Liked posts

Bobby the AI robot at Europa Region - now with his new charger we "borrowed" from an electric car place.

Lone Wolf: Now with text to speech. 1 years ago

Antonia Ling: Wow... this top is really sexy - like it! 1 years ago

Now the frost has gone and the days warm..

tree with poses and children...merry Christmas to everyone


There are only a few days left this year to enjoy Novale winter. On March 18th, the region will close for a few days in preparation for spring.

Jupiter Rowland: You've heard (or read) him. Go put on your winter coats, get your skis ready and take the tour! Have fun ice-skating on frozen lakes or Clark Griswolding down a hill side! 2 years ago
Yay, here I am at Paris in AMV! Took me a bit of time last night to settle on a basic look. I'm sporting the Athena body with the Lelutka Erin head, same as my OSgrid avi, but lighter skin. I've also tried to add a bit more thickness to her compared to the other one.

I'd love to age myself a bit more here. That's not a typo! Is there a good store in Open Sim that has aged body skins? I have tried out the aged face skins from the BoM pack and they do work well, but I could use some body freckles and veins for a more convincing aged look. Not too old, let's say 45-55, basically my age group IRL.

TIA :)

Rock ’n’ Roll

FEEFEE: where the link for the place 2 years ago
101 Damn Outfits

The term "101" derives from the late 1920s, when US universities designed a numbering system for their lessons. (Year 1, Generic topic, 1st lesson).

"Room 101" is the name for the basement torture chamber in the "Ministry of Love" (from George Orwell's 1949 dystopian novel "Nineteen Eighty-Four").

"101" can be used to mean LOL (Laugh Out Loud), simply because the numbers look like the letters.

The Disney film 101 Dalmatians is based on the 1956 novel by Dodie Smith. (Dodie!)

And at oh HELLO, 101 Damn Outfits is the number of carefully curated and assembled outfits, (with fatpacks!), that are now in the shop.

Hurry in because tomorrow we will have 102 outfits, and that number don't mean a damn thang.


Desert Rose Landscaping .. NEW .. have fun with it ..
hugs Bella

New no poseball animated ADULT furniture unique to Spoiled Diva's Adult Freebbie Store. The ADULT and PG scripted furniture stores are now located on The Spoiled Diva, no need to visit Silver Oak Hills anymore. The store on Silver Oak Hills has been closed.

Apologies to those who had trouble taking copies of the new items at the Diva Store in Silver Oak Hills. The permissions on the items have now been fixed and you can once again get copies. The boxed items are still to be fixed but all the items on display have been updated.

DannyC: try reducing your draw distance, this is a large variable region with a lot on it 1 years ago

Rubeus :-)

Jupiter Rowland: Once a year, Santa turns into a leprechaun? 2 years ago
We also have a brand new marketplace as an alternate to hypergrid shopping. downloadable items, including some gift items. For Neverworld Grid Members reduced prices and many many freebies here
It's not ready to be visited yet but we have a new region being prepared. This region is a Memorial region open to all who may wish to hold memorial services or to place a remembrance of a loved one. Haven of Memories will open soon on and it promises to be soothing and beautiful. You can come and just sit and remember the good times if that's all you want to do, the gardens will be open to all. COMING SOON!

Carmen Jewel: I Think this is a wonderful idea, we all need a place to keep a memory of someone who has passed into another world. 2 years ago

This young lady will play a role in my next video. :-)

Thirza Ember: That is fun to watch Dorena! 5 months ago
Bad Santa's Gifts From X-Mas Past
Cleverly hidden in Stuff boxes for almost a decade, the x-mas themed gifts imported to OS by Bad Santa have re-appeared at Marche Noir Deux. At the moment, about 1/3 of the gifts have been set-out. There are more to come in the next couple of days. Be sure to come back to see all the x-mas gifts. And be sure to shop on the rest of the sim for other great gifts from the past.

The Marche Noir Deux Yard Sale: Stuff so old, it's new again.
Onelife - Hard Play Canopy Bed
////////////// Menu ////////////////

**** Solo sits ****
- Chill
- Tied
- Masturbation

**** Sleep ****
- Sleep under a blanket

**** Maledom ****
- He Spanks
- Tied Tease
- Hang Tease
- Hang Oral
- Tied BJ
- Tied Sex
- Hang Sex
- Play Rough

**** Femdom ****
- She Spanks
- Feet
- Bound Tease
- Bound Sex
- Lick Her
- Prep Strap-on
- Pegging

**** Sexy time ****
- Foreplay
- Oral
- Sex
- More Sex
- FF
- MM

Morphed to a legacy AV, now to go get killed at Spax's SIM

Jerralyn Franzic: By the looks of it, must be easier to get killed at the park now. Hmmm... I gotta come back soon then lol, maybe I'll try it tonight. 2 years ago

Our little St. Patrick Party:-)

Jupiter Rowland: And Anachron is behaving for once... (Dorena's dance was brought to you by Áine Caoimhe.) 2 years ago
How to protect your OpenSIM Server from hackers, priscila's etc.
Protect OpenSIM from hackers, Priscila's and DDOS atack is very easy, but most grid owners continue to not protect their grid and servers.

There is 3 simple step guide for admins:

1. Disable BUILD for all visitors, guests, friends..... ONLY OWNERS MUST BUILD! Priscila use THIS option to fill your sim with cocks!
About land: Options:
Edit terrain: NO!!! Only SIM owner!
Fly: yes, why not?
Build: NO!!! Only SIM owners!
Object Entry: NO!!! Only SIM owners!
Run Script: yes! or mesh body like Athena will not work properly
Safe (no damage): YES!!!
2. Always use router or at least software firewal:
On your router:
my server use IP port 9000-9010, some server may use 8002
don't open port 8003, 3306, 3389 or other numbers what you see somewhere!
config redirect
option src 'wan'
option name 'SIM'
option target 'DNAT'
option dest 'lan'
option dest_port '9000-9010'
option src_dport '9000-9010'
option reflection_src 'external'
option dest_ip '192.168.xx.xx'
list proto 'tcp'
list proto 'udp'

config nat
option src_port '9000-9010'
option name 'OpenSim'
option dest_port '9000-9010'
option src 'lan'
option src_ip '192.168.xx.xx'
list proto 'tcp'
list proto 'udp'
option target 'SNAT'
option snat_ip 'WAN ip XX.XX.XX.XX'

config rule
option src_port '123'
option src 'wan'
option name 'opensimDROP'
option dest 'lan'
list dest_ip '192.168.xx.xx'
option target 'DROP'
list proto 'udp'
option dest_port '9000'

config rule
option src_port '1900'
option src 'wan'
option name 'opensimDropp'
option dest 'lan'
list dest_ip '192.168.xx.xx'
option target 'DROP'
list proto 'udp'
3. Make backups!

=========================== 2024 year additions =====================

4. NEWER allow ssh, ftp, sftp, rdp,smb or any other admin or file transfer access to the server via the same IP address! Use another hidden IP address or better VPN!

5. Backup must be on OTHER phisical device!!! Work copy on some directory is NOT BACKUP!!!

And, keep accusing me of being troll, canibal, ....(all what really is you) but if you not protect properly your server, screams will not help!

Pagane: Some dance machines or adult furnirure scripts ask for option guests to build. Guess whi create this scripts! Normal script use OSSL for this. 2 years ago
Just to say that The Shopping District is under construction, so the sim will be closed for a few days whilst we work on this for you. We will let you all know when it's back up and running. Thank you

NewLifeItaly wishes everyone Happy Holidays, may they be days of joy and serenity. A hug!
NewLifeItaly Augura a tutti Buone Feste che siano giorni di gioia e serenità. Un abbraccio!

Massive Free store of all NON RIPPED furniture and home decor and more. Kitchen, baths, bedrooms, living rooms, outside items most are scripted.

Buzzy Cnayl: A 'must visit' place! Great to see that OpenSim does have good quality, non-ripped items. Fabulous! 2 years ago

Jerralyn Franzic stopped by the office. My first visitor. :-)

Jerralyn Franzic: Thanks, it was fun chatting with you, Shimada. :) 2 years ago

The first rule of the Anti-Flirt Club is: you do not talk about the Anti-Flirt Club.

I Advance Masked


Now presenting the Rublight that you can rub on anything. hold it in your hand and dance the night away. Available for free on the advertising sign next to the stage.

DJ Rosa in Caribou on Monday 7 August at 12 pm grid time.

📝 First Event at Sapaticos OSGrid: Thursday 30:03:23 Midday PDT (Grid Time)

DJs Suzi and Emmy Lou present diverse sets for your entertainment and enjoyment.

Bring that mean Green outfit and have a green Beer us with dj Tek

Medieval decor, and castles in particular, were not only my first love in virtual worlds, but also my first builds. They've come a long way since my first feeble attempts, and I now have a nice variety of tapestries, torches, thrones, seating, heraldry, swords, and Arthurian lore to choose from at all my regions.

You can find my work at these locations:

Main Store: Emporium - Main Store

Kitely Store: Emporium

Many of my items are available on the Kitely Market here:

Experience ALL of our thrill rides on a FULL STOMACH!

Get your Dismayland SYSTEM CLASSIC AVATAR at our content embassy on OSgrid:

KrisTina: Is cheery pie on the menu? 2 years ago

More storefronts

DebzFox: Got in finally on 3rd attempt 2 years ago

I've had a lot of visitors this week.

well i am now facing the wrath of Priscilla.Kleenex , that's the latest avatar. I dont know what her plans are but she was at my Woodstock and university today.

it looks like she is just copying items, not sure what she was doing in university, I was afk and cant see server end as that's in another grid.

update: also what is with these profiles that comment on some ones post and then u click thee name and says user not found?

fyi i dont mind people taking free stuff, but this post was to say she isn't doing her usual behavior for a griefer.

Charlene McNally: Another thing is for grid owners add Pricilla.Kleenex or Pricilla Kleenex to your avatar list then disable the name so she can’t register… 2 years ago
Angel Heart Fashion has now joined us at our ALL FREE SHOPPING SPREE site , Teleports can be found in Advantis mall to all free or Angel Heart main shop
New VN7 skin Night Lady Vampire Skin looks great with Ruby set from Angel Heart Fashion come check out these new items. Skin can be found in Advantis Vn7 shop or All free Catwalk shop , Angel heart Fashion can be found by the entrance in All Free Shopping Spree or at their main shop on Soul Grid Free Shopping Spree
Good morning, everyone '
Holiday region is now open There are sweaters for men and women to wear for Christmas for host and Dj may want to take a look at them and your choice take time to Visit. Like to Give thanks to Emily!. for sharing