Annah Gestaga @agestaga

Montana, USA Offline

Joined 1 month ago

About Myself

I love building virtual worlds; creating a new virtual reality for those who enjoy spending time inWorld. Demon sims and Japanese sims are my favorite to build.

My Interests

* Building sims
* Gathering supplies
* Teaching BDSM 7 D/s (Dominants, Tops, slaves, submissives, bottoms)
* Teaching Satanism and other religions

I'm Looking For

Mostly just a place to build and create but friends are welcome.

Music I Like

Various forms of Metal, Electronica, EDM, Viking, Goth, etc.

Films I Like

- Saw series
- Conjuring series

My Heroes

my Mother - no matter what life throws are her, she deals with it and comes out on top.

Viewer Version

Firefox 6.6

My Regions

This member has no regions yet


comments 2 post likes 0
No upcoming events

My Reviews


I may have a thing about lights and collecting them.. however... this place is amazing. There are many types of lights available and more. This is a place you need to see, even if just for the amazement of it. There are multiple floors so make sure you use the teleporter. *in awe*

Gentle Fire Grid

We were looking for a home upon leaving SL and found Gentle Fire. The staff here is amazing and there are lots of events going on just abut every day. They are all about fun, enjoyment and treat you like family! There's even shopping, clubs and more. We love the grid and are proud to call it "home". Thank you so much for having us!

My Groups

Profile Comments

Thanks Annah! I thought I sent you one yesterday. LOL
you did and it showed but i wasn't able to accept it, so i just sent you one. *smiles*