Allie Dawson @alliedawson

OSGrid and my own Summerland Grid ( Offline

Liked posts

Nautilus Cape Cod has reopened its Fish House Restaurant! Have a romantic Dinner or grab a lunch after sailing and exploring the Nautilus Ocean waters. The Restaurant is across from the Marina that has many free boats that work effortlessly on the Nautilus waters. The Restaurant has charming views of Cape Cod which has long term residents. There are free cottages to call home, the last one just became available and sits on its own private Island. ENJOY! Cod

Chad Deischer: Thank you for the likes 1 years ago

There are 7 of us, me who made the grid for the others, and 6 students, who rotate. We don't even change our avatar, we still have the same clothes, skin...

We like to go to the list of new regions to see what people have made new. If you don't want us to go, why advertise them on this site?

If you're afraid we'll rip you off, we dare you to find something on our grid that's not for sale. Even, when there is some special work, we post it and next to it we put a link to your grid (as in the case of Cherry Manga, Flora, Lani...).

We are not your competition in anything, we don't rent regions, we are not interested in users (although they are welcome if they prefer to be here).
As we said in another post, if someone wants something of what we do, ask us, we almost always forget to put it in copy or for sale).

In fact, the Welcome region, we have made it with links to this site and to places that we believe that anyone who comes to Opensim should know, because of their work.

On the other hand, we are disappointed with the people... it is sad, when they pass by you and even if you say hello, you do not receive the slightest sign of friendship. This is what hurts us the most (in our homes we are always forced since we were kids to say "hello" when you arrive and "goodbye" when you leave), indifference is punished with a "scolding".

We are so few and this is the relationship we are looking for... not even a "hello"... but a "don't come closer, I won't let you".

So, after this rambling, I leave you with the image of the endangered species of freshwater fish, which I'm sure we have stolen from Kittely or some similar site :))))

Long live freedom and death to the Troll!!!

New Release: Arcadia's Lace Collar-

I'm releasing a new collar for you, this is beyond a new mesh though, it's a complete revamp of every script, animation and configuration card to the point that we decided to abandon the old versioning convention and now it’s version is 2022.12.04.

This massive project was a collaboration with Okie Meow (, without him this couldn't have been possible.


- New storage system to keep data of Owners, Trusted and Blocked people, this will work in any sim that has scripts enabled, no special permissions needed. It cleverly encodes the UUIDs into textures.

- New couples pose system, now you can modify the height of the collar wearer directly from the menu.

- New default poses for all the poses on the collar, they feature a small intro animation.

- Revamped scripts on each one of the scripts fixing bugs in RLV, menus, the leash, etc.

- New leash and particle default textures.

- New leash holder.

There are more features, too many to list here we worked very hard to give you the best collar possible, additionally I revamped the existing collars to this new version.

These changes made it backwards incompatible, so you will need to get a fresh copy of this new collar or your existing favourite Arcadia’s collar.

Happy Wednesday!

Mistressdalgato: wow congrats! but I do have a few questions. will it keep data if say I am in a different grid then my slave? Also does it come with a remote like the os collar did? also if I understand correctly the... 2 years ago
Naked Yoga
Where: Eros Yoga Center
When: 2 years ago [6 May 2022 15:00 SLT]

Q: Naked? A: Yup.
Q: Yoga? A: Uh huh.
Q: What should I expect? A: Naked Yoga silly. But yes, be prepared for public nudity and sexual activity.
Q: Are there rules? A: Of course!
Q: What are they? A: Well, just accept the note card auto-magically offered when you arrive at the event to do...
Q: Naked Yoga! A: You got it!

News and updates...
Suzan Von Otto of Klamotto( messaged me last night to inform me she rigged my hair and made it two material faces, to be distributed freely with the nonrigged version. I will do this- but want to make a good hair hud for it first. Thinking of adding compatibility also with the "Decadence Hair Huds" I see floating around so people have even more choices.

2. I am making the main shops inside more cozy and finished looking. The idea is the newest or most popular things will stay right at the front outside but everything else goes inside eventually. Avatar stuff and hairs will go in "avatar magic" which is shaping into an "alternative sci/fantasy" beauty shop.

3. Just a few months away from new open source bodies and I finally fixed some errors I had with the Ruth2 V3 devkits...I have also legal copies of old maitreya devkit, among others from when I did things in SL. I have a few things I never put on the big grid and can, even for Athena users, because legal stuff for nonlegal bodies can be a "Gateway drug" to more legal content. And the problem isn't just going to go away cold turkey. So I can put my huge supply of "I made this, rigged it, it looks nice, never wore it in SL" on opensim. We'll see how it goes.
New Assets 30/10/2020
Texture Organizer,more & Mystery Victorian Manor House
(incleded Furnitures BOX)
Decadence HG Mesh Body Decadence HG Clothes any shop
but difficult get BODIES...
Any Needfull Thing here......

HanHeld: I saw some ruth2 applier things I haven't seen other places, and a few other odds and ends. Anyways, @Livene's doing more than I am these days so have a "like" 2 years ago
Getting closer to Christmas, thinking of an old friend. We had a lot of fun racing these. Missing her laughter and personality. We all have some good times here, try and enjoy every moment because people don't last forever. She changed my life in a way she could never have imagined. Here's to old friends at Christmas!
I have made a BOM version of the Ruth RC3 body as I like the Hud on that version. I have made a shape that will work okie with the clothes in my store though some alpha is needed. hop://

Hugabug: Very nice thank you Remmy ! 2 years ago
Did you know?

After doing the rigged heels I realise some people would like to have a non-rigged pair of shoes, in some cases it offers more flexibility (especially for mesh avatars) than a rigged pair.

The Gaga shoes are attached, they also don't have heels, they look fantastic although it hurts even to look at them. They come in several colours, including white for if you want to tint them to fit your current outfit.

The textures are included in the box =)

Happy Thursday!
Likely the last new thing until after Christmas!
Long 100% original, legal mesh rigged braids. They come with the usual colour hud (Thank you, Susan von Otto!) but you can of course put any texture you'd like on them. Straight to the point, classic enough to go on modern contemporary outfits or some historical things. The braids, as you can see, do a very cool looking colour mixing thing if you have different streaks in. In the new year I may add compatibility for Susan's original two texture face version. I just haven't decided yet whether to make it "two colours, one for each braid split down the middle part" or "different streaks totally separate mixed together" or both.
Have fun, don't sell or put on SL or take all the credit for it.
More hair. This is non rigged because it's short enough to not need rigging...messy double buns with loose strands on the side. It has Suzan Von Otto's very generous hud, but for one face texture only to keep this style simple. 100% legal, original and not pirated mesh. Don't sell, don't put on SL, don't run around telling folks these are your creations.

Thank you to Priscilla Kleenex
I would like to thank Priscilla Kleenex (from what-so-ever-grid) for her tireless efforts in finding faulty settings on our SIMs and bringing them to our attention. I could once more fix a couple of flying trees I had unintentionally made moveable when I wanted to make them copyable. Without the help of those voluntary security-testers like Mrs. Kleenex I would never have noticed.

Ich möchte Priscilla Kleenex (von what-so-ever-grid) für ihre unermüdlichen Bemühungen danken, fehlerhafte Einstellungen auf unseren SIMs zu finden und uns darauf aufmerksam zu machen. Ich konnte wieder einmal ein paar fliegende Bäume reparieren, die ich versehentlich beweglich gemacht hatte, als ich sie kopierbar machen wollte. Ohne die Hilfe dieser freiwilligen Sicherheitstester wie Frau Kleenex wäre mir das nie aufgefallen.

Glenys Bieler: Nice one! We do need to thank her agreed. 2 years ago
Shoulder-view camera angles: Looking at the world like your avatar does
We're all used to OpenSim's standard rear camera angle. A camera that floats more than three and a half metres above the ground. But seriously, this camera angle has got a whole lot of issues.

Sure, it can be practical when building. But first of all, it requires buildings which are even more ridiculously out-of-scale than the avatars created by fresh Second Life converts. Otherwise, the camera would constantly bump into the ceiling or even clip through it.

Besides, it suggests that this is your eye level. You don't see the world from your avatar's point of view. 3.60m (12') doors with handles on actual eye level or even higher don't seem strange to you at all, nor do living-rooms with ceiling heights akin to cathedrals or chin-high handrails.

Last but not least, high-hovering cameras are so 2000s. Nowadays, "shoulder cams" at the same height as the character's eyes are all the rage in video games. And you can have them in OpenSim as well.

Here are two settings I've found to work well.

"Standard" shoulder view, right of centre:

Camera Offset:
X -0.700
Y -0.400
Z -0.300

Focus Offset:
X 1.000
Y -0.400
Z 0.700


Alternative shoulder view, left of centre:

Camera Offset:
X -0.700
Y 0.400
Z -0.300

Focus Offset:
X 1.000
Y 0.400
Z 0.700


Han_Held: Good stuff! I always liked Penny Patton's settings, personally. You can see them here: though I use her old numbers, which yo... 2 years ago
Small change to OSW home page possible?
Opensimworld is such a great resource for opensim - love it! The home page has so much useful info on it.
My request - could The Box be moved further down the page? Maybe swap with Events or Bookmarks? Just because more often than not The Box is so depressingly infantile and completely useless to anyone looking for information.
Come and live among the vampires and zombies.
Help create a fun environment living with the constant threat from vampires.
The zombies and other NPC's are usually just food for the vampires and you.
You can bite NPC's, and you can bite Avatars.
All is fair when you need the blood.
There is a local shop that I am populating with items handy for survival.

There are 5 large parcels left, all with 5000 prim allowance.
Only grid members can rent a parcel (Free), but anyone can come and browse.
So come and make an account at:

note: Please don't come and just make a halloween scene and disappear.

Happy New Year From the (OSG) Nautilus Community

Wishing you all Happiness and Health
Hold onto what is special and let the negative wash out with the tide Isle
May the spirit of love and peace of Christmas be with you throughout the year. We wish you immense happiness this Christmas for you and your families. Enjoy Christmas, but sharing it with others is even better. Best wishes from Anthony
After two weeks of waiting, I can announce the results of the competition.

The owner of a single network admitted that he was wrong and mistakenly placed a fake beacon. This network name is now hidden.
During these two weeks a new group is attacking the title and if I have time I will update the ranking soon.

You can see everything else in the comments and review ...
From charges of throwing a party on my sim where I've ridde ....... My sim is technically unable to throw parties. I will not comment on all of them.
I will only comment on the emanation of impudence and shamelessness:
The hard-working admins who work on their sim for 18 hours without a break...... Sitting, during this time they are visited by the well-known Priscilla, but they don't even get up... They use a steel version of viewer that does not block and allows them to work even lying down... I trust them :)
And finally they threaten me that they are like Google and they set the rules... I am dying of fear that I have attached screenshots.
Tremble, all of you! As of today, the OpenSim community has a new ruler….

SamuSmith: What is this here? Im on this sim and there is nothing only 2 cubes with fake sim informations pictures. Please remove this fake post that here is a shame 2 years ago
Let's talk beaches, part 1: What makes a good beach?
(Picture with my sister on it because I didn't have anything else at hand...)

Yes, I know it isn't really beach season (unless you're on the Southern hemisphere or in some subtropic or tropic area). But on the other hand, if it's too cold to go to a real beach, there are plenty of virtual beaches where it isn't too cold.

Now, what I'd like to talk with you, the community, about is: What makes a good beach? What does a good beach need in your opinion?

Generally, from my point of view, a beach should be more than just eyecandy on a sim that serves another purpose (freebie shops, event location, welcome landing, whatever). A beach should serve its own purpose, namely the same purpose real-life beaches serve. And that purpose shouldn't only be sex either.

So there are certain things I expect from a beach. Fair warning ahead: I'm biased because I grew up between a whole lot of nice beaches, and I've been to quite a number.

First of all: It should be possible to go into the water. Possible, credibly so and not hazardous. The sand should slope into the water gently so you can actually walk out into the sea (or lake or whatever) just like you usually can in real life. This is such a basic demand that you may wonder why I mention it.

Well, in many cases, this isn't possible at all. Either you have textured ground which drops off steeply from one metre above the water surface to way below. Sand can't do that, and it renders the number one key element of a beach useless.

Or you have a beach made of mesh sections. But these pieces of mesh either only barely lead into the water, or the water-side edge lies on top of the water surface, and all that washes over them are the waves. You can't even walk into ankle-deep water without falling off the edge and seeing the large hollow underneath the mesh beach pieces. I guess this is often a case of a beach built by someone who spends so much time flying above their own sim that they've literally never set a single foot on their own beach.

So, either way, whether or not you build your beach out of mesh: Please let the sea ground slope away from the beach gently.

This, by the way, is also why springboards on beaches are non-sense. Unless you place them on piers where the water is deep enough.

Speaking of swimming: Swim rezzers.

They come either as a single white-and-blue life-saver (where you have to explain how a life-saver floating in the surf stays in place) or as two life-savers on a wooden pole (the more elegant solution). In case you don't know them: What they do when you click on them is rez another life-saver. You sit on it, it disappears, and you assume a swimming position, complete with swimming animations. You can steer yourself while swimming. You can swim like you walk, only that you swim. If you stand back up, the life-saver reappears. If you wait for long enough, it deletes itself. One swim rezzer can rez multiple of these life-savers.

Why do I deem them important? Because you may want to actually swim. And not stand in the water. Because that's what you do on beaches (in case you don't know because you've never been to one).

Some of you may confuse them with those old-style swim balls. They're basically poseballs for swimming: You sit on them, and you swim back and forth, back and forth, and you can't control where you swim. But seriously, 2011 called, it wants its OpenSim 0.7.3 tech level back. Poseballs may still have their places, but this isn't one anymore.

Now comes something that may not be interesting unless you "play it real" like me: What do you do after you've been in the water? Lay down on a lounger or a towel?


When I was a kid, we were taught by the adults to take off our wet swimwear and slip into something dry ASAP. Real life isn't Hollywood where your swim trunks or your swimsuit is dry the instance you come out of the water (or after the next cut). Nope, it's wet and clingy and getting cold, no matter how hot the weather is. So I'd like to have a chance to do that on a virtual beach as well.

Now, either the sim is Adult-rated which usually (but sadly not all of the time) means that nudity is allowed. Or it's Moderate-rated, and nudity is allowed (but sex isn't), whether or not it's mentioned. Or you don't really "play it real" (layer clothes: replace your swimwear directly with something new; mesh: put on your new swimwear, wear two sets clipping through each other for a few seconds, then take off your old swimwear, or replace one full swimwear outfit with another one in one go).

Or you do "play it real", but you can't be naked in public, so you have to hide. The same goes for when you arrive on a beach in street clothes with no swimwear underneath, by the way.

Ideally, the beach provides changing cabins (with scripted doors, not just static decorational dummies!). If not, there should be something that you can go behind to change. This something should be a) placed in such a way and large enough that it's hard to look behind it (camming or intentionally walking in notwithstanding), b) large and opaque enough that it actually covers you up (knee-high shrubbery isn't) and c) arranged in such a way that you can easily walk behind it and back out (a 100-metre-long hedge isn't; a long dune is if it's tall enough because you can walk over it).

As for other things, there should be a difference between "natural" beaches and other beaches.

If a beach is "natural", there shouldn't be any more facilities. Maybe a few beach towels for convenience (and plants to change behind unless you're allowed to be naked), or rezzing should be allowed so that people can place their own towels.

Everything else should be left to beaches which are officially run by someone, but then it should be there. Loungers. Beach showers or even full facilities. Changing cabins if necessary (see above). A bar or two (a halfway credible beach would have more swim rezzers than beach bars, though). Ideally a place to get something to eat. Lifeguard chairs. (The latter three work even better with appropriately-dressed NPCs giving life to them.) Shops and a party area with a dance floor and a permanently installed DJ set don't belong on "natural" beaches either.

On the one hand, a fully stocked beach bar one some remote secluded beach island that doesn't even have a landing pier doesn't make any sense. On the other hand, a beach that's otherwise so fully equipped as though it's right in front of a resort hotel is kind of incomplete if you can't get anything to drink.

A few more things concerning the above: Please, dear beach builders, if you place down furniture such as loungers or towels, sit on them. Can you sit on them properly? If you can't, do away with them because they're just a waste of space and prim capacity. It doesn't matter if you have never sat down on furniture, and you never will. Other people do, believe it or not, they do.

As an extra precaution: If the sim isn't Adult-rated, and the furniture has a menu, look at it. If there's anything sex-related, either replace the furniture with something without sex animations or edit them out.

Also, inflatable, floating items only make sense in pools. If you place a pool floater or a bouncy island in the surf in real life, it will be carried away unless you anchor it very thoroughly. And none of the floating items on the Hypergrid looks like it's anchored at all. So no floaties in the ocean surf.

Last but not least: The "dress code" on the beach (and in the surrounding areas) should be clear, and visitors should be informed about it both in-world and on OSW if the sim is entered there. Textile? Clothing optional? Nude? It's nigh-impossible to safely assume from the rating (or from the culture wherever the builder lives). Adult may mean a full-blown nudist "piggy beach" of which there are dozens just as well as a textile beach on a sim that allows nudity only in one small and well-concealed nook with one piece of sex furniture. And even Moderate may or may not allow for nudity.

Pagane: One of my beaches is with free access. May come to explore sand and terrain. Not ask for waves - i hate them. hop:// bay 2 years ago
Welcome to the Nautilus Turtle Bay Swingers Club !
This is a clothing optional Beach and Dance area for adult nude enthusiasts. Dress Code is Nude or Beach Wear. ADULT ONLY PLEASE.
Finally the nudist beach and the resort you were waiting for, where you can have sex in freedom.

Come and spend your holidays or a romantic or sexual weekend in a wonderful atoll on our grid. Use our numerous houses or stilt houses in the middle of the sea, or entertain yourself in our gym to have a session that is not just sporty ;)


Finalmente la spiaggia nudista e il resort che aspettavi, dove poter fare sesso in libertà.

Vieni a passare le tue vacanze o un weekend romantico o sessuale in un meraviglioso atollo della nostra grid. Utilizza le nostre numerose abitazioni o palafitte in mezzo al mare, oppure intrattieniti nella nostra palestra per avere una sessione non solo sportiva ;)
Collars update: RLV system.

This one was a blunder I personally made, I accidentally misplaced a script (oc_rlvsuite) inside another script oc_rlvsys.

So the RLV subsystem will not work as expected.

To fix that either grab a fresh copy of the collar at the store or if you feel adventurous do the following:

Edit your collar and from the root prim delete these two scripts:

oc_rlvsuite and oc_rlvsys

Then select the prim named "RLV" (it's the grey one if you rez the collar on the ground) and delete the script inside.

Then open the updater and get the fresh scripts from there:

oc_rlvsys and oc_rlvsuite

and put oc_rlvsuite in the root prim and oc_rlvsys in the prim called "RLV".

You can get the updater at the Kinky shop or just grab your favourite collar already fixed.

And if you want to curse someone for this, go ahead and blame me, Oki is innocent =/
With Gratitude ala Grief
I wish to take a moment to Thank those who endear themselves to the term Griefers, :) .
I wish to extend my sincere gratitude to those called the lowlifes and losers, those often compared to the scummy dross of life. To those who keep demanding my attention daily with repeated attempts to upset the Metaverselife grid performance, Thank You, For It Is You Who have given me the gift of Knowledge. If it were not for the Griefers,.. I would think I was doing something right.. If not for the Griefers,.. I would not be learning network technology, with big words like bottlenecking ,throttling and other wizardry spell stuff. Learning is cool. If not for the Griefers, I would never have learned how to ban Mac Addresses or full ranges of Network IPs. Learning is cool . If not for the Griefers, I would not have learned about ICMP Flooding. P.S. learning is cool. If not for the Griefers, I would not know what a deal a Ddos attack is. Learning is cool. SO ,..To those pimples on the ass of society, the Griefers,.. THANK YOU,..... thank you for showing me that I need to update my education in order to secure the Metaverselife grid,..To the Griefers,.. Thank you for starting me on the journey of obtaining accurate knowledge, cause why... thats right,.. learning is cool. Thank you for showing me the true nature of the tortured beast ,mankind. May God bless you with mercy and all you richly deserve. Tis the season so.....remember to be good to everyone you meet :) ,....... Hes makin a list,.. and checkin it twice,... He gonna find out whos naughty and nice ;) , oh and thanks for the fish
Average Sizes of Men and Women In RL
By country:
The following table shows the average sizes, weights and BMI from 131 countries. All figures refer to men and women between the ages of 18 and 25 years.

A list summarized by subcontinent.

Note that the site will convert units to feet and pounds and back again to meters and kilograms.

An informative blog post about AV heights: Let’s Talk About Proportions -

CherylFurse: Everyone is different. Until my 20th I was skinny and had no boobs. Then I took anti baby pills and got B cups and later more. My petite body has same size as in RL and is 1.67 m tall. If other women ... 2 years ago

The new Stark! 2/24 or 24/2 magazine is now available, by Nice Minik about.....................Secrtes, get your copy from the Stark! Magazine shop at Stark Main, just down the hill near Aqua Club

niki stuart: there is also now a mag vendor on Stark North District welcome, and i apologise for typos!!! 4 months ago
Burning ships! Want to win such a ship? Visit Catronian Archipelago, enter the door to the Riddle stone hunt, search the gemstones ( you get gifts ) , solve the riddle and win a ship of your choice from this collection! You can use the ship to participate in our battles.

DJ Princess Alex is doing a warm up for DJ Henk .... just TP into the ILU Grid and join the fun.

My 2022 Christmas gift for the community, at least for the Ruth2 v4 users:

Nail polish for Ruth2 v4.

Two boxes with BoM nail polish in 31 colours altogether. One box contains the 22 original colours from the Ruth 2.0 nail polish applier plus one bonus colour. The other one contains the 8 nail polish colours from the Ruth2 v4 HUD, but now covering the whole nail. Both sets come with a Readme notecard with instructions.

They're currently only available in the Westend ( at my R2 shop (at 44/67/22, opposite the Statue of Liberty), but I've passed copies to Ai Austin, and I expect it to appear on the official R2 sim soon. I'll also roll them out to other sims offering Ruth2 v4.

Both boxes are full-perm (or should be; drop me a note if they aren't) and licensed under Creative Commons CC0. You can copy the boxes or buy the content.

Jupiter Rowland: Well, Austin was surprisingly fast. He added both boxes to the official sim (hg.osgrid.80:RuthAndroth) yesterday. 1 years ago
Mac with 15 accounts on 6 grids caught .. two down,....


Hugabug: yeah that one there is trouble 2 years ago
Tuvalu will re-emerge in the Metaverse...

Anyone else thinking this could be a use case for OpenSim? A Tuvalu Grid?

Tuvalu is 9 islands with 10 square kilometres altogether. In raw land mass, that'd be 10 4x4 varsims which is almost laughable. Even if you remap this to Tuvalu's actual topography, that'd be not only still considerably smaller than Wolf Territories, but mostly sailable water.

In fact, this begs for SFsail. Also, lots of tropical beaches = potential surf spots. Nothing that hasn't been done before.

Not to mention that OpenSim has vastly better graphics than everything else that labels itself "metaverse" nowadays.

I guess most other in-world assets such as buildings would be scratch-made, although creators like Bibiana Bombinante could provide some decoration.

HanHeld: Sounds like a good idea, basically a "Blake Sea" kind of concept. 2 years ago
Die Pfalz ist wieder zurück, entgegen aller Hater, Neider und Umstäden die uns Zerstören Wollten, die Pfalz stirb nicht so schnell. Wie gewohnt mit Shop´s, FKK Strand und vielem zu Entdecken, Mietshäuser kommen auch wieder sind zur zeit in Planung
The Pfalz is back again, contrary to all haters, envious and circumstances who wanted to destroy us, the Pfalz does not die so quickly. As usual with shop ́s, naturism beach and much to discover, apartment buildings are coming again are currently in planning

Allie Dawson: congrats!! good to see you back online!! :) 2 years ago
Snoodle Mega World is back !!
Come pay a visit to Snoodle Mega World for free houses, bots, sex things, Medieval area, shops, Horror shop with nasty things, furniture shop, places to sit and chat, see the Alien Garden and strange plants, come and use the Disco with your partner or click on the dance ball and rez your own Bot to dance with, relax in the tree house or go fishing in the cannel, in fact lot's and lot's of things to do AND ALL FREE - FREE - FREE

Hugabug: Welcome back I will be visiting very soon 2 years ago

📝 Why nudists can't blindly trust ratings

Adult sometimes actually being General with kids banned, sim owners not notifying anyone about just that, and dangerous differences between OSW ratings and in-world ratings

Have you ever stood in front of those Ruth2 v4 or Roth2 v2 boxed and wondered which one of them you actually need? Well, the labels on these boxes aren't as self-explanatory as they try to be. So before you go home with boxes that you don't even need, I'd like to help you with shopping guides.

The first one is for guys and therefore for Roth2 v2.

So the confusion starts with the bodies themselves. There seem to be two of them, one with a red "BoM" label, one with a blue "" label. What's up with these?

The "BoM" body is the regular, fully-featured one. The one labeled "" is the same body with the same BoM and Bento capabilities, but with reduced scripts in order to be compatible with OpenSim back to version; the one labeled "BoM" is only guaranteed to work under OpenSim 0.9.1 and newer.

This is also why the "BoM" body comes with a three-page HUD whereas the "" body doesn't, and it can't be controlled via the regular body's HUD. This means no alpha HUD (which is near-useless and unnecessary in BoM mode anyway), no hand controls and no turning BoM off or changing the alpha mode. On the plus side, it comes with its own pair of Ferd Frederix elf ears.

Otherwise, the box contents are identical. You get the body, BoM-capable mesh eyeballs, one classic/BoM skin, one pair of classic/BoM eyes, one bald hairbase, one shape and a pair of dark grey layer underwear that can be changed in shape. It's basically all you need to start as the body already comes with a head, but you'll probably want more.

Which brings us to the grey boxes with the "R" on them.

The Extras box is the most important one for end users, for it may contain the "more" you want. First of all, it contains the body in various "chunk sizes": the whole body without the head, only the body, head, head with neck extension, hands and feet. Next, we have an alternative shape, namely that from Roth2 v1, previously known as Roth 2.0 RC#1. There are also a whole of eleven skins including a blank one and the one that comes with the bodies, the underwear top as a jacket, Ferd Frederix' elf ears, unisex biker hair in two colours and four different alpha layers for hiding parts of the body (you'll need these as soon as you want to turn BoM off).

The Extras box is definitely worth looking at; whether what you'll find is useful for you is up to you.

The Skins box contains the very same skins you'll find in the Extras box. However, it doesn't only contain the wearable skins for BoM. It also contains five textures per skin, two of which are meant as thumbnails for the HUD. If you've found one of the skins from the Extras box to your liking, these textures make it possible to use that skin with BoM turned off by adding it to your HUD (unless that particular skin is already on the HUD).

The other two boxes are rather special. The Resources box has the Skins box already included. On top of that, it contains the box art, the textures used on the HUD, the Ada Radius eyes that you can select on the HUD, but as wearable classic eyes (one of the reasons to get the box unless you've found better eyes elsewhere), and an underwear box that contains a pair of briefs not found in any of the previously mentioned boxes (the other reason to get this box).

The Mesh Uploads box is of no use for end users. It may be interesting for those who want to make clothes or other accessories, for it contains the various raw and unscripted meshes. Even then, you'll probably also want to take a look at the Github repository as well.

That said, if you really want to get the best out of Roth2 v2, look for third-party content. Not only will you need flexi or mesh hair since Roth2 v2 only comes with one hairstyle which is even only available in the Extras box, but you're likely to find much better-looking skins elsewhere. Don't worry, Roth2 v2 is textured in such a way that classic skins made for "duck feet" should work perfectly well on it.

Places to go for accessories for Roth2 v2 include:
Klamotto (; caution, this place doesn't support BoM, so I suggest you go there first and take everything with you that you think you may need, including make-up from Deva Moda in case you consider going androgynous at some point)
Astralia ShoppingCity (
La Tortuga (; there's much more to find for women than for men, but it offers the only pair of swim trunks that works on Roth2 v2 if you absolutely insist in having a bulge, and it saves you a trip to an old Linda Kellie mall because it also offers Linda's pre-Clutterfly stuff in boxes)

And if you still need the body and the grey boxes, there are various places where to get them, for example:
Shopping Village (

First little harbor is ready for people to move in , sail and rezz ships.

Inauguration du Club Eros
Where: EROS
When: 2 years ago [27 May 2022 12:00 SLT]

L'inauguration du célèbre Club Éros se déroulera Vendredi 27/05/2022 à 12pm (21h paris)
Vous y trouverez un club échangiste multi orientation sexuelle, ou la bonne humeur et le respect de tous est le maître-mot !
Alors vendredi soir venez prendre que du plaisir avec nous, sans tabou, sans retenue, si ce n'est celle du respect.
Le taxi : hop://

New skirts incoming
Klarabella Karamell is at it again. And still dissatisfied with the skirts available on the Hypergrid. So she's making new ones.

Juno is combining them with Klara's own skirt textures. Here she is testing one in combination with a Damien Fate/Klarabella Karamell jacket, a Beth Ghostraven top, Masaki Shinomiya tights, LyAvain Swansong boots and a Neo Cortex pearl necklace.
Happy New Year from our New Year's party!

Dance the night and the old year away just like we do!

Outfit information will follow if you're curious...

Autumn is colourful, but it's also chilly. You can't (or shouldn't) bare as much skin as you still could in summer. On the other hand, there are nice things that you can wear now such as these beautiful classic layer tights by Morgaine Alter (12th House Designs) with autumn leaf print. Places where you can find them include the mixed freebie stores at Wright Plaza ( and Sunny Paradise Mall (; don't worry, it's online).

Juno is wearing them with a knit sweater/miniskirt combination from Shinobar Annex (, a necklace by Taarna Welles which is part of the same knit dress/ensemble box and boots by Klarabella Karamell, available at Bella Klara (

By the way, the picture has been taken at The Fall (

On a sidenote: For some reason, the Ruth and Roth group had been set to show its content to members only. I've fixed this, and now all content should be available to the public.

Juno enjoying the early evening of a warm late summer day at Les pieds de sable (

Can you believe that everything on this woman was made in OpenSim for OpenSim?