Diezoa @diezoa

United States of America Offline

just a simple girl exploring the hypergrid

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Suite à une panne des serveurs FrancoGrid hébergés chez Scaleway Online , et l'absence de volonté de la part de l’hébergeur de trouver une solution viable, nous sommes en incapacité de remonter la grille.
L'association perdure, et reste en veille.
Les assets sont perdus après 2020, les assets datant d'avant 2020 sont saufs. Notre admin technique réfléchit à une solution pour fournir des .iar aux personnes le souhaitant, pour toute information, veuillez contacter ssm par mail : contact@francogrid.org
Pour toute information concernant la trésorerie, ou pour un hébergement (payant) sur un serveur pour monter des simulateurs sur la grille de votre choix, veuillez contacter Nino par mail : fgagod@gmail.com
Following a breakdown of the FrancoGrid servers hosted at Scaleway Online, and the lack of will on the part of the host to find a viable solution, we are unable to rebuild the grid.
The association continues, and remains on standby.
Assets are lost after 2020, assets from before 2020 are safe. Our technical admin is thinking about a solution to provide .iar to people who want it, for any information, please contact ssm by email: contact@francogrid.org
For any information regarding cash, or for hosting (paid) on a server to mount simulators on the grid of your choice, please contact Nino by email: fgagod@gmail.com

Kashi Takeshi: Big loss... wandered a lot at FG. Let me know if I can help Cherry. 2 years ago

A weigh in on this war situation: https://changrid.xyz/2022/03/12/a-weigh-in/

What on earth? Or maybe not earth... I found this little robot drone like thing. It's eyes are lit up, it has a rotating radar antenna on top, it has flashing lights, and a jet blue exhaust.
It also plays many different robot sounds. I thought wouldn't this be cool if people could rez it at their welcome centers and it flew around. So I made it fly around using another script i found.
Oh, did I mention the lasers? It shoots blue lasers... Get it at Free Magic on cyberdatastorm.com. :)

Lone Wolf: Love it! 2 years ago


Like sun and beach than visit the beach islands with nice places to sit. enjoy a drink at the bar. find hidden places

hop://alternatemetaverse.com:8002/Carpe Noctem/247/251/29

Found this great character at Sketchfab. I rigged it and added it to the Rigged avatar store. Please meet "Archer" continuum.outworldz.net:8002/Catena%20di%20isole/336/323/32

oni kiri: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9DZITHDlLQ 2 years ago
Littlefield Grid's monthly State of the Grid meeting.
Friday 03/04/2022
1:30pm Pacific Time

Today's topics include:
9th Anniversary Celebration - Date / Time / Participation
New Renter's Association Perks for Renters
Special Rental Regions / Rates for April Anniversary
St. Patrick's Parties - Date and Time
Live Music Performers - Suggestions - Selections


Lone Wolf: You really have a connection to SL and back? 2 years ago
This is a scripted King Air Aircraft which comes complete with Hud for starting the props, Nav Lights, Landing Gear and Interior Lights.

I will be making this plane available with the hud very soon from the International Airport for anyone who wishes to fly it.

Click the link below to see a video I did when Adventure Bay was running. It doesn't feature the New FemDom City or the Updated Airport but it gives you an idea of how the plane flies. It can be a bit wobbly but its great fun to fly.

To see the video click Here : https://youtu.be/GFq3vxoE5CE

Before you mention it. I know it wasn't a perfect landing.

Roland Francis: Gotto retract that gear first ;) Makes flying so much safer. 2 years ago

DUALITY: Another "funeral black club-wear" outfit. Who died? Boring outfits.


Jerom Franzic: Let's try this again... pic link to my comment, DUALITY's bodice dress https://gyazo.com/af5cd29d21e3c773ff2845d4a5f9541b 2 years ago
A carful of too lazy to work thieves tried to sneak into my home late Christmas night. They found out real quick amputee does not always=helpless. An old grey maned wolf with a missing leg still has fangs... heh. Rebelworld is running, but PC still has issues from the most recent breakin during my last hospitalization. Apologies if you experience any lag, or brain hiccups. Happy New Year ya'll, :) hugs n high 5's