Druskus @druskus

Rome Offline

Owner of Zone Nations Metavers World


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I forgot to update this post, we came back online soon after :)
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the problem is solved with a reboot. Thanks for the report
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Now in Live Katia Portugal!
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Thank You for visit HG Safari! Thank All!
Now in Consolle DJ ADAM | Great Music Great Sound! |
Come on!
#zonenations #amnesia
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come on zone nations
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Hi tiger, just for your information, the problem the issue is solved :)
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Thank you for the report, I apologize for the problem. Unfortunately I have no log view for this error. I can assure you that the FS Viewer is enabled, but I am noticing this problem from those coming from grids using the latest dev version of OS 0.9.3.
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Wait a little longer JOpenSim shortly the version compatible with Joomla 4 and 5 is released. If you have the grid for a few years open you would have poroblems with managing profiles and groups read here :) https://www.jopensim.com/forum/DevTalk/1769-jopensim-and-x...
I really hope its soon, for years an upgrade has been promised. I wonder if he still checks his emails as my tech guy did try to email him but no response.
the version for joomla 4 until some time ago was in testing and some people also use it, but it is not compatible with php8, we are confident, the developer is not only concerned with that and we are also understandable. I myself am still with version and it works well, I also tested the profile library for OpenSim which I turned over to some people to try. In my test grid it works correctly.
Yeah, I understood it wasn't compatible with PHP 8, I can't wait until he updates so it can be compatible.
Hi, i just want to point out that jopensim needs to be updated before anyone upgrades to version 4 or 5 otherwise it will crash your website.
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Hi Jupiter,
I also latch onto this post to report my project Hype Metaverse https://hypemetaverse.com , not related to Mastodon and the Fediverse, but a decentralized facebook style completely free dedicated to metaverse and games for all platforms and VR.

Accessibility is also possible via app, for the app just search for it as Social Network Lite available for both Android and IPhone, to log in you just enter the platform host hypemetaverse.com username/email/phone number and your membership password.
Link For Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=openteknik.a...

Link For Apple Store:

It is totally free and also for ads. In less than a month of life many have signed up and appreciated the work done so far. Some grid owners have already joined and are actively participating in this initiative.

I hope to render another useful service to the OpenSim community as well.
For those who are interested or have difficulties please do not hesitate to contact me as soon as possible I will reply!
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It can only be accessed with the utlest versions of Firestorm. If you want you can reach us on HGWelcome. But I noticed that from other grids you can't reach us even if you have an updated Firestorm, but not always. I am verifying the problem
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Bonjour, et je demande à réessayer
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I would like to thank everyone, both for the likes and for your comments, I am pleasantly touched that you like what I create!
Thank you all!
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Thank you very much for the comment and appreciate it! I enjoy spending time here and sharing my creations with you, my satisfaction is that they are used for fun and give emotions to those who look at and use them.
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I'm glad you enjoyed our animations, come back to visit us from time to time, maybe we will have new ones ;)
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Thank you for the comment and for the nice chat we had, very pleasant and constructive! Your gift will remain on my avatar as a token of appreciation to you!
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Oh thank you for the beautiful review and I really appreciate that the works that are produced are appreciated, logically there is still a long way to go and we will try to improve more and more! The invitation is also a chance to join Zone Nations and experience us as we try to make you experience us with our creations!
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tente primeiro a partir do HG Welcome e depois no quadro Impero clique na região e tente novamente
Gratidão eu tentei fazer isso, creio que devo estar com bug, reiniciei meu sistema . Grata pelo retorno.
Acabei de experimentar e estou no Impero. Por favor, tente novamente ou contacte-me no InWorld
Vi que chegaste e partiste pouco tempo depois, mesmo a tempo de te despedires
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You all welcome all time!
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With great pleasure and thanks to this post, I want to thank Thomas Etzel for giving me back some of my old discos that I had built on Clone Life and thought were lost, they are now available again for everyone for free!
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thank you very appreciate!