ChiChi Cutey @YinYangTown


Welcome to Yin Yang Town, a small Japanese traditional town in the old Japanese imperial style. You can explore Yin Yang Town on foot or use the Teleport Board to reach the different spots. I wish you a pleasant stay and have fun exploring Yin Yang Town

Liked posts

News!!! Country ..... Yehaaaaaaaaa!!! hop://

News!!! EARRINGS SET FOR GAUGED XL(M) with Hud , Ears included! plus 17 Skintones (Velour) so you can customize to your skin ------> hop://

Sodasullivan: so awesome!!! These look very great. i hope maybe you will have elf version someday, but love these and recommend them 4 months ago

We finally decided to choose a clever name for our bookstore on Samsara docks


LeonitasLionheart: Uhhhhh...I believe *I* ordered the cream of Sum Yung Gai. ---Wayne Campbell, "Wayne's World" 4 months ago

wie gewünscht - Komplettavatar mit LaraX Body
as requested - complete avatar with LaraX body

News! EUROPA Ice Cream & MAGABAGA shake (Any similarity to actual Sim is purely coincidental)
area FEEDME!!!

Bebe: que bueno verte de vuelta chiquita :) 4 months ago

News!!! EARRINGS SET FOR GAUGED XL, Ears included! plus 17 Skintones (Velour) so you can customize to your skin ------> hop://

News! New Full Avatar hop://

******Correction!!!!! ****** My apologies I have forgotten the skin hehe
the complete set is now available

NEW!!!! Tamara SET For EBody & Maitreya

Sooo...there he is, my cute ratzi !
Now avalable in ZZ's shop

Ankhsenaton: I found it !! ZZ Top ! ;-) 4 months ago
If the words you say are right
If you pay the price
She'll let you deep inside
But there's a secret garden she hides

Located at the edge of the gypsy lands, come explore The Secret Garden at Avedon Park. Explore the garden and relax inside the greenhouse pool. . Please join our group and be sure to READ our simple rules to help you enjoy your adventure.

News!!! no party is complete without a party whistle. Everyone must whistle! hop://

victorialogan: What a beautiful striped whistle!!! It's the Cheshire Cat's whistle! 4 months ago

For all who love animesh animals: I have added the first bunch of my creations to my shop!
Use the black sphere Teleporter at entrance to get to em
Have fun!! ☺

Caribia Zsun: Thanks again Peter =) 4 months ago
News!!! Group Gift if you are already a member of Tierra de Volcanes come and get your group gifts, open the group info and go to announcements, there open attachment and receive the group gifts.
If you are not yet part of the group don't forget to join the next time you visit us.
We Lava U ♥!!!!

Xenon Darrow: I love all your gadgets! Got the snake tongue yesterday! 4 months ago


We have created many things, and many more to come as fall comes upon us they will be added in Aviworlds event center only. Please note as you come here we are under construction and working hard to get things ready......

News! hop:// new area FEEDME!!!

DjChanel Hurricane: French fries xd they make you fat 5 months ago
News!!! Animated Snake Tongue, this tongue will slither out of your mouth between every 12 and 24 seconds, for a fraction of a second, vigorously wiggling, just like with snakes or other reptiles.
Thank you very much Leo, this teamwork makes me very happy

LeonitasLionheart: Pssssssssssst....teamwork makes the dream work! 🤗 I lava everyone! 5 months ago


Avedon Park is happy to welcome Clutterbugs, a small shop full of ...clutter! Some clever clutter. Some cute clutter, all kinds of clutter. All items are of good mesh quality and range from the smallest desktop item, to very large items. Come by and visit and be sure to explore Avedon Park! Everyone is welcome.
Good Morning Good Afternoon Here to wish you a happy day No matter what the world throws at you today, be better than the next person do not buy in the garbage as the king always said We’re trapped in a world that’s troubled with pain. If a man can dream, he can redeem his soul and fly.

A gift for Elvis lovers Touch the mouse and you get a song!

Yin Yang Town: It would be nice if you knew where exactly the article could be found, after 30 minutes of searching in vain I gave up. It's a shame ;-( 5 months ago

News! hop:// new area FEEDME!!!

LeonitasLionheart: I need to make some of these soon in rl... But with cannabis butter🍪🦁👍 5 months ago

News! hop:// new area FEEDME!!!

Jared Seda: Love them all! Great new area! Thank you for the amazing creations as always. 5 months ago

News! hop:// new area FEEDME!!!

Jared Seda: tasty! 5 months ago

News! hop:// new area FEEDME!!!

Madison Rigolo: Oh thats cute! 5 months ago

We are overwhelmed with the amount of support we are receiving for the OSG17B Grand Finale!! THANK YOU EVERYONE! :)

Yin Yang Town: nice Party..great Music and a lot wonderful People ....this is so goooooood !!!!! 5 months ago


I am pleased to announce the opening of the Selea Core Store, located in the southeast corner of the Star Ravenhurst Designs region. This project, which I dedicated over two weeks to last November, aims to preserve the body of work created by Selea Core, who left Open Sim unexpectedly around 2016-17.

At that time, Victor DeAngelo, Ms. Kal, and I gathered all the available Selea Core products. Victor also sourced additional items, re-boxing and labeling them since many were originally stored in folders rather than their original packaging. These items were subsequently offered at his shop.

Years later, I observed that many of these boxes had migrated to different locations, and several had become corrupted, containing duplicates or broken items. Consequently, I undertook the task of meticulously cleaning, repairing, and reboxing them with new labels to distinguish my collection from others. Additionally, I included rare Elven items from my collection that are not widely distributed elsewhere.

While I strive for perfection, I acknowledge that some boxes may not be flawless. However, I assure you that the Selea Core boxes available at this shop are clean, up-to-date, and ready for you to take home.

Please note that Selea Core often used Rezzers for her houses and many of her scenes, typically designed for a single 1x1 SIM. You will need to adjust the script to match the size of your region for the rez box to function correctly. If you require assistance, please feel free to reach out.
Special thanks to Victor DeAngelo for helping to preserve the work, Jupiter Rowland for sharing his SC collection with me, and Ms. Kal for leaving my boxes in her sandbox all this time so I didn't lose the collection.

Safinemahoe2: Great shopping place, love the homes! 5 months ago


It's my Birthday!! Time for gifts and I have one for all of you!
My shop is looking pretty well stocked (YAY!! What a load of work!! But there is MORE coming!! And I am still working on things, but do say hi!).
I promised monthly group gifts for the pleasure of having you join my group and become one of my many favorite friends! Yeah, I pretty much love everyone! I know..sappy...but it is my birthday, and I love our beautiful community!! Flaws and all, as I am most certainly flawed myself! :/ :)
So come by, join the Family if you haven't already, and grab this sweet little bar. While you are there, have a look and see all the goodies I have for you.
Beautiful, Interesting, Strange, and Useful, perhaps you will find the elusive thing you didn't know you were looking for! Most stuff is Full Perm so pick up a gift for that special someone or that thoughtful friend to show your appreciation for them. Or grab it for yourself as we all deserve to treat ourselves too!
Bonus: It's FREE!! $0
Original content created for Open Sim in Open Sim.

Xenon Darrow: Ty Star!!! 5 months ago

KarinBecker: sooooooooo viel spass klasse Musik mit DJ Nasti 5 months ago

NEW at Grimm: Sissy Section
Sissy Maid Outfits on the 3rd floor of the Athena Shop Check them out.

Jerralyn Franzic: Love that second one at the bottom row, left side. Good one for an anime look. :) 5 months ago