty's in my inventory for a long, long time. I'm assuming that they are the original fake real pants, or the real fake pants. I'm never sure which is which.
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When are you going to stop with your bullshit???
The two network communities have no interest in working together. You are an absolute noobie in Opsensim and have no background knowledge why both are enemies.
Most people don't want giant parties like this at all. 20-30 people are enough for them.
Look for another platform for your crap.
Who says the two grids are enemies ???
Anyone who hides behind a NoName should better keep the ball flat.
Those who can read have a big advantage. These are not 2 grids....... but 2 grid communities.
This enmity is not a secret in Opensim.
And you are one of those who fuel this problem as well.
By the way, you are neither in the position nor able to forbid me to speak.
I'm not heating up anything here, but I'm taking a stand on comments that are meaningless, unfounded and made by fakes that mean something to be.
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It's quite simple: if no one comments on the junk, it stops by itself.
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This time I agree wholeheartedly with Dorena.
It is a war that originally started between 2 gridowners. Instead of fighting this war between themselves, all kinds of people are being dragged into it. On purpose.
The worst of all are the people who kiss their gridowner's asses without even knowing the background of this feud.
As a German, you don't dare go to one of these parties any more for fear of being dragged into it.
That's not the point of Opensim, it's just a farce.
An indictment of the entire German community.
I appeal to all people: don't get involved. Go to the parties where you want to go because of the music and/or the DJ.
Without regard to the moods of the respective gridowner.
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Neither Jupiter nor Cheryl really have any idea what is really going on in the background of Opensim.
*quote*:Instead, we just have concurrent events with different concepts. They know about each other. And they still don't bicker. So they HAVE agreed on each other*.
Of course they know about each other, they can read after all. But absolutely NOTHING has been agreed upon.
You mentioned a good example yourself. Cayoun Daydreamer always had his blues evening on Thursdays. Suddenly there was trouble with Nextlife. And suddenly Nextlife occupied the Thursday, although Nextlife already had regular parties on Saturdays. Then Nextlife had a quarrel with TPW, and TPW took Thursday with another party.
A lot of people in Opensim know about this.
So now don't tell me about collusion. Before you talk here, you should first have some background knowledge.
Your contributions here are full of ignorance, half-truths and praise about the grid, where you live.
All this is not very constructive.

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"All this is not very constructive."

Neither is spreading outright lies with the explicit goal of making me look bad in the OpenSim community.

"But absolutely NOTHING has been agreed upon."

This IS a lie.

Do you see Anachron and TPW fight over Fridays? I'll tell you and everyone else here the truth: They don't fight. They share Friday nights. Actually, whenever TPW announces a Friday event on the GridTalk forum, Dorena herself likes the announcement, even though her own boyfriend runs a parallel event which she attends. This is a fact, there's rock-solid proof, anyone can check it for themselves ( - run it through an online translator if you have to), and YOU can't censor it away.

"Your contributions here are full of ignorance, half-truths and praise about the grid, where you live."

And YOUR contributions are nothing but personal insults and full of hatred with the short-term goal of inter-grid war and the long-term goal of driving everyone and everything you deem an easy target (including but not limited to Anachron Young, Dorena Verne, myself, the entirety of Dorenas World with all its other residents and all allied people and grids) out of OpenSim forever.
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The only troll is you. You deviate so much from the topic, that is no longer normal. Constantly these adulation on the grid, where you live and that in tedious length.
By the way, I agree with Thomas Etzel.
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To comment-me dead- Jupiter Rowland
Your comment, which is a mile long, is 95% advertising for this strange rock house. Do you seriously believe that this *club* and its militant left-wing regulars are the navel of the world or the German community?
Certainly not.
Let's stay with Friday: there is still a regular party in the German sector. With better music and more fun. Why are there so many more German guests?
In one point I agree with Cheryl: a better communication and agreement between the German grids would be an advantage.
A good start would be the end of the mutual grid blockings. Without this German kindergarten a better communication would be possible
The starter post is an advertisement itself. Mentioning 2 german clubs that do not compete was just an example, not an advertisement. Someone calling the bunch of hippies at the Rock-house "militant left-wing" must be militant right-wing or a nutcase. I'm afraid, both in your case.
Isn't the point of sock puppets NOT to rub under everyone's noses whose sock puppet it is?
No, I dont think the Rock-house is "the navel of the world", but with over 400 consecutive events it can claim to be the longest running regular event and that it had been traditional long before other locations were even built. So why should we end the series just because somebody else advertises an event at just the same time?
Yes we are left wing (but "militant"? naaw...) and it makes me proud to be called leftist :-P - Would you prefer to party with skinhead-Nazi-scum instead? Well then go for it.
We dont mind the audience being limited as well, because, as Jupiter tried to point out, those Mega-Parties tend to be a pain in the ass communicationwise. From 30 visitors onwards framerates drop to a slide-show-flicker - which is the time for me to move on. If I imagine a 100 avatar event the mental picture closely remembers Dante's Inferno.
I could go on for a while, but as it seems to be a problem to you to read posts that cover the topic at length, I'll leave it at that for now ...
400 events are already a strong performance.
I think hardly anyone can and will demand to stop your events because of the abstruse proposal of this Cheryl.
But that was not my topic at all.
But the litany of *tip-me-into-coma* Jupiter Rowland. The topic itself is rather neutral, only Jupiter quaked exclusively from the rock house.
Fortunately Opensim is much more versatile and the tastes thank God different.

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