Chris Horn @chrishorn

hop:// Online

Fort Sand - A Village in the Old West

Liked posts

rappel, comme tous les ans le marche fermera debut janvier , merci
Good morning,
Remember, as every year the march will close in January , thank you
Guten Tag,
Erinnerung, wie jedes Jahr schließt der Marsch zu Januar , danke

Govani13: hätte gerne mal ein spaziergang genacht ..aber läst mich nicht zu ... yesterday
Genie hat Geburtstag und wir möchten das gerne mit ihm und euch gebührend feiern. Richi und Loru legen auf und Icelady hat ihren Bunker festlich geschmückt. Dann kann es ja losgehen!
13.12.24 ab 20 Uhr im Iceladygrid - -

New Men's Pants - Premium Quality in 4 Colors!
Discover exceptional style and comfort. Visit us at the Mediterranean Shopping Center — don’t miss out!

Aurora Starchild: Great stuff! 6 days ago

Black White Castle wird schon bald 1 Jahr alt - Zeit, die Region endlich mit einer Party einzuweihen! Wie der Name schon sagt, ist Black White Castle komplett in schwarz-weiß Tönen gehalten, daher sind möglichst monochrome Outfits, vielleicht sogar im Vintage-Stil sehr wünschenswert!!! Schließlich soll sich jeder Partygast wie auf einer Zeitreise zurück in die Schwarzweiß-Film-Ära fühlen.

* * * * *

Black White Castle will be 1 year old soon - so it is time to finally inaugurate the region with a party! Black White Castle is completely designed in black and white tones, so monochrome outfits, perhaps even vintage style, are highly desirable!!! Every party guest should feel like traveling back in time to the black and white film era.
**Dali Babe Megapack for REBORN body OUT NOW!**
As promised, here is the megapack for **REBORN **body. *(LaraX coming soon!).*
- **Four **body styles: Curvy Muse, Slim Muse, Modelesque...and Juicy Muse
- Each comes in 22 different tones.
- Each body style comes with 2 different cleavage add-ons each. Juicy comes with three (some seem to be a bit off, but they came like that!)
As with the Legacy version, they **all **include a** ton of other add-ons** for thigh creases, smaller butts, no-vag/no-nip, bombshell boob fix...and a long etc.!

**Uber:** hop://

EllenOptinett: ich sage mal lieb dankeschön es ist so hübsch 13 days ago


The mall is accessible I had forgotten to open it again after the conversion

**Dali Babe LEGACY Megapack out now!**
I know I've said I would focus on stuff for the guys but...I felt there was a gap on the basics for girls!
Out now the **Dalí Babe LEGACY **(Reborn & Lara coming soon) body skins megapack in 3 different body styles with ALL add-ons.
- Three body styles: Curvy Muse, Slim Muse, and Modelesque.
- Comes in 22 different tones.
- Each body style comes with 2 different cleavage add-ons each.
- They all include a ton of other add-ons for thigh creases, smaller butts, no-vag/no-nip, bombshell boob fix...and a long etc.!

UBER: hop://

KHIRONAMETZA: Woo, I'm looking forward to having Lara skin coming soon!! 13 days ago

Zur Wieder- Eröffnung meiner Mall gibt es eine Nikolaus-Party :))

There will be a Santa Claus party for the re-opening of my mall :))

Come in and enjoy :))

Eröffnung der Gallery Path of Glory – Candoranien

Erlebt die faszinierende Geschichte Candoraniens in einer beeindruckenden Bildergalerie!!
Feiert mit uns diesen besonderen Abend!
Am 05. Dezember 2024
um 19:00 Uhr öffnen wir die Türen für die Gallery.
Ab 20:00 Uhr sorgt DJ Draupnir mit epischen Beats für die perfekte Atmosphäre.
Ein Abend voller Kunst, Geschichten und Musik erwartet euch – lasst euch verzaubern!

Kein Dresscode ;)

Cosa: cooole Musik .... 14 days ago

Good morning. :-)

Hicks: Hi! 👋 14 days ago

Xmas Market 2024 @ Eternal Ice

FinjaFlux: Let's have some eggnog at Bink's Xmas Market! Cheers! 17 days ago

Strolling through the Christmas market. :-)

I am finally getting some time off from work. I am hoping to make more native clothing this week. I am particularly proud of how the moccasins came out :) The wampum belt is actually a very old design from the forming of the Haudenosaunee nation.

Mein Weihnachtsmann in der Toscana hat schon einen Glühwein zuviel :))

My Santa Claus in Tuscany has already had one too many mulled wine :))

Nach Umzug in ein besseres Grid wurde meine Mall wieder eröffnet.

After moving to a better grid, my mall reopened.

*Lingerie *
*Beachwaer *

Ich freue mich über euren Besuch.
I'm looking forward to your visit.

Sylvia-Koeln: Thx Chris 26 days ago
SG-1 Atlantis avirtualworlds most beloved build. Experience the fantasy of Syfy, based on the show and scratch built.

Wie jeden Mittwoch
Nächster Termin : 20.11.24
15:00 - 17:00 Uhr

Early Morning Breakfast Party
Wed 20th Nov = 6:00 AM

Taxi: Welcome

Rogue just took the Stream for the next hour at the Train Station.. come on down

Aeris Irides: Rogue is great and so is the Train Station!!! 1 month ago

Party rightnow!!!!
Taxi: http://adult-life-de:8002

Sleep well. :-)

Hicks: bonne nuit 1 month ago

I wish everyone a nice start to the week.

Pagane: Can't close window with X button ... 1 month ago
ON NOVEMEBER 1st come and Join us Dinkies in celebrating its 2nd Birthday on the Funsize Dinkie World Resort in a Special Location on the Region, and as our Birthday tradition we are also celebrating "The Day of the Dead" at the same time, which means we get to Dress Up, there will be lots of Food, Drinks, Fun Banter and Great Music for everyone to enjoy in Great Company..

Starting at 8:00am (Grid Timezone) with a Party DeeJay and followed by Live Perfomer.
The party ends when everyone belly's can't handle it no more.

Good morning. :-)

Pete Huldczynski: Moin und einen schönen tag XD 2 months ago

#OSFest2024 had the most diverse group of performers yet! They shared their talents on three stages over the course of 17 days from: Argentina, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Thailand, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States of America, and Venezuela.

NAZIRAH: Thanksss Rosa and Sheleen,Big hugs!! 2 months ago

And more autumn impressions.

*** News at Camballa***
Eva Fee (Athena)
Have a nice time and enjoy my creations
Yours Karin Becker

TailorNova: Wie immer sehr schöne Auswahl 2 months ago

*** News at Camballa***
Eva Fee (Athena)
Have a nice time and enjoy my creations
Yours Karin Becker

New the Witches Dance - Hud
Neu der Hexen Tanz - HUD

Use Teleporter to Halloween from welcome
Benutzt den Teleporter vom Willkommen zur Halloween Area

Pagane: AMAZING! Love it!!! 2 months ago
I added a few new bracelets to the Monentes Jewelry store, you will find them in the center of the store near the Classic Closet entrance. Thank you Melanie for the inspiration 💗 yes, I love creating adding more as we speak! Please stop by anytime 🤗

Aurora Starchild: Soooo hsineeeh and pretteeeh *-* 2 months ago

DJ Genie goes Latin:))

=OUT NOW: Gold Body Glitter (Male & Female)=
Happy Friday everyone!
Adding some skin add-ons, in this case for male and female!
They come with 2 different versions and a face addon.

Uber: hop://

Aurora Starchild: Head addon: 2 months ago

***News at Camballa***
Outfit Julia comes in any Colors
reborn-Lara X-Legacy
Have a nice time and enjoy my creations
Yours Karin Becker

Jerralyn Franzic: Oh wow... hehe... I like this!!! Perfect for moshing lol 2 months ago

Wishing you a good morning and a nice start into the week. :-)

Carmen Jewel: Really pretty pics, I find them very interesting and Dorena has breathed life into the Character, I enjoy Ai myself too :)) 2 months ago

Good Morning. :-)

Xenon Darrow: Hello, gorgeous :) 2 months ago
"Von süß bis schaurig – Hier findest du alles für dein perfektes Halloween !"
"From cute to scary - here you will find everything for the perfect Halloween !"

Arcfury: I wonder if it is now possible to make something that could work like a "mirror". Since I can sort of see your reflection in that floor. 3 months ago


Sylvia-Koeln: Das Dirndl aufgebügelt und die Tanzschuhe geputzt In 1 Stunde geht es los..... The dirndl ironed and the dancing shoes polished It starts in 1 hour..... 3 months ago

OpenSim Dorena and AI Dorena

NEW!!!! Lora Set
Reborn, Larax Legacy
Happy Shopping:)))

new costumes!

LeonitasLionheart: Those outfits are coco-NUTS! A+! well done and ty! 10 months ago

NEW !!!
Jumpsuit Misha comes in 3 Colors
Reborn Legacy Lara X
Happy Shopping :)