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*** FLORA - AUGUST 14th 2024 NEW RELEASE***
GIANT SEQUOIA TREES PACK (Sequoiadendron giganteum), from Californian forests to your SIM!
01 prim mesh trees - 03 different models - Animated smooth leaves.. and seasonal textures included!
And another heads up. something I`m going to do from now on,I will be offering as well "suggestions" like a big cluster of trees, different sizes and rotations, for both flat area or slopes. I noticed many here rez trees and shift copy others and it doens`t look good (looks like Clones from Starwars lolol).I bet many will enjoy that idea.

Rocket Racoon: Only one word needs to be used about this sim. AMAZING! 6 months ago

NEW!!!! Cassidy Dress

With a broken heart, I inform you that our dear friend and lover of Virtual Worlds, Veritas McMaster, passed away in a house fire trying to save her beloved cockatoo Sophie.

Derrybeg Arabello: I did not know Veri .. very well, only chatted in passing. She seemed to me like a very sweet and caring person, and of course, she'd care enough about her bird to go back for it. We need more peo... 2 years ago