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I know Bart from Sl. This is sure to be a great performance today
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Hahaha, you made my Day :XD
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Yes, a particularly large number see them go, namely out of your grid again. Because they couldn't stand your lethal injections and the unbearable arrogance of your anachron.
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Now she's crying again in a forum:
---Zurzeit bin ich herbsten verbalen Angriffen ausgesetzt. Das, was man mir da an den Kopf wirft, setzt mir extrem zu. Eine Person, die viele hier kennen, demonstriert, nachhaltig verbal, wie Kriege entstehen.---
With that, he/she/it gathers their 4-5 vassals around again to get pity.
Of course, she leaves her dirty work to her bosom friend Anachron, who has done nothing in his real life and is extremely conspicuous because of his non-cleverness.
It's a desperate attempt to make her tiny insignificant grid the center of attention.
A user recently wrote: Where there is no drama, Dorena produces a drama
Ahh another hater ranting with nothing but ad hominem fume. Having no real arguments they need to resort to throwing dirt, hoping something will stick. Did anybody else notice how far this is from the original topic?
Auf dich habe ich schon gewartet. Schönen guten Morgen, Woody.
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The only reason for this is visiting HG Safari.
After the birthday the grid will disappear again into its insignificance.
So keep the ball low.
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Something like that offends my aesthetic eye
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Um 4 Uhr morgens?
Ihr seid zu dämlich, die richtige Zeit zu posten :XD
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does anyone care?
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Never!!!! The racist should go where the pepper grows
I learned one thing in this modern world: When you have an own opinion you are a hero or a you are a rasist/nazi/etc. Most people only see black and white... nothing else between.
In this case it is not so.
This Betty insulted the German and Italian users in the worst months with foul language. This is not an opinion .......... but racism.
Your opinion - not mine. BTW.: I am german, can read, understand and judge. 😁 What I belive: TomTom = Woody and Woody = TomTom 🤪
No, tomtom is tomtom and not woody woodpecker. Pull off your pink Glases. She said very ugly things.
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Otto`s Birhday is 29.02., not 1.03.
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what's nice about it?
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There are a lot of sick people here. But i don't hate you You work a lot and bring joy to other people.
But your presence is here on the page of Opensimworld to much.
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I'll ask Satyr to move this to the drama section.