Zuzu Bahro @ZuzuBahro

Friends Grid Offline

Mature Mexican American female. I prefer to speak English.

Liked posts

Celebrating Jails Everywhere?
I joke around a lot, but, as unbelievable as it may seem, this not a joke. According a business blog, the "National Play Monopoly Day" is a time for families to gather together to play the game that celebrates "Park Place, Boardwalk, and the jails located anywhere in the world". WTF? Celebrating jails?

This new outfit at oh HELLO only celebrates fun, fashion, and, ironically, anti-capitalism. (It's free). Smash the State and Storm the Bastille in style with this Monopoly themed skirt, graffiti top and "wild heart" platform boots.

Oh HELLO: Outfits With Options

rayne: love your outfits and your sense of humor :) 2 years ago

we LOVE builders!

Textures Trees & Scripts

Why are people moving to friends-grid?

It’s not because of the 4 new race tracks opened at our Velocidad region.

It’s not because we have the largest, most detailed underwater build in open sim.

It’s not because the sailing here is soo fun and challenging.

It’s not because they heard about the new Friends Mall & Skatepark….opening in February.

It’s not because of our one of a kind Casino…an experience like no other!

It’s not because of the super fast servers

It’s not because of the amazing and rare horses found at our stables.

No, those things are nice
But they are not why people are moving to friends-grid

The secret is out

And word has been spreading fast!

People are moving to friends-grid
Because of our amazing residents!

That’s right……
The reason people are moving to friends-grid is


Our community has people from all over the world…..

But we all speak the language of friendship….and we find ways to communicate and learn about each other’s culture.

We presently have a couple islands still available and we are looking for people who want to be a part of this amazing international community. There is no rent charged on these islands and they offer 10,000 prim.

We do not want everybody, but we want a few awesome people to make our community even better!

Contact Grid Hostess Zuzu Bahro or Safine Mahoe for details or go to friends-grid.com

LunaAylan: Es un lugar muy lindo y tranquilo. ♥ 5 months ago

Life is short, and it is here to be lived - Kate Winslet

KrisTina: Evil never ran away from hippies holding a peace sign, would be nice if they did. 9 months ago
This picture was taken inworld so it isn't the best but these earrings were created just a bit differently than I normally create. I worked with both Photoshop and Rhinogold to create these then assembled inworld combining the parts. Photoshop has a great 3d editor where you can load images and in seconds turn them into 3d. I have an article here: https://www.hypergridbusiness.com/2020/05/how-to-create-3d... These are in the shop. virtual-hg.com:8002:Monentes Jewelry

---- NEW OUTFIT----

friends-grid is OPEN!

What is friends-grid and the Friends region?

friends—grid is a sailing community (connected regions) that was built by a group of friends in 2023 and is owned by Safine Mahoe. You don’t have to sail, but if you do, you will love it!

Friends are the only thing that is important in Open Sim, nothing else really matters. As Woodrow Wilson said , “Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together.”

The Friends region is the heart of friends-grid. On this region, you will find Friends Stables, multiple satyr farms, trails through the rainforest, a large Marina to assist with your boating needs and the most beautiful waterfalls you will find anywhere!

In addition to the Friends Region, you will also find teleports to : Xinashi región with Oh Hello store, Annihilation role play region, Aquamica region with some of the largest and most detailed underwater worlds, Clearwater II with the Darwin Eco Project and many other regions being developed.

A limited number of free rentals are available, however, we are looking for people who want to be involved in our community, not simply collect free houses on every grid.

If you want to be a part of this amazing community, please contact Safine Mahoe if online.

If I am offline, please message safinemahoe2 on opensimworld.com

Our Ubers look a little different...

but it is a ride you will never forget!


opening June 15

Not all our textures are beautiful.....

actually some are pretty ugly

so if you need an ugly texture like Tropical thatch roofing,

Make a trip to

Textures Trees & Scripts

hundreds of beautiful textures.....and a few ugly ones!

....just another boring mall store.


Come out and grab a board and enjoy the fun at Friends Mall. The skatepark has been custom made for you with half pipes, ramps and bowls. Never skated before........perfect...virtual worlds let us experience some new things.

Skate and Shop (you can carry more when you are on wheels).

p.s skateboards ARE allowed in stores at Friends Mall

Ellen: I love this unique shopping concept! Thank you for all you do, Safine! You are amazing!!!! 3 months ago
The early morning sun paints the sky with warm, golden hues as it rises on the horizon. The gentle caress of the wind fills the sail of the boat, propelling it effortlessly over the calm and glistening water. It's a perfect start to the day, with the promise of adventure and tranquility ahead.

As you gaze out over the water, you're treated to a mesmerizing sight. Majestic whales breach the surface, their massive bodies breaking through the shimmering waves, and they emit powerful spouts of water as they exhale. Their playful antics in the water create a sense of wonder and awe, as if they are celebrating the new day's beginning.

Amongst the whales, elegant manta rays gracefully glide through the water, their wings undulating like ethereal dancers. They add a touch of grace and beauty to the scene, as if nature itself is putting on a spectacular show just for you.

It's a moment of pure serenity and connection with the natural world.


...some people call it home!

Warning ....the underwater world at friends-grid has over 5,000 fish and sea animals. Those with allergies should approach with caution.


A group of people from around the globe, living and interacting with one another in a small community.

The people in this small community affect each other through:

Collaboration, Conversations and Caring,

Interacting, Inventing and Implementation;

Boosting, Building and Blossoming,

Friending, Forgiving and Focusing;

Encouraging, Empowering and Exploring,

Laughing, Learning and Lifting.

If this sounds like a place you would like to call home, please contact Grid Hostess @ZuzuBahro

We have a limited number of complimentary premium islands that are available for individuals wanting to make friends-grid their main home.

Monthly rent -$0
Prim allowance - 10,000
My Grid recorder project. This project is one where you wear an attachment and when you go to other grids, it gets the name and address of the grid and saves it to a list. Unfortunately it's not very useful as many of the grids I go to have scripts turned off, in which case it doesnt work at all. Or... the hud gets reset on the journey there and doesn't work. So far in the past 2 years I've got a total of 9 grids in the list, although I have been to many many more grids. Thank you for all the nice people I've met out there and the many good people I have met and made friends with. If you are interested in this project for whatever reason, you need to make a website where you can run the php script and you need to wear an attachment that can get the name of the grid and send it to the list in the table. Maybe somebody can think of a use for it.
Why do people live at friends-grid?

There are many places you could choose in Opensim

*Make friends from all around the globe
* focus on people and community
* most detailed underwater worlds in open sim
*fully connected grid offering excellent sailing
*horse riding through Friends Farm and the rain forest
*Surfing, wind surfing, kayak surfing and body surfing
*Xinashi region and Oh Hello clothing store
*Annihilation region - zombie apocalyptic rp
*Large selection of boats available at our public Marina
*open water areas and extremely tight sailing areas
*Sail with a group every Sunday at noon
*stunning landscapes
* Friends Casino - no money to buy
* Coming Soon - Fantasia region, Darwin Region, F1 track, Hispanic Center, The Retreat and much more!

These are all great reasons....but the main reason people come to friends-grid is the PEOPLE! We would love to have you come visit friends-grid!

We currently have 65,000 sq m island parcels available with 10,000 prims for rent. These rentals are free....we are simply looking for people who want to be a part of our growing community....not simply collect homes on every grid.

For rental information contact Safine Mahoe, Zuzu Bahro or Serina Gee

Walking through the streets of Birch Grove during Pride month is like stepping into a vivid dreamscape. Rainbow flags sway in harmony with the breeze, adorning storefronts and lamp posts. Thank you @JamieAnnaWright for recognizing that all people matter. https://virtual-hg.com/JOpensim/index.php/2-uncategorised/...
Just wanted to give a shout out to the team that has made friends-grid totally rock!

Sometimes the techies get overlooked, and they are the people who make this virtual world possible.

friends-grid is not a simple job to run….it is probably a pain in the butt because I have a minor addiction to scripts.

These guys are how I hosted a huge party yesterday with 31 people and 8,000 scripts in that region alone…. with no lag!

Thank you hosting4opensim

---- NEW OUTFITS ----

Tattoos, Drinking, And Outfit Making
I have a friend who, unlike many these days, does not have a tattoo. He says he will never get a tattoo. The only modification of his physical appearance is his developing beer belly.

I've warned him that drinking as much as he does is not safe. He runs the risk of getting too drunk and ending up in a tattoo parlor! I would know. It happened to me.

OK, that's a lie. I mean, I might have been a little bit drunk while assembling this outfit. But really. In my mind, the outfit would not be complete without the tattoo.

Oh HELLO: Outfits With Options

Thirza Ember: Tatoo much information? Never. 1 years ago
Some people hide their imperfections....

We show ours off!

Details....it's what makes us different

Textures Trees & Scripts

"Grunge texture" by Photoshop Roadmap is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Lillysparks: I love it. Thank you for the coolest little texture shop ever! 1 month ago
Some people see broken glass...

while others see possibilities.

Your only limitation is your imagination

"DSC00944 Textured Glass" by adamdachis is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Textures Trees & Scripts
Textures play a crucial role in conveying emotions in Opensim by adding depth, realism, and atmosphere to the digital environment. Here's how they achieve this:

Visual Representation: Textures provide visual cues that evoke specific emotions. For example, rough, jagged textures might evoke feelings of danger or discomfort, while smooth, soft textures might evoke feelings of calmness or safety. By carefully selecting textures, designers can create environments that align with the desired emotional tone.

Color Psychology: Textures are often accompanied by colors, and different colors are known to evoke different emotional responses. Warm colors like reds, oranges, and yellows can evoke feelings of excitement or passion, while cool colors like blues and greens can evoke feelings of calmness or sadness. Texture artists can use color psychology in conjunction with textures to enhance emotional impact.

Immersive Experience: High-quality textures can enhance immersion by making the virtual environment feel more realistic. When users feel like they are interacting with a lifelike world, they are more likely to become emotionally engaged with the experience. For example, a beautifully textured forest scene with sunlight filtering through the trees can evoke feelings of awe and wonder.

Association and Memory: Textures can evoke emotions through association with real-world experiences. For example, the texture of a cozy, well-worn sweater might evoke feelings of comfort and nostalgia, while the texture of rusted metal might evoke feelings of decay or abandonment. By leveraging these associations, designers can evoke specific emotional responses in users.

Narrative Support: Textures can support the narrative of a virtual world by reinforcing its themes and motifs. For example, a dystopian cityscape might feature textures that convey decay, oppression, and despair, aligning with the narrative's themes. By immersing users in a visually cohesive environment, textures can enhance emotional storytelling.

User Interaction: Textures can influence how users interact with virtual objects and environments, which in turn can evoke emotions. For example, a rough texture might make a virtual object feel challenging to touch, evoking feelings of frustration or determination, while a soft texture might make it feel comforting and inviting.

By carefully selecting and designing textures, creators can evoke specific emotional responses in users, enhancing the overall experience of Opensim.

Textures Trees & Scripts

Luna Lunaria: I love textures 2 months ago

Wanna play with fire?

"Fire good!" by Jason O'Halloran is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

Textures Trees & Scripts

that little store everyone is talking about

When you enter the friends-grid Casino, you suddenly realize this experience is like no others! Enjoy over 200 casino games, the extensive auto & art collections, Threadz Boutique (still being stocked), Topless Club, the beautiful aquarium and sexy entertainment!
Click on each dollar sign and receive $1,000 of friends-grid dollars (up to $11,000 day).
Sailing on tropical waters with friends as the sun sets can be a magical experience. The warm weather, clear skies, and tranquil waters create the perfect setting for a memorable day.

As you sail along the friends-grid, you'll likely encounter stunning views of palm-fringed beaches, crystal-clear waters, and maybe even some marine life swimming alongside your boat. The gentle rocking of the boat and the sound of water splashing against the hull add to the serene atmosphere.

As the sun begins to set, the sky will be painted with vibrant hues of orange, pink, and purple, creating a breathtaking scene. Watching the sun dip below the horizon, casting its golden glow across the water, is a moment of pure beauty and tranquility.

pic by Serina Gee
What is friends-grid?

* small enough to be personal, big enough to have some cool areas to explore

* people - yes real people….not campers

* unbelievable sailing

* surfing on three different waves

* horse riding through the jungle

* extensive coral reefs

* mermaid fantasy area

* Xinashi and Oh Hello Clothing store

* extensive satyr farms

* Annihilation zombie killing rp

* new areas being developed

* friendships from around the world

If interested in renting, please contact Grid Hostess Zuzu Bahro. You may also contact Serina Gee or Safine Mahoe.

We will gladly provide you with a free trial home for 2 weeks to let you see how friends-grid is….and to see if it is a good match for the virtual life you desire.

At the completion of your two week trial period, we will provide you with a free full sim island with 10,000 prims available.

We are looking for people who want to be involved in our community. Our people are what makes friends-grid special!

If you want to make some new friends, and be a part of this amazing place, contact Zuzu Bahro on OSW today. @ZuzuBahro

Where are all these Moving Trucks going?


“Friendship is the only cement that will hold the world together.” Woodrow Wilson

Zuzu Bahro: I love my new home! Everyone has been friendly and welcoming. 11 months ago

The Party is going Wild!!!! Come join us at friends-grid

Safinemahoe2: A special thanks to all who came out.....all you people made it a very special evening! 11 months ago

Serina Gee: Decisions, decisions......which bikini to wear, the teenie weenie one, or the eenie, teenie, weenie one..??? 11 months ago
Not Safe For Work At All...
Dedicated to Priscilla Kleenex. :O
Do not watch if you are at all offended by cursing.
Someone actually made a video about priscilla kleenex... o.O

OpenSimUser: Completely innacurate, they are not even a hacker, just taking advantage of people that fail to bother setting permissions correctly on their regions. And why give more light to this moron? 1 years ago
Extraordinarily Ordinary
Not all of us can be superstars. This is an outfit for those of us who strive to be great at the ordinary things in life. Getting out of the house on time instead of late as usual. Unloading the dishwasher. Remembering to bring cloth bags to the grocery store. Taking the elephants out for a walk. Did I say elephants? Silly me. I meant aardvarks.

And, as is ordinarily the case, this oh HELLO outfit is full of fat-packs. Hair? Fat-pack. Jacket/Shirt combo? Fat-pack. Pants? Yup, them too. Oh ya, and the boots. What about the boots? Pay attention pumpkin. Fatpack!

Oh HELLO: Outfits For Elephants. Or was that Aardvarks? Sorry. "Outfits with Options."

Thirza Ember: wait... have you got a lil crush on Aaack? 2 years ago
These Textures are out of this world!

"Observatories Combine to Crack Open the Crab Nebula" by NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.

Come see the 17 new Nebula textures taken by NASA and other photographers.

Textures Trees & Scripts

If you are making an underwater build......

Textures Trees & Scripts

The little store for builders and landscapers

Voice in Opensim is a vexed question, and whilst most of us don't use it for a whole host of reasons it is a very useful thing to have. But, so long as there has been a 'free' alternative, most have been happy to use Vivox. For most people Vivox is probably fine, but for some there is one very big downside to using this service: it eavesdrops.

Some years ago I was working on an Opensim based solution for remote meetings, a place where we could virtually meet. Probably the most important criteria was security and privacy, so obviously Vivox, with its policy of eavesdropping was a non-starter. I had become aware of the Whisper project, but that only worked with Opensim up to 0.7.6, and whilst the module was then still available, it isn't now. Also, the Whisper project itself was abandonware. In 2014, Zetamex announced a bounty for anyone finishing the work on the Mumble-Whisper voice module, and started a crowdfunder, which predictably, this being Opensim, raised the derisory sum of $62 from four backers... https://www.hypergridbusiness.com/2014/01/zetamex-announce...

Even at the time, it didn't look as if the bounty would be claimed, as Vivox was still a viable option, so of course that's what people went for rather than for an independent voice solution for Opensim. I did try to contact the person behind the project at the time, as I would have liked to have supported the project, but they did not get back to me. The project I was working on didn't progress, but more because of the high entry threshold of Opensim/Second Life. I still have the OARs I made for the project however.

The EchoVoice project announced in late 2021 offered some promise even though the project was looking for $60k in initial funding. A cynic might think that raising a sum like that in Opensim is just pie in the sky, and so it proved. Thus far the project has raised $775 of the needed $60,000. Hypergrid Business described the project as suffering from 'delayed funding'. https://www.hypergridbusiness.com/2022/12/vivox-voice-repl...

And now that Vivox seem to be about to follow through on their decision to close off access to Vivox for most users of Opensim there is now a clamouring. The writing has been on the wall for a very long time, and there have been alternative voice projects launched from within the Opensim community that have been ignored.

At the end of the day we need to take responsibility for our own project. The Opensim project needs lots of things. Opensim needs its own viewer project with all the SL only gunk removing, and arguably a more formally organised Opensim fork project is needed to properly progress the project. But I doubt that any of this will happen because no one will cough up any cash. I know there are some users of Opensim who are extremely cash-strapped, but I reckon that most could afford the odd pound/dollar every once in a while to support projects in Opensim. Even in my most financially straightened times I could always find the odd couple of quid for causes that are important to me. Now that I'm somewhat more financially secure, I can afford to indulge more, but like most, I understandably want to be sure that any project I contribute cash to has a better than evens chance of reaching its goal.

There is only one way we will get the things we want in Opensim, such as a voice module, and that is through paying for them!


Some people commenting have adopted an intemperate and abusive tone when making comments. I've deleted a few, (and blocked one persistent offender). Some people have also posted irrelevant comments, which have also been deleted. Please keep comments civil, respectful and on topic.

Arielle: The first question should be how many actually use inworld Voice on a regular basis anyway? I suspect the percentage is small. 9 months ago
If I have a region listed "no fly" it is for a reason, mostly because if you fly in those regions you will miss the beauty of the hard work that was done to make it worth visiting in the first place. I know everybody likes to get around fast and if a region owner makes their land that you can fly over it that's all well and good, but if they have it set to no fly, why not respect that. I watched someone arrive, wait a moment, then they were flying which meant they had to use the command to allow them to override my settings and that, no matter how you cut it, is disrespectful and rude. So from now on, if I am on and I catch you flying in my no fly regions you will be banned, not because you flew but because you disrespected my settings and overrode them. I really don't mean to be a b**ch about things but this kind of blatant disrespect really gives me the red a**. Further when I spoke to this person they just hovered above me for a while then left without answering, again, very rude and disrespectful. Truth is, if you ask me nicely I would probably let you fly, and I also have teleporters out for fast travel through the region. Just don't use the command to override the settings I have. Thank you. Blessings and much love, Lavia.

Fred Beckhusen, aka Ferd Frederi: Prim a collider over their head to stop it. TP them back. Problem solved 10 months ago
Many have asked, "Where is it that Mari creates?" "Where is her studio?" It is no secret that Mari resides in a little cottage in Xanth. It is always open for you to visit. Mari works here most days so I am sure you will see her here working. Please stop by anytime https://youtu.be/H3DRTQUpMS8


Please add this to your map > virtual-hg.com:8002/Xanth/128/128/23

Thank you Ferd for the inspiration and magic!

Our back yard is a little different!

contact @ZuzuBahro for rental info