Druskus @druskus

Rome Offline

Owner of Zone Nations Metavers World

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HG Safari trips return for the Fall Season in 6 weeks from now !
Our schedule is pretty much full, but if you'd like your region to be put on the standby list, or want to save a spot in the next season's schedule (starting Jan 2024), just drop me a word here in osw. Don't be shy !

I have a nice little collection of medieval fantasy items available inside the Main Store

Luna Lunaria: I am deeply humbled by everyone's kind comments and very appreciative 1 years ago
The little publicity stalls are popping up all over the HIE regions, getting ready for the conference later this year. Thanks to everyone who has contributed so far, it is already starting to look like a party! For details of how to participate, read this short post: https://hieopensim.blogspot.com/2023/07/booth-fun-at-hie.h...
For OSFest 2023 in September as of 7/12/2023, 12 of 68 exhibit parcels and 6 of 40 merchant parcels are reserved, please spread the word around the HG.
Register for your spot on the OpensimFest website
You can start building on your home grid and transfer the build later when the grid is open.
Like to build? OSFest is looking for a creator to work on a new Welcome Center. Contact Banker Ibor on Discord or on the website for more details
Discord group: https://discord.gg/cxbnMRQB

Luna Lunaria: Sadly, I am not able to commit this year to building out infrastructure on the OSFest region due to RL commitments and medical issues, but if you see any of my structures that might work I will be hap... 1 years ago

GREEDY DINKIES GREEDY TABLE NEW RELEASE! Up to 16 furballs! Available for FREE and FULL PERM! Enjoy.. and clean the paws before playing eh..

Oggi è stato aperto un altro spazio alla Jaguar Sim: il Rouge at Noir. È un luogo estremamente elegante e accogliente. Dorian Kash ci ha presentato un repertorio differenziato e nessuno poteva stare fermo. Ringraziamo gli amici che sono stati con noi e hanno reso la serata ancora più speciale.
Hoje foi inaugurado mais um espaço na Jaguar Sim: o Rouge at Noir. É um local extremamente elegante e aconchegante. Dorian nos presenteou com um repertório diferenciado, e ninguém conseguiu ficar parado. Agradecemos aos amigos que estiveram conosco e tornaram a noite ainda mais especial.
Today, another space was opened at Jaguar Sim: the Rouge at Noir. It is an extremely elegant and cozy place. Dorian presented us with a differentiated repertoire, and no one could stand still. We thank the friends who were with us and made the night even more special.
Many of you share items via a store on your land or even a shopping mall. But how do people find it?

Distribution of new content on grids makes for a better user experience for everyone and we can all agree that owning a store is more fun when there are visitors are using it!

From the 1st - 25th of each month the OS-expo opens its doors to the public where they can see the latest item available in YOUR store.

So grab a booth, display your vendor picture or item and watch your store traffic grow!

Do you know anyone who suffers from this common hypergrid misconception ?

Arielle: Some of the early iterations of the ToS's some Grids put up for authorization, sounded like they collected and held on to all information about visitors for 7 years, not just IP. 1 years ago
The Metaverse in the Threadiverse
I've already mentioned that OpenSim has entered the Fediverse several months ago, and that there are even two dedicated Mastodon instances for OpenSim users. One is opensimulator.social (https://opensimulator.social/), run by Buzzy Cnayl of VivoSim (formerly Quintonia, see news below). The other one is opensimsocial.com (https://opensimsocial.com/explore), run by Lone Wolf.

But the Fediverse has more to offer than "Twitter clones" like Mastodon. With Reddit messing up big time currently, the time has come for the "Reddit clones" Lemmy and /kbin to grow.

And just a few days ago, Hyacinth Jean has started a Lemmy community (= subreddit) for OpenSim: https://sh.itjust.works/c/opensim/

If you already have an account somewhere in the Fediverse, e.g. on Mastodon, you can use it to join Lemmy communities. If not, or if you find that too inconvenient, feel free to join Lemmy instead.

Harper Held: Nice idea but the link didn't work when I tried it :p (no flies on Hyacinth -she's a busy woman!) 1 years ago
Friends of CopyKat
After decades of managing clubs, regions, and grids, Oni is retiring.

UPDATE: Visit the Tribute Club at the CopyKat Collective Center to hang out and dance with old and new friends. The TP to Collective member regions and shops is also located at the Club
login.friends-grid.com:8002:Collective Central

Star Ravenhurst: Oni I am sorry to hear this. You have a home in my region any time you want. I don't usually have people stay on my land, but you are forever welcome. You can even live in a castle if you want. Or a s... 1 years ago
▁ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ OPENING today / ERÖFFNUNG heute ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂

We are moved and the City grow / Wir sind umgezogen und die Stadt hat sich erweitert
C&C Worldwide Mall - SHOPPING CENTER
Sunday / Sonntag 09.April 2023
Today/heute starts ◕10:00 OS time / 19:00 Uhr europ.

in the mix with/mit ☊DJ CRAZY
Dance Hall- feel good beats and classic Remix
▶▷▶ at our new MALL / im neuen Shopping Center

Dance/CHILL/good mood / shopping / explore and more
Tanzen / chillen / gute Laune/ einkaufen / entdecken und mehr

TAXI : hg.osgrid.org:80:C&C Worldwide Mall

░░▒▓◙█◙█◙ C&C WORLDWIDE MALL ◙█◙█◙▓▒░░

Day After Easter Party @ Alternate Metaverse 4/10/23 11am-1pm
Yes you read it right, its the day AFTER Easter Party @ Alternate Metaverse! We will be so busy with the last day of the Great grid-wide Easter Hunt that we are waiting till the NEXT DAY! Monday, A0pril 10th 11am-1pm aboard the Aurora II Luxury Cruise Liner, Setting sail for Easter Town! Your hosts & Djs are Sofee Supermarine & Ted Junior. Get all "bunnied up" or come as you are!...just do come!

Thirza Ember: chocolate-induced hangover... 1 years ago

Happy Easter! Have a great Time filled with joy and lots of yummy Easter eggs!

Crazyposeidon: HAPPY EASTER / Frohe Ostern wünschen wir euch allen C&C 1 years ago
Come and live among the vampires and zombies.
Help create a fun environment living with the constant threat from vampires.
The zombies and other NPC's are usually just food for the vampires and you.
You can bite NPC's, and you can bite Avatars.
All is fair when you need the blood.
There is a local shop that I am populating with items handy for survival.

There are 5 large parcels left, all with 5000 prim allowance.
Only grid members can rent a parcel (Free), but anyone can come and browse.
So come and make an account at: https://www.neverworldgrid.com/

note: Please don't come and just make a halloween scene and disappear.

Taxi: hg.neverworldgrid.com:8002:Thundersnow
I`m sure most of people here have listened this BS, like.. "I`m done with opensim!" I`m leaving for good". Here is the reason you should NOT believe on what they are saying lolol (AVAILABLE FOR FREE and FULLPERM)
PS. Fixed the permission of my previous sign offered, the "Don`t copy my copybotted stuffs" , so ok for copy/pay 0$..
Enjoy :)
Wow... this project started in late 2020 and it still is not quite finished. Most of the rides are fully working now and many of the attractions need some polish. Hopefully I will be opening in a month or two... I am so excited to finally see the "light at the end of the tunnel", lets hope it is not a train coming to run me over, LOL!

You have seen theme parks on sunny beaches, boardwalks and even in post-nuclear fallout zones. This park is located in a swamp infested with reptiles, monsters and other sorts of vermin. There are over 50 rides and attractions guaranteed to bemuse or completely annoy you. Keep an eye on your health meter or you could be the main course at Chopsy's Diner! Message me if you want in on the BETA TEST.

Special thanks to: Satyr Aeon, Greybox Darkward, Builder Jim, Chopsy Bode, Jimmy Olsen, Prince Amor & Frank Funfair who's contributions made this project possible.

Destiny257Seranade: Oh I can hardly wait til you have this open! This is the type of amusement that Dan and I absolutely love having fun at! Bring that Beta Testing on!! Lol! 2 years ago
1- Now, pair/unpair table/controller is easier.. There is no need to do the "rez-in-order" steps like on previous NG versions;
2- TOP 5 HIGH SCORES NOW CAN BE RESET/CLEANED! (Many people asked me that and thx for my friends Adani and Essensual from Trianon grid who worked on the script modification.
3- To make it work rez always the table/controller with the N2 V2 logo! (its blue now instead of the golden texture)..
4- Special thanks also for all my friends who helped me ideas and suggestions since my 1st version of tables, years ago. Also thx for Clifford Hangar and Cataplexia Numbers, AMV Grid owners who supported me on grid.. and White Angel, from Sacrarium grid. And Durham Redmond who "scipted the NG previous models.

well, enough written.... enjoy! and send it away to all ur friends )

Jimmy Olsen: GREEDY GAME NG V2 UPDATE on the KATANA model - Had to fix a glitch found on score display. Fixel model available at TP area and also inside the boxed version. Enjoy :) 2 years ago
Thank you all for making "Wizardry" a great sim. I get hundreds of visitors here! People come to get magical gadgets, or the famous magic huds. I've had so many people pick up copies of the witches hud, the fairy hud, the elven hud, the vampires magic ring hud. I've even had a few people pick up copies of the most powerful magic hud of all, The Wizard Hud. In addition gadgets like the x-ray spy device which let you see active scripts around you when you wear it as a hud, and gadgets like the person lag detector, which shows how much lag people around you are causing. Paw Prints, Magic Aura, Magic Sensor and many of the gadgets have become your personal artifacts, and you have become my friends! This photo is a new remodel of the magic shop in Wizardry, with everything neatly organized and strewn about haphazardly all just for you. P.s. check out the tiny golden chest at the front of the store, it's just brimming over with magical witch items! :)
I finally came up with something I could use these textures on. Executioner's Pavilion. It isn't easy to photograph and probably looks better in person. When you walk in drums start pounding with a script that starts it up when you get close, so they aren't going all the time. Things are coming along...

There are 7 of us, me who made the grid for the others, and 6 students, who rotate. We don't even change our avatar, we still have the same clothes, skin...

We like to go to the list of new regions to see what people have made new. If you don't want us to go, why advertise them on this site?

If you're afraid we'll rip you off, we dare you to find something on our grid that's not for sale. Even, when there is some special work, we post it and next to it we put a link to your grid (as in the case of Cherry Manga, Flora, Lani...).

We are not your competition in anything, we don't rent regions, we are not interested in users (although they are welcome if they prefer to be here).
As we said in another post, if someone wants something of what we do, ask us, we almost always forget to put it in copy or for sale).

In fact, the Welcome region, we have made it with links to this site and to places that we believe that anyone who comes to Opensim should know, because of their work.

On the other hand, we are disappointed with the people... it is sad, when they pass by you and even if you say hello, you do not receive the slightest sign of friendship. This is what hurts us the most (in our homes we are always forced since we were kids to say "hello" when you arrive and "goodbye" when you leave), indifference is punished with a "scolding".

We are so few and this is the relationship we are looking for... not even a "hello"... but a "don't come closer, I won't let you".

So, after this rambling, I leave you with the image of the endangered species of freshwater fish, which I'm sure we have stolen from Kittely or some similar site :))))

Long live freedom and death to the Troll!!!

Oggi scrivo perche sono veramente arrabbiata e ritengo che non sia questo il modo in cui si dovrebbe "giocare" nel metaverso .
Troppe invidie , troppe paranoie ...appena entri in una land subito che ti vengono in I.M. per dirti che non si può copiare nulla.......ma non vi sembra di essere tutti un po troppo ridicoli?
Capisco i creatori....ma quelli che gia copiano roba degli altri che vogliono???
E poi diciamocelo quasi tutto quello in open sim è stato "rubato " da second life con programmi non proprio leciti e legali!
Quindi dico rilassatevi...se uno lascia il "copia" non vedo perche non copiare....diverso è se come detto prima si usano programmi non leciti e allora è giusto protestare .
Poi a volte vi dimenticate che questa NON E' LA REALTA'!
Qui non ci si sposa davvero...non ci si fidanza davvero non si va a letto a dormire davvero......VIVETE LA VITA REALE CHE E' MEGLIO!

TrisTH: more of the same from my post today.... 2 years ago
It has come to my attention that many of the sound players were broken in dragonfyre due to an opensimulator version upgrade. As a result I have re-made the sound players for dragonfyre and put them in a box at wizardry region. This includes birds, ocean, waterfall, doves cooing, crickets, and more. Simply put these phantom boxes out, and make them transparent. They will play the sounds they are labeled with.

KrisTina: Good job. :) 2 years ago

Whispering Forest now "Whispers". Opening to the public soon.

Luna Lunaria: Nice work Star, love the atmospheric feel :-) 2 years ago
Are you a peace maker? Are you a peace maker or a troubler stirrer? Do you do things to escalate situations or do you calm down people and settings? Who are you? What do your actions say about you to others? Do you always find conflict? Do you have friends that turn into enemies all the time? Do you know how to have friends? Try operating from a base of love. Not siding with one person or another person, but loving them both. Try to understand what it would be like to be either of the people involved in the argument, and why they feel so strongly about the situation - even if they are polar opposite one another in their beleifs. How do people arrive at entirely different sides of an argument 180 degrees apart? How can a view point change the meaning of words from black to white? Is it perspective? What can you do to help? Are emotions heated? Is anyone getting hurt? Is what YOU are doing making the situation better? What kind of person are you? The bible says that if you think everyone else is evil, that it is actually YOU who are evil. Learn to love everyone, and always always operate from a base of love. Are you a peace maker? or a trouble maker? Does your joy come from stirring up strife among people? Ask yourself if that is the case why your joy must come from darkness, instead of light? What is wrong with you? How can you change to become a better person?

HanHeld: It's important to remember that what you read here doesn't necessarily reflect what people think or feel in-game. There's a whole lot of grids and not all of them are represented here. The smalles... 2 years ago

Overwatch version 13 (new) now has a white list to allow dinkies & fairies. You just put their name in the white list and save it.

Thank to Verna Avril and that suzan von otter for finding a bug that causes Local accounts to be banned even though they are not on the list, if the list contained spaces or a null line with just a carriage return line feed. Version 12 is released in their honor and contains this new function. Special thanks to princeofAmor for suggesting to ignore npc's. That cuts out 5 additional operations per iteration making the device faster if you have npc's on your land. :)

NEW VERSION 12. By popular request, it now also tells the person as well as the owner why a person was banned. Also flying is ON by default.
Presenting the OVERWATCH SENTRY. What does it do? Well, you can enter a list of grids to ban, people to ban by name, ip, or key. It also monitors each person that comes into your sim, and if they are wearing too many scripts to try and crash your sim, it bans them. If they are using too much sim memory and eating up all system resources, it bans them. If they are flying and you turn off flying in the system, it bans them. If they are too tall or too short, it bans them. So it does a lot, and it's all settable by you. I didn't do ban by age because avatar age is unreliable and can return a 0 day age. Not to mention that we all sometimes have to start over. The device is by the christmas tree at cyberdatastorm.com:8002/wizardry. It's a different kind of device from a security system. Security systems ban everyone except those you allow in. This lets everybody in - but it checks them to make sure they are not hacking or trying to hurt your sim, but it can also ban people from a list. It's really simple to use, just add the name to the appropriate list in the objects inventory, then just click to turn it on. Only the owner can turn it on or off.

Druskus: CyberGlo is making good products for OpenSim and is constantly following advice. he is always ready to improve! Great person who is patient and worthy of respect! 2 years ago

Happy New Year to all of you around the world!

MandaStark: Wishing a wonderfull happy and fun 2023 to you all :) 2 years ago

Happy New Year

KikiBaily: Frohes Neues Jahr wünschen Kiki & Wollex 2 years ago

When a new year begins at midnight, you know how fast time flies. I wish you love, success and happiness - only the biggest piece of everything!

The Soul-Grid wishes all a happy new year

KikiBaily: Frohes neues Jahr wünschen Kiki & Wollex 2 years ago
Wishing you a happy and prosperous New Year! May this be a year of joy, success, and good health for you and your loved ones. Remember a New Year is a new 365 page Novel, the first day is the first page. So this year, write a good one! 2023!!

KikiBaily: Happy New Year from Kiwo Grid 2 years ago

Ladyweissehexe: Frohes Neues Jahr für euch beide und an allen die hier geantwortet haben. 🍀♥♥♥🍀 2 years ago

JETZT einen 2. Stock voll mit Möbeln .. Schlafzimmer, Wohnzimmer, Küche .. Deco Deco Deco .. viel Spass beim Shoppen

Bella Diesel: sure .. i am german .. this happend hahhaha 2 years ago
This New Year's Eve, on behalf of all of us here on - - grid.genesis-roleplay.org:8002 - - , I would like to wish everyone in Open Sim a very Happy, peace filled, prosperous, and healthy New Year. Much Love - Lavia

Allen ein frohes und gutes neues.-.))) Passt auf Euch auf....

JeanDagostino: dir auch a happy new year :))) 2 years ago

❤️ Ich wünsche euch allen ein schönes neues Jahr. ❤️
❤️ I wish you all a happy new year. ❤️

JeanDagostino: wünsch ich dir auch liebe dorena 2 years ago

kommt gut rein ins neue Jahr !

kommt gut rein ins neue Jahr :)

Einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr

Come on down and ring in the New Year at Littlefield Grid's 10th Annual New Years Eve Formal Dance Party!!!
Free party favors (sparklers, hats, tierras, horns, balloons), Live DJ, Ball Drop and Fireworks every hour
on the hour starting at Midnight EST!! We also have a Formalwear shop at the region with free Tuxedos and Gowns for all!!

Starts at 9pm PST ends at 2am PST!!

lfgrid.com:8002:New Years Island
Presenting the OVERWATCH SENTRY. What does it do? Well, you can enter a list of grids to ban, people to ban by name, ip, or key. It also monitors each person that comes into your sim, and if they are wearing too many scripts to try and crash your sim, it bans them. If they are using too much sim memory and eating up all system resources, it bans them. If they are flying and you turn off flying in the system, it bans them. If they are too tall or too short, it bans them. So it does a lot, and it's all settable by you. I didn't do ban by age because avatar age is unreliable and can return a 0 day age. The device is by the christmas tree at cyberdatastorm.com:8002/wizardry. It's a different kind of device from a security system. Security systems ban everyone except those you allow in. This lets everybody in - but it checks them to make sure they are not hacking or trying to hurt your sim, but it can also ban people from a list. It's really simple to use, just add the name to the appropriate list in the objects inventory, then just click to turn it on. Only the owner can turn it on or off.

CyberGlo CyberStar: The device plainly tells the OWNER the reason the person is banned, ex: flying but you have fly set to off. The device can be set for fly or no fly. That's one of the options. Along with the other ... 2 years ago