Dabluezpreacher @dabluezpreacher


I am a live musician playing Blues and Rock

Joined 4 years ago

About Myself

Dabluez Preacher is a live blues musician bringing high energy blues, funk and gospel. He uses a technology called live looping where he plays all his instruments live and records them using a pedal and loops them back, essentially creating the song live.

Hes been playing stages for 27 years and he plays a fiery Ibanez called Wilma, who likes to go off like a wild child during his shows! You can expect a lot of interactivity and call and response so bring your typing fingers all warmed up.

You can find his albums and videos at https://www.dabluezpreacher.com.
You can also find his album on Spotify, Amazon, Apple Music, YouTube Music, Google Play music and a variety of others.

My Interests

playing music, computer geekery

Favorite Quote

No Black No White Just Bluez

Music I Like

blues, funk, jazz, gospel, rock and anything 80s

Films I Like

300, Warrior, Braveheart

My Heroes


My Regions

Deja Bluez
2 0 hg.osgrid.org:80:Deja Bluez 0 Users
Home Grid of live musician Dabluezpreacher and his blues club, Deja Bluez
more info
