Allie Dawson @alliedawson

OSGrid and my own Summerland Grid ( Online


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Very Nicely done beach area!!
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For sure one of the prettiest little beaches I've seen in os OR sl. It could be a VERY fun getaway with a special someone! :)
thank you so much
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no access to regions parcels with an OSGrid av
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I couldn't care LESS about RANKINGS... who's #1 or who's #3 or whatever. But what I DO care about is how many honest-to-goodness LIVE av's are in which regions. I visit SL a lot and am often telling people there about OS, which MOST of them know NOTHING about. And later, if they decide to give us a try and I'm helping them log-in and get an AV set up, I ALWAYS tell them about OSW and how, with so FEW av's in OS compared to SL, that it's live region section is the BEST place for them to quickly find other av's here and things to DO. Unreliable av counts make that info useless.
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Such a beautiful region....not just Sardar Fair itself but all that I had time to see of the surrounding areas as well. A pleasure to just wander around and explore as you have the time.
Thank you for your kind words. We hope you will consider visiting us often :)
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A really pretty and well laid out shopping area!!
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Having began my virtual life in SL in 2008, I'm rather familiar with the process of TP'ing and the issues involving items rezzing ... or NOT!. And you are right, opensim will always have these problems. All the MORE reason, in my view, to simplify processes as much as possible. If I'm going to GO somewhere, I want to go DIRECTLY there, not to some intermediate point where I have to wait around for THAT place to rezz (if it ever does) so I can continue on to the REAL destination. If someone is going to provide an LM to some destination, is it not more sensible to TP directly there? Of course it is! While I obviously disagree with the method used there, I accept it's absolutely their prerogative to do it in whatever way suits them and I would never suggest otherwise. But it's equally MY prerogative to choose to go there or not.
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Obsess much, do you?
no it seems you do,. having to write a negative review cause you dont understand English, when I told you we are at the fetish factor tonight you can click the TP board or the large pictures to come to the club.. Since Otto had problems I make sure I tell every one I dont know how to get to where the party is
I KNEW where the party was... OBVIOUSLY .. since I GOT there, idiot. See, I can call names TOO :) The issue is HOW to get there with an unrezzed TP board. As you've, I'M SURE, noticed (given your touchiness to ANY criticism), I'm NOT the only one who had problems with your BIZARRE and unnecessary method of TP'ing. That SHOULD say something to someone who had any interest at all in improving a visitor's experience there. But no, it's SO much easier to toss it off with a snarky comment. Right?
Hi to any who drops by and SEES this!! :) This is just to let you know that I've just discovered that I've been BANNED from visiting any of Triannon's OSW pages. Not that I've had any real INTEREST in going there, but i WAS curious if she had made any comment about OSW delisting her sims for using bots to FALSELY inflate her av count.

But, yep!! BLOCKED!!! LOL! I suppose SOME people just can't handle ANY criticism, howsoever mild!! And MILD, my review WAS.. it really only mentioned things OTHERS had ALREADY mentioned, but that she had chosen to IGNORE!!

A friend of mine tells me you can go where ever if you're not logged in. But, I'm like 'who CARES, really??' Bless her heart, poor thing!! lolol
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DEF a fun place to visit!! Much much to do here and nicely laid out!! Very pretty!
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Normally I would agree with you.
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Thank you for this, Cyber. I never really KNOW anymore which is a good (safe) version to update on.
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Danke für diesen schönen und berührenden Beitrag. Manchmal sind es die einfachsten Wahrheiten, an die wir am dringendsten erinnert werden müssen.

Segne Sie beide und Ihre Familie.
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Thank you for this, Pagane!! It would be SOOO wonderful to be able to use OSW to find where other PEOPLE are, and NOT how many alts the sim/region owner can log in simultaneously.
As you see i make two other public sim for PEOPLES. This one is for bots and liers.
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Ihad a WONDERFUL ride through a BEAUTIFUL sim...… 'til I CRASHED!! Which was my VIEWER'S fault. NOT the sim's!! Thank you, Roland. It's a LOVELY sim!!
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I had a fun visit. MUCH to see and DO!! Thank you!!
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congrats!! good to see you back online!! :)
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The point *I* seem to be missing is HOW, exactly, does an event conflict with and/or harm OSGrid's fundraiser?
it doesn't ...I was on Osgrid for years and the Fundraiser functioned fine with people still having a life and enjoying things ..
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Lovely sunset .... and a full moon as a bonus!! :)
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But ,as you often remind us (true or NOT!), you are so much YOUNGER than the average OS citizen. Yet YOU are the 'grumbliest' grumbler, I' m aware of here, You are CONSTANTLY dissatisfied with SOMETHING or another !! Unlike you, I am quite happy here (though perhaps occasionally bored!) and I don't feel at ALL like I'm in a 'hell'. If YOU are, then perhaps you are correct in that it's of your OWN making!
I guess her main problem is that she came to OpenSim and expected "Second Life, but everything is for free". And now she tries hard to force OpenSim into being what she imagined, mostly by complaining.

It's a bit like those people who switch from Windows to Linux in expectation of a free-of-charge operating system which otherwise is identical to Windows, and who then demand everything that sets Linux apart from Windows, except for being free-as-in-free-beer and much safer from malware, be changed to the way Windows does it.
Honestly, I think that if she were addressing an audience of SL'ers, she'd be chiding THEM about SOMETHING and recounting how WONDERFUL OS is!!
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As someone on neither side of this so-called "line" of yours, have you any idea how silly you sound?
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well...since you mention models, did Alex REALLY use one with bite marks and hickies?? I mean, really???
I think bite marks are fine--as long as the model is not dead.
Well...that was MY thought!! Hickies are usually limited to 16 yo boys...but bite marks like those awful things look like the work of a serial killer!
That isn't even the only thing that's wrong with the pics on the main page.