Zoe @ZoeBurke

Portugal Offline

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Opensim should be....

  • A Hobby that includes all the copy botted items from sl and everything shared for free.
  • A Hobby that does not include all the copy botted items from sl and everything shared for free.
  • A platform for people to make a little extra pocket money from selling services and items.
  • A for profit decentralised business.
Vote (41)
Une sand box dédiée au francophone mais ouverte à tous.
Un groupe à prendre sur place.
Créons du lien entre francophones isolés dans ce gigantesque désert.

A sandbox dedicated to French speakers but open to all.
A group to be taken on site.
Let's create a link between French speakers isolated in this gigantic desert

Hella: Merci Hicks de te dévouer à cette cause, j'essayerai de soutenir dans ce que je peux faire pour aider, et vive les râleurs et râleuses c'est toujours intéressant de savoir qu'ils ont un plus grand coe... 4 months ago
All - Earthquake in Marrakesh Update 10/09/23

We have moved from our badly damaged home in Marrakesh to the capital Rabat - our power/broadband/telephone is very patchy but I have managed to make contact with Alex (Princess Alex), who will run the ILU side of things with Bobbi Fox, while we assess damage and living arrangements for the family.

Its just been announced over 2000 deaths and hundreds of injured - one close friend hasnt made it but he pulled his parents out of their wrecked family home.

Please pray for us and all those affected by this disaster.

We will see you all soon I hope.

Debz, Malik, Karen and Bethany Mansour

PinDeluca: This is just terrible ... My heart is with you. You Never know how strong you are until strong is your only choice. Take courage. God Bless you all. We will all meet again soon XXX 1 years ago
*OPENSIM FIREWORKS V7 (VERSION 7) UPDATED RELEASE (less complexity than the previous version and effects now look more real - All you see on that picture is mesh! With sounds and animation! Available for FULLPERM and FREE at PARTY SECTOR inside a box for fireworks. Enjoy :)

P.s Version with particles available as well, if needed.

Ankhsenaton: Thank you, I will to to see that :-) (I hope you took lots of photos for the Daily Planet ;-) 7 months ago
@FerdFrederix designed Dream Grid Software with one goal in mind: to revolutionize the way we load grids. Its lightning-fast performance is made possible through a combination of innovative technologies and optimizations, ensuring that your grids load at blazing speeds. A new release 5.4993 is out now, upload now! https://outworldz.com/outworldz_installer/Grid/ https://youtu.be/01CCiUCixiI?si=ADykZ-ijiIeCpcMA

Thank you, Ferd, your many hours invested are very much appreciated!! You are a shining testament to brilliance in coding. Nice work!

ToniaKara: I love DreamGrid and have it running at kara.ddns.me:8002:welcome I have a lot to learn but being a nerdy girl guess it is fun! 1 years ago
*** FLORA - AUGUST 14th 2024 NEW RELEASE***
GIANT SEQUOIA TREES PACK (Sequoiadendron giganteum), from Californian forests to your SIM!
01 prim mesh trees - 03 different models - Animated smooth leaves.. and seasonal textures included!
And another heads up. something I`m going to do from now on,I will be offering as well "suggestions" like a big cluster of trees, different sizes and rotations, for both flat area or slopes. I noticed many here rez trees and shift copy others and it doens`t look good (looks like Clones from Starwars lolol).I bet many will enjoy that idea.

Rocket Racoon: Only one word needs to be used about this sim. AMAZING! 4 months ago

Here is a new update of the Horse & Horse Rezzer script v3.3. This is a bugfix release. Enjoy :)

Hicks: beautiful objects made with care, I like it a lot tank you . 1 month ago
The Rumor-Mill.. says ..Great Canadian Grid is closing it's doors.. May31st, once again, i will have to find a new "she-cave"... maybe i'll make my next AV a gypsy,... kinda fitting my VR life....hahahaha.
UPDATE: CrystalWilde is hosted on Virtual-zone Grid, big thanx to Kashi Takeshi !!

Charlene McNally: Whose saying it’s closing? I also heard there is 1 or 2 silent partners of gcg no names mentioned due to privacy of the names. 3 years ago
Early Winter Present, 2x2 Var region .oar with snow terrain, and ice lake, falling particle snow, and terraformed terrain with snowy pine trees, all ready for you to build your perfect winter sim.

This is a file for you to use, not a sim to visit.


KatKakoola: Looks wonderful thank you so much! Going for my winter coat :) 1 years ago
Because Autumn is the favorite season to many of us, I made this little space for you, there is a cabin that probably we all have, but this time I decorated and furnish. I hope you like it. Almost everything is copy.
"Happy Autumns"
Hugs Bebe

Jared Seda: Thank you so much for the awesome destination and also all the amazing content! 3 months ago
ARACNO AIRWAYS office at SPACEPORT (*) in EUROPA. Humans NOT ALLOWED... If you enter, well... take a look for yourself and never complain about the sentence "The curiosity killed the cat" lolol

(*) At welcome area or at MAGABAGA Mall, there is a big tp board to that destination.

Jimmy Olsen: My apologies. Aracno Airways was not offering properly its "service". had to redo script little bit, guess people they came today havent seen all of it. its working now. 7 months ago
The Matrix is a Work in Progress Shopping Center, with the Shopping Vault as its heart. Many thanks for the release of the Vault and to the creator of this incredible shopping place!

We can't wait to see other takes on this fabulous region! Thanks again for the release, all credit for the Vault contents and arrangement and all the hard work goes to the Creator!

There will be dining and a whole other experience down on the ground as well.

Stop by when you can!

Milly Money: Looks like some items may need reset when you get them home. Resetting is often a good idea. 1 years ago
🎄✨ Bonjour à tous ! ✨🎄
L’esprit de Noël commence à s’installer doucement, et j’ai envie de partager avec vous un peu de cette magie ! 🌟
C’est le moment de se réjouir, de penser à ceux qu’on aime, et de préparer de jolis souvenirs pour la fin d’année. 🎁❤️
Je vous souhaite déjà plein de douceur, d’amour, et une belle dose de féerie dans vos cœurs ! ❄️🎶
Et surtout… n’oubliez pas : Noël, c’est l’occasion parfaite pour illuminer nos vies et celles des autres.

Avec toute ma joie et mon sourire ! 😊
Joyeuses fêtes à l’avance ! 🎅🌟

Ankhsenaton: brrrrr j'ai déjà froid ;-) .... mais je vais venir ! :-) 29 days ago

Amelie and Felix _Wedding Invitation
Piazza di Spagna,Roma #arkhamgrid
Live Music Rogue Galaxy,Edison Rex

Ankhsenaton: Congratulations! :-) kisses !! I hope I will be able to be with you, (but I dont find how to go to Piazza di Spagna for now ) 4 months ago

Sooo...there he is, my cute ratzi !
Now avalable in ZZ's shop

Ankhsenaton: I found it !! ZZ Top ! ;-) 4 months ago

Created a new ring this morning "Serenade" It is a file to download https://virtual-hg.com/JOpensim/index.php/phoca-download

Luna Lunaria: I love the filigree work 1 years ago

A new champ available now in ZZ-shop!

SilviaFrey: Que maravilloso loro, parece real y los otros objetos que encontré estupendos. He dado un grato paseó por su linda sim. Muchas gracias por los regalos y por ser tan amable. Saludos. 4 months ago
Important announcement:

I have updated all my Clutterfly Upgraded and Clutterflakes boxes. All furniture uses the recent SFposer version 0.91112 now.

This includes a number of bugfixes:

The Clutterflakes cuddle lounge chairs had all animations wrongly oriented because I had put them directly into the furniture instead of taking over the animation cube.

The Christmas firepit set had the animations wrongly oriented in one tree stump with blanket because I've discovered that one of them has the stump as the root, the other one has the blanket as the root.

So far, I have replaced all boxes in the DropBox in OSgrid:

RemmyRavenhurst: Awesome work!!! 5 months ago
At EUROPA, we welcome all humanoids,bots, NPCs, arthopods, xenomorphs, and arachnids with open arms, antennae, and pincers! Are you feeling unwanted? Lonely? Isolated? Do you keep getting banned for copying other people's copybotted stuff and sharing it with your friends?
Fret no longer! Come to EUROPA! We are filled with bots to keep you company! And in the amazing EUROPA MALL (*), all things are free and full perm! Share with your friends, your family, your dog, your cat, your chicken, and your facehugger! Share with one of the MAGABAGA spiders!

We look forward to your visit! Come to EUROPA!
(*) At welcome area, call an interphasic bubble taxi to the mall!

*MCL*: Like I said from the start, if it does not have full permission, then it should! So if you find things around our stores and it says they are not, just let us know. Believe me, I will make it! Even ou... 7 months ago

looks deceptiful simple, but texturing it pinpoint was daunting..this is my final for ZZ !

Zoe: Amazing work. Again the high quality of all the wonderful details of your works. Congrats Peter. 1 years ago

I'm so thankful for my Serenity - thank you to the awesome people in Opensim for making it all possible.

CyberGlo CyberStar: I'm glad I could help. I take great joy in knowing that I helped another person realize their dream, and am responsible for something wonderful in the metaverse. 5 months ago
pour fêter halloween venez récupérer 4 boites
un mausolée .
un squelette a porter ou a faire en animesh
un second squelette en 16 partie " compatible athena "
et un set pour aménager votre propre cimetière.... et plus encore
amusez vous bien .
hg.osgrid.org:80:Hicks 2

Hicks: jj ai fait le fond de mes divers inventaires ... https://gyazo.com/e7469721bf6d9f021d2b5f09097fab74 2 months ago

Thank you all, Hugs

IndigoQueen King: It was a beautiful ceremony, a beautiful day and love and blessings to the both of you. I am so happy I was able to attend. Hugs 4 months ago

Galerie d'art où j'expose une partie de mes peintures / Art gallery where I show a part of my RL paintings

falene hawks: bonjour petit village sympatique loi des foules des shops et de party's, de l'art de la detente, du calme. bravo 4 months ago

For all who love animesh animals: I have added the first bunch of my creations to my shop!
Use the black sphere Teleporter at entrance to get to em
Have fun!! ☺

Caribia Zsun: Thanks again Peter =) 4 months ago

And the club... for all

Lillysparks: Vroom vroom. That's hot. 7 months ago
Bonjour à tous, au cas où vous n'auriez pas lu cette annonce dans FrancoGrid Group sur Facebook, datée du 9 mai, de Reynald Melloni :
Bonjour à tous je me permet se post.
Pour vous annoncer le décès de mon (notre amis pour certains) Ami Fabrice
Live Open Scene il est parti ..hier ,

Zoe: Toujours horrible de perdre ceux qui se croisent sur ce monde. Ici nous venons nous défouler et retrouver des connaissances et des amis, mais la vie nous joue des tours, c'est très triste. 7 months ago

Session en portugais à partir de 12.00 SLT ( 21.00 CET) avec sous-titres en 5 langues.
craft-world.org:8002:HIE Welcome

Lundi le 5 février à 12h30 SLT (15h30 Québec, 21h30 Paris), j'aurai le plaisir d'animer un atelier sur le déplacement d'objets à l'aide de la fonction llSetKeyframedMotion() à la région Atlas-Ecole (https://opensimworld.com/hop/90086).

Cette présentation fait suite à ma conférence en français s à HIE 2023 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MvWz19N5Rw&pp=ygULa2Vsc28...), ainsi qu'à celle en anglais à OSCC 2023 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=laddhyghJCQ&pp=ygULa2Vsc28...).

Pour participer, vous devez avoir une connaissance de base en script, ainsi qu'un casque d'écoute avec microphone fonctionnel. La présentation se fera de vive-voix et en français.

Au plaisir de vous y rencontrer.

Kat's guide to happiness!

Always ensure something fits before inserting it!


Esti Moondust: i don't know if it would be appropriate to just shake my head or just laugh 1 years ago
MAGICAL JELLY FISH (*) on mesh for your underwater regions or even parties with blinking lights and rotation (**) Available for FREE and FULL PERM at BOX 04 (XMAS AREA). Enjoy :)
(*) Jelly fish looks different than the one exposed here -as its trully difficult to make a decent an alpha pic with almost transparent objects....
(**) Available also model without rotation and particles, if needed.

Jimmy Olsen: U can see them in action in this short video: https://gyazo.com/281ae1574660c408a9edb080f127dc7f 1 years ago

autumn rose

Hicks: lovely pic as usual 2 months ago

Trick or Treat !
New Halloween Red Riding Avatar & Animesh Big Bad Werewolf !
Click the Teleporter up to the Halloween Platform to grab them !

Amelie: Original and fantastic outfits, avatar, thanks for sharing 2 months ago

Just got back from 3-month summer break and people said my sim was closed, nope I landed perfectly, seems like the beacon fell over while I was on holiday :(

Crazyposeidon: WB Captain :))) 4 months ago

The volume of publishing here easily makes visitors miss things...
so, here it is again, including a peek preview of my ratz:)

Ankhsenaton: I find many things nice, tank you Peter ! 4 months ago

Cute little Kitten Clingers at the MAIN Yin Yang Town (Clothing Store) ..
- 7 Different Colors via click the Kitten
- with and no meow Sound
- for left and right Leg

Jared Seda: omg these are sooooooooo cuuuuuute! 5 months ago

entrance to the mutlilevel cybermall

NEW at Grimm: Sissy Section
Sissy Maid Outfits on the 3rd floor of the Athena Shop Check them out.

Jerralyn Franzic: Love that second one at the bottom row, left side. Good one for an anime look. :) 5 months ago
New release of v3.2 the animesh horse script (can be worn or rezzed as vehicle) and optimized it for PBR viewer compatibility. I did some efforts to make the script more ubOde friendly (yes, with room for improvement) and the horse now has many new features for you to play with.

Xenon Darrow: YAY!!!! tytytyty Roland! I AM SO EXCITED! 6 months ago

I put a Mer level in .... I finally found a good tail (merman) and a seperate ao thats better than the old ones, I found them here .. login.friends-grid.com:8002:Aquamica

Safinemahoe2: Thank you for the mention; I am so glad we could help you with your merman tail. Great looking build! 8 months ago
Tonight, Wyldwood Bayou Grid opens our Grid's 3rd Anniversary and Halloween weekend!! DJ Macy and host Pixey do the honors starting at 6:00!! DJ Rosie and host Jillian follow up at 7:30!! Both DJs have spectacular sets of blues and spooky tunes lined up for you....or is it spooky blues?? Whatever it is, we invite you to come to our new and very special Haunted Maze and Castle for a super fun beginning to this fabulous weekend!! Watch the events calendar and your notices for events Saturday and Sunday, and of course, our big Halloween Bash on Monday night! You are gonna love these events!! The hearse will pick you up at Rockin' the Blues if you have the LM or take the hop to arrive in pieces! I mean...safely!! Costumes are strongly encouraged, or you can come as you are!
wyldwoodbayou.com:8002:Open Heart Art

Kith Whitehawk: It's looking spppoooookyyyyyy!!!! :) 1 years ago