Diezoa @diezoa

United States of America Offline

just a simple girl exploring the hypergrid

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A stylish BDSM ceiling Rack that fits equally well in a designed living- or bedroom, or in the darkest dungeon.

Noah Wolf: have fun 12 months ago

A stylish BDSM pole that fits equally well in a designed living- or bedroom, or in the darkest dungeon.

Pagane: Amimations not work for 2 persons, after move to adjust in room freeze and cannot delete, not reset nothing.... I see same results years ago with Sacrarium protections and hiden scripts. And yes i alw... 12 months ago
Well, my friends from the Metaverse. I'm starting my long dreamed project. Escor starting to build my own grid. At first it will be hosted on a small server of my own. Over time, who knows, if I have a few additions to the project, we might be able to migrate to a bigger server.
The roleplay project that I intend to create is based on some things that I wrote, that I researched and that I came up with with a little creativity.
It is the cult of the Goddess Velathri, the one who gave the human race the knowledge of spiritual fulfillment through erotic practices. So it's an adult roleplay and that's what it's aimed at. More details, I will give you if you contact me.
I would like to count on people to help me in this construction.
Please Join Us at OS GRID Nautilus Select Club for our ELECTRO SWING PARTY !

Time: Today Sunday June 5th at 1:00 PM Grid Time
Location: OSG Nautilus Select Club

Mixed and produced by Jacek Short

Electro swing, or swing house, is an electronic dance music genre that combines the influence of vintage or modern swing and jazz mixed with house and hip hop. Come and and get your swing on !!! enjoy a different and exciting vibe!

Hope to See you then !

Chad and Jacek

Nuevamente esta online ARAUCANA , muy feliz!!! por eso, Ven a disfrutar el Futuro.

TinaBey3d: Gracias a la generosidad de Ken savage. esto es posible ire "modernizando" de a poco los ambientes .. ven a disfrutar . Mucho free por cualquier rincón de la regio. saludos. 2 years ago

Track 1 "NASA Neanderthal" on EDM music video album.


I want to apologize to all Adachi visitors who had to listen to all of this….

To be clear, I am posting without comments:

[13:33] SinBay Visitor List: User Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002 leave region Bordello after 00:10h
[13:33] Minord.Loup @sv3d.fr:8002 is online.
[13:34] Minord.Loup @sv3d.fr:8002 is online.
[13:35] Grid: Teleport completed from hop://forgotenworld.freeddns.org:9000/Lagoon/290/195/26
[13:35] Grid: The region you have entered is running a different simulator version.
Current simulator: OpenSim Yeti Dev 20ef1d6 (X64/Unix/DotNet)
Previous simulator: OpenSim 21.08.09 NextGen Universl (Unix/Mono)
[13:35] Adachi Copykat Grid: Pagane.Succubus @forgotenworld.freeddns.org:9000 Welcome to Adachi, CopyKat Grid
You are now at Lagoon, Adachi (128, 127, 21)
[13:35] Pagane Succubus: kiss all again
[13:35] Mike.Ravenheart @hg.osgrid.org:80: wb tequila
[13:36] Tequila.Bade @hg.osgrid.org:80: thank yous
[13:36] Adachi Copykat Grid: Mike Gallery Welcome to Adachi, CopyKat Grid
[13:37] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: Γεια σου Βουλγαρα
[13:38] Nancy AO: 6399% memory free
[13:39] Adachi Copykat Grid: Mike Gallery Welcome to Adachi, CopyKat Grid
[13:39] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: tou say that people are noy yaling
[13:39] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: you say that people are not talking
[13:40] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: and you likr to join regions that people are talking
[13:40] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: Pagane , i am talking to you
[13:40] Pagane Succubus: this is not my region dear:)
[13:41] Pagane Succubus: and learn little english
[13:41] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: does not matter if is your region
[13:41] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: you say that regions have fake population and you like to ralk
[13:41] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: talk
[13:42] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: so talk
[13:42] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: i am here
[13:42] Pagane Succubus: are you think is not true?
[13:42] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: so talk to me
[13:42] Pagane Succubus: want to make small tour and to play with bots?
[13:42] Mike.Ravenheart @hg.osgrid.org:80: maybe she doesnt want to talk to you
[13:42] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: since this is your problem , that you do not find people to talk
[13:43] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: i am here and real
[13:43] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: talk
[13:43] Adachi Copykat Grid: Mike Gallery Welcome to Adachi, CopyKat Grid
[13:43] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: Mike shut up
[13:43] Pagane Succubus: what is YOUR region what you protect?
[13:44] Pagane Succubus: where want to inspect bots?
[13:44] Pagane Succubus: oh sorry, Sacrarium is closed:(
[13:44] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: no baby ...you had an issue that regions are with fake population and you want to party and talk
[13:44] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: so , party and talk ...i am real \
[13:45] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002 spanks pagane butt
[13:45] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: so talk you Bulgarian idiot
[13:45] Pagane Succubus: sorry, i not like girls, find some lesbian:)
[13:46] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: lets go in a regio with real people
[13:46] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: together\
[13:46] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: and i want to see you talk
[13:46] Pagane Succubus: and are you forget who speak wrong and lead to kick out and close Sacrarium??? YOU!
[13:46] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: lets party together
[13:46] Pagane Succubus: bye dear:)
[13:47] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: lets go AMV
[13:47] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: what to talk idiot
[13:47] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: lets go
[13:48] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: you idiot , your issue is not the people in a region ...your issue is your Bulgarian idiot head
[13:49] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: tell me
[13:49] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: talk to me
[13:49] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: talk
[13:49] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: speak
[13:49] Emmy.Lou @hg.osgrid.org:80: oh was ist los hier
[13:49] Emmy.Lou @hg.osgrid.org [de→en]: oh what's going on here
[13:49] Emmy.Lou @hg.osgrid.org:80: ich spüre negative schwingungen^^
[13:49] Emmy.Lou @hg.osgrid.org [de→en]: I feel negative vibrations^^
[13:49] Pagane Succubus: someone to have at least ONE question why was all "drama" in OSW???
[13:49] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: speak you idiot
[13:49] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: Emmy is not your case ..dissapear
[13:50] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: speak you idiot Bulgarian
[13:50] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: talk
[13:50] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: say something
[13:50] Adachi Copykat Grid: Tessy.Peace @youarewelcome.selfhost.eu:5002 Welcome to Adachi, CopyKat Grid
[13:50] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: what to say ?
[13:50] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: you idiot
[13:51] Emmy.Lou @hg.osgrid.org:80: betty whats the problem?
[13:51] Emmy.Lou @hg.osgrid.org [de→en]: betty what's the problem?
[13:51] Emmy.Lou @hg.osgrid.org:80: i was afk
[13:51] Emmy.Lou @hg.osgrid.org [de→en]: i was afk
[13:51] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: Emmy leave us alone
[13:51] Emmy.Lou @hg.osgrid.org:80: haha
[13:51] Emmy.Lou @hg.osgrid.org [de→en]: haha
[13:51] Pagane Succubus: people, no need to speak... he is looser
[13:51] Emmy.Lou @hg.osgrid.org:80: here?
[13:51] Emmy.Lou @hg.osgrid.org [de→en]: here?
[13:51] Emmy.Lou @hg.osgrid.org:80: youre not alone here
[13:51] Emmy.Lou @hg.osgrid.org [de→en]: youre not alone here
[13:51] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: talk you idiot Pagane
[13:51] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: you do not have a voice
[13:52] Emmy.Lou @hg.osgrid.org:80: xD
[13:52] Emmy.Lou @hg.osgrid.org [de→en]: xD
[13:52] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: Emmy please...
[13:52] Frankie.PepperHorse @hg.zetaworlds.com: Lmao
[13:52] Frankie.PepperHorse @hg.zetaworlds.com: *eat popcorn*
[13:52] Mike.Ravenheart @hg.osgrid.org:80: atleast she has manners and a good personality
[13:52] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: :)))
[13:52] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: Speak idiot Bulgarian
[13:52] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: Pagane
[13:52] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: i am here
[13:53] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: talk you idiot
[13:53] Frankie.PepperHorse @hg.zetaworlds.com: That starting to sound like a broken record ~
[13:54] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: you are an old shool Frankie :)\
[13:54] Tequila.Bade @hg.osgrid.org:80 grabs some of frankie's popcorn
[13:54] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: Pagane idiot
[13:54] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: i am here
[13:54] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: talk to me
[13:55] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: you do not like regions with bots cause you want to socialize
[13:55] Mike.Ravenheart @hg.osgrid.org:80: im sure pagane isnt the first girl to turn you down and definetly wont be the last why not just move on
[13:55] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: socialize with me you idiot Bulgarian
[13:55] Tequila.Bade @hg.osgrid.org:80: Betty this is tiring. She obliviously isn't talking to you and you are ruining the vibe here
[13:55] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: Mike plese ..is not your job
[13:56] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: Tequila is my job
[13:56] Frankie.PepperHorse @hg.zetaworlds.com: IT starting to get on all of us nerves
[13:56] Tequila.Bade @hg.osgrid.org:80 nods
[13:56] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: why you all care my discussion with the idiot pagane ?
[13:57] Emmy.Lou @hg.osgrid.org:80: weil du es im offenen chat machst
[13:57] Emmy.Lou @hg.osgrid.org [de→en]: because you do it in open chat
[13:57] Frankie.PepperHorse @hg.zetaworlds.com: Because you doing it in the public chat , bring your shit with her in Im's
[13:57] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: close your eyeas
[13:57] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: eyes
[13:57] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: Pagane ...IDIOT
[13:57] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: i am talkingto you
[13:58] Frankie.PepperHorse @hg.zetaworlds.com: Blacklisted ....
[13:58] Frankie.PepperHorse @hg.zetaworlds.com: the joy of silence
[13:58] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: and i will cry :))))
[13:58] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: Frankie
[13:58] Adachi Copykat Grid: Mike.Ravenheart @hg.osgrid.org Welcome to Adachi, CopyKat Grid
[13:59] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: you know how many blacklists i am ?
[13:59] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: but you do not know how many wishlists i am
[14:00] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: no Emmy
[14:00] Adachi Copykat Grid: Tessy.Peace @youarewelcome.selfhost.eu:5002 Welcome to Adachi, CopyKat Grid
[14:00] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: i will solve it public
[14:00] Tessy.Peace @youarewelcome.selfhost.eu:5002: hello all
[14:00] Frankie.PepperHorse @hg.zetaworlds.com: Isnt it nice when you block someone, and they probably goin on how awesome they are
[14:00] Lara Baby: maybe she mute you
[14:00] Frankie.PepperHorse @hg.zetaworlds.com: Hi Tessy ^^
[14:00] Pagane Succubus: kiss Tessy
[14:00] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: maybe Lara
[14:00] Frankie.PepperHorse @hg.zetaworlds.com: I mute her too
[14:00] Adachi Copykat Grid: fair.man @hg.osgrid.org Welcome to Adachi, CopyKat Grid
[14:00] Tessy.Peace @youarewelcome.selfhost.eu:5002: kiss tessy
[14:00] Tessy.Peace @youarewelcome.selfhost.eu:5002: kiss pagane
[14:00] Tequila.Bade @hg.osgrid.org:80: hiya Tessy
[14:01] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: hello idiot Pagane
[14:02] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: where is your big mouth ?
[14:02] Adachi Copykat Grid: Ernest.Moncrieff @hg.osgrid.org Welcome to Adachi, CopyKat Grid
[14:02] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: you acused regions that you arwe going and nobody is talking
[14:02] Tessy.Peace @youarewelcome.selfhost.eu:5002: hello idiot betty, time you leave please
[14:02] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: so talk
[14:03] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: i am here
[14:03] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: yo yalk
[14:03] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: talk
[14:03] Emmy.Lou @hg.osgrid.org:80: hi ernie :D
[14:03] Emmy.Lou @hg.osgrid.org [de→en]: hey ernie :D
[14:03] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: fuck you Tessy ..is not your bussiness
[14:03] Emmy.Lou @hg.osgrid.org:80: welcome
[14:03] Emmy.Lou @hg.osgrid.org [de→en]: welcome
[14:03] Ernest.Moncrieff @hg.osgrid.org:80: heya Emmy, hi all
[14:03] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: talk Bulgarian idiot
[14:04] Tessy.Peace @youarewelcome.selfhost.eu:5002: i will not fuck people like you
[14:04] Tessy.Peace @youarewelcome.selfhost.eu:5002: i want to have fun here
[14:04] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: why you accuse all regions people are staying without talking
[14:04] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: so talk
[14:04] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: Tessy ...please ..is not your issue
[14:04] Adachi Copykat Grid: Sophia.Love @hg.osgrid.org Welcome to Adachi, CopyKat Grid
[14:05] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: Talk you Bulgarian idiot
[14:05] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: say something
[14:05] Tessy.Peace @youarewelcome.selfhost.eu:5002: it is my issue. i cannot have fun here
[14:05] Lara Baby: c'est fou à quel point certaines personnes sont très connes
[14:05] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: close your eyes
[14:06] Adachi Copykat Grid: Ela.Gwain @hg.osgrid.org Welcome to Adachi, CopyKat Grid
[14:06] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: is not your issue Tessy that the Bulgarian idiot accused all grids and regions about fake traffic ?
[14:06] Ela.Gwain @hg.osgrid.org:80: hello everybody
[14:07] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: but is my issue Tessy
[14:07] Tessy.Peace @youarewelcome.selfhost.eu:5002: i do not close my eyes. your behavior is impossible
[14:07] Lara Baby: hello Ela
[14:07] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: because the idiot said taht is going around and nobody is talking
[14:07] Ela.Gwain @hg.osgrid.org:80: hi Lara
[14:08] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: Emmy i would give a shit too
[14:08] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: Pagane is the last i care about
[14:08] Adachi Copykat Grid: Ela.Gwain @hg.osgrid.org Welcome to Adachi, CopyKat Grid
[14:08] Adachi Copykat Grid: Ela.Gwain @hg.osgrid.org Welcome to Adachi, CopyKat Grid
[14:08] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: but i found an oportunity
[14:08] Tessy.Peace @youarewelcome.selfhost.eu:5002: best way is we all lwave a while
[14:08] Tessy.Peace @youarewelcome.selfhost.eu:5002: leave
[14:08] Tessy.Peace @youarewelcome.selfhost.eu:5002: see you later
[14:09] Emmy.Lou @hg.osgrid.org:80: if someone needs a dance...
[14:09] Emmy.Lou @hg.osgrid.org [de→en]: if someone needs a dance...
[14:09] Emmy.Lou @hg.osgrid.org:80: lick me
[14:09] Emmy.Lou @hg.osgrid.org [de→en]: lick me
[14:09] Emmy.Lou @hg.osgrid.org:80: i mean.. click
[14:09] Emmy.Lou @hg.osgrid.org [de→en]: i mean..click
[14:09] Lara Baby: lol
[14:09] Mike.Ravenheart @hg.osgrid.org:80: well i like the first option lol
[14:09] Lara Baby: not lick ?
[14:09] Tequila.Bade @hg.osgrid.org:80 licks Emmy
[14:09] Lara Baby: yes
[14:09] Tequila.Bade @hg.osgrid.org:80: I mean clicks
[14:09] Emmy.Lou @hg.osgrid.org:80: jaaa leckt mich doch alle
[14:09] Emmy.Lou @hg.osgrid.org [de→en]: yeah lick me all
[14:09] Emmy.Lou @hg.osgrid.org:80: xD
[14:09] Emmy.Lou @hg.osgrid.org [de→en]: xD
[14:10] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: i am leaving ...thank you for tolerating me
[14:10] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: kisses to Oni ...i taught her many
[14:10] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: and give alike to my flickr
[14:11] Emmy.Lou @hg.osgrid.org:80: hey iam on youtube^^
[14:11] Emmy.Lou @hg.osgrid.org [de→en]: hey iam on youtube^^
[14:11] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: https://www.flickr.com/photos/fashionistas_island/
[14:11] Emmy.Lou @hg.osgrid.org:80: xD
[14:11] Emmy.Lou @hg.osgrid.org [de→en]: xD
[14:11] Betty.Fashionista @astalilith.inworldz.net:8002: bye you idiot Bulgarian
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