falene hawks @falene

France Online


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Not dead...working on the new store for all of you!

Jared Seda: Super Excited!!!! 4 days ago

Definitely enjoying this little Japanese Home project. Testing lighting in a full PBR environment to see what the ambiance is like at night.

CandM World: love it Luna Lumaria 5 days ago

Tis that time of the year Happy Holidays from avirtualworld.

Gentle Dragonheart: very funny indeed. I do wonder where his young & handsome Mr. Christmas suit is, though ;) 3 days ago

Animesh Companion very funny, with all material layers, animations and colors hud


LeonitasLionheart: thank you! so funny 4 days ago
First of all, Happy Holydays for all of you from my heart.
Now bad news, My region will be down for a while because I paid for a new server and we are moving everything there. Hopping all will be smooth and fast, but you know how life goes. As soon as we are back online I will post it here. Thank you so much for your understanding and patience.
Weeeeee'rrrrreee heeeeere!!!!!! Yayyyyyy! It's Christmas! We still have a bit of construction so pardon our dust...but we couldn't wait to bring you another wonderful place to visit this year! The snow is cold so dress appropriately but hopefully, this little Christmas town will warm your hearts!

Slowhand: I have no access to this region, why??? 21 hours ago

Arkham Grid 2024 Holiday Gifts

https://youtu.be/u1M-i0iyUbs - How to create 3d text in blender and upload to OpenSim Jimmy Olsen/Lone Wolf

Marianna : When I first started creating jewelry I discovered that I could use the dingbat fonts for neat jewelry parts. You have to make sure you have permissions especially if you plan to sell the jewelry. ... 7 days ago
Am Sonntag den 15. Dezember gibt es die nächste Adventslesung mit Rubeus Helgerud. Ab 20:00 Uhr gibts Weihnachtsstimmung im Märchenzelt auf Dorenas Weihnachtsmarkt


Weihnachtliche Vormusik gibts wieder ab 19:30 zu hören. Schnappt Euch Glühpunsch und setzt Euch auf die Kissen ins gut beheizte Märchenzelt und hört ein wenig zu. Wir freuen uns auf Euch alle.

On Sunday, December 15th, there will be the next Advent reading with Rubeus Helgerud. From 8:00 p.m. there will be a Christmas atmosphere in the fairy tale tent at Dorena's Christmas market

dorenas-world.de:8002:Christmas market

Christmas pre-music will be heard again from 7:30 p.m. Grab some mulled punch and sit on the cushions in the well-heated fairy tale tent and listen for a while. We look forward to seeing you all.

Working on a Role Play/Educational System https://youtu.be/hiOuGbJpHiY?si=asFIvGbyrWNh6TtR (volume a bit low)

Arkham Grid 2024 Holiday Gifts: Merry Christmas from Arkham Grid!
to celebrate the holidays, we will be releasing important exclusive gifts
Come and get the goodies at Kingman City, Arkham Grid, With a gifted out every day up to Christmas!

Sexy xmas for legacy classic

SilviaFrey: Su centro comercial me parece estupendo. Encontre objetos preciosos, ropa, tocados para la cabeza que no se suelen encontrar. Muchísimas gracias 7 days ago

News!!! hop://alternatemetaverse.com:8002/Tierra De Volcanes/149/106/3827

CCC-Athena/Petite & Legacy/Perky Boutique is Re-Opening at a New Location.
Please enter the Boutique Region Clothed !!!
No Public Nudity allowed !!

Wish you a nice weekend. :-)

Suzi_Avonside: Very delicious *slurp* 6 days ago

----- NEW -----

Wigwams. :)

RemmyRavenhurst: Looks Wigwarm and cosy! 3 days ago
Männer aufgepasst, euch fehlt noch das passende Weihnachtsoutfit? Neu eingetroffen. Nur für den Gianni Signature Body.
Bitte füge dich unserer Gruppe zu und du bekommst diese Geschenke.

Watch out men, you're still missing the right Christmas outfit? Newly arrived. Only for the Gianni Signature Body.
Please join our group and you will get these gifts.

WillyWonka: Meine Mädels haben keine Unkosten und Mühen gescheut und haben wieder wunderschöne Weihnachskleidung für Männer und Frauen gebastelt. Liebe euch und bin voll Stolz auf euch.🥰 2 days ago
May all that is beautiful, meaningful and brings you joy be yours this holiday season and throughout the coming year!
We wish you a Merry Christmas!

Andremus & Alchy
Winter Wonderland => hop://pangeagrid.de:8002/Eden/436/412/26
It's snowing in Vallands.
Wishing you a happy holiday to everyone !

Thank you for your generous donations.

Being a lumberjack is a tough life
But Willy had well organized and supplied cosy place

Lise: Great place! I hiked from the arrival area to the next highest point where the Super Snow Slaucer station is located. From there, I sledded down and took the cable car up, enjoying the beautiful scen... yesterday

I called out absent from work tonight. Just exploring our beautiful world in my canoe... hehe

Silver Von: Nice! 2 days ago

May you all have a blessed and merry Christmas and a healthy, happy, safe and prosperous New Year! From all of us on the Genesis Roleplay Grid.

Lynne Lundquist: Merry Christmas Lavia. 2 days ago
In the heart of the digital realm, where grids and codes intertwined, there existed a special place known as the Gentle Fire Grid. This grid was unlike any other; it was a warm, welcoming community where avatars from all corners of the virtual world gathered to share stories, create art, and celebrate together.

As Christmas approached, the Gentle Fire Grid buzzed with excitement. The avatars decorated their virtual homes with twinkling lights, digital wreaths, and pixel-perfect Christmas trees. The air was filled with the sound of cheerful carols and the scent of virtual gingerbread cookies.

One chilly December evening, the grid's founder, a wise and kind avatar named Santa Mint, decided to host a grand Christmas party. Invitations were sent out to all the neighboring grids, including the renowned OpenSim. The message read, "Merry Christmas from Gentle Fire Grid to OpenSim! Join us for a night of joy, laughter, and celebration with live singer's and DJ's"

On the night of the party, avatars from OpenSim arrived, their digital forms glowing with anticipation. They were greeted with open arms and warm smiles. The Gentle Fire Grid had prepared a feast of virtual delicacies, from pixelated plum pudding to holographic coffee.

As the night went on, the avatars shared stories of their adventures, exchanged gifts, and danced under the shimmering lights of the virtual sky. Santa Mint stood by the grand Christmas tree, watching the joy spread across the grid. It was a night to remember, a night where the boundaries of the digital world melted away, and the true spirit of Christmas shone brightly.

And so, the Gentle Fire Grid and OpenSim celebrated together, creating memories that would last a lifetime. It was a reminder that no matter where you are, the warmth of community and the magic of Christmas can bring everyone together.

Here we are Perky is ready for all of you, soon also universal nail applier for all females


New New Xmas Xmas Complete Outfit For Larax And Legacy Classic

While most of us associate PBR only with mirrors and shiny metals, there is a lot more to it since all surfaces benefit from it. The top pic here shows the room with the old standard (blinn phong) textures and materials taken using the FS 6.6.17 viewer, while the bottom pic shows the same room with all pbr textures taken using the FS 7.1.11 viewer. Note that you can add both texture sets to a surface so that any viewer can see something. Also note that there is a reflection probe filling this room that prevents the blue light outside from seeping in (a current known bug being investigated).

Saturation, lighting, and detail are significantly improved across the board when all surfaces are pbr, which is what Physically Based Rendering was designed to do: to more accurately capture the interplay of light on various surfaces. For those wondering about how performance was affected, these were taken using my 8 year old desktop that has a GTX 1070 graphics card. I was at 40 fps on ultra graphics, but you don't need to set the graphics that high to get this look. That's because the new viewer is more efficient since it uses more of your computer's available resources.

Jerralyn Franzic: I can get enough of this look shown here, even with all of the shaders turned off and PBR settings at minimum. For shinier things I do need to set PBR a bit higher than minimum, but it doesn't affect ... 3 days ago

With this cute outfit I would like to thank you all and wish you a merry and blessed Christmas season.

I added metal PBR Materials in the foyer so that you can edit your jewelry.
Copper, Gold, Rose Gold and Silver, 8 materials in each pack. notes in contents. three.hills.grid.outworldz.net:8002:Monentes Jewelry

You must have the latest Firestorm and the grid has to have the PBR implemented. To test you can come to my grid it is implemented. I have a sandbox where you can test. three.hills.grid.outworldz.net:8002:Sandbox

Marianna : I added info on how to use the metals. Some of you might wonder how in the world do I create a GLTF texture? I found a great little free png----->GLTF converter https://products.aspose.app/3d/conver... 3 days ago

we're almost there, the perky is about to arrive

Aurora Starchild: Yesss 5 days ago
Do you want to build a snowman? When Friday the 13th falls in December! Free to Copy and Buy for 0 on the OSGrid Sandbox Plaza for 24 hours:)

The mask if from Sketchfab and credited. The snowman stuff is from LK mostly with a texture from Pixabay. The knife is Nebadon's from his more recent collection shared at the OSCC a few years back.

New Men's Pants - Premium Quality in 4 Colors!
Discover exceptional style and comfort. Visit us at the Mediterranean Shopping Center — don’t miss out!

Aurora Starchild: Great stuff! 6 days ago

Dear Leisa Calling, me out of My name proves that you have been harassing me for the last four weeks using various avatars with the same first name. You have been banned from the other grid for the identical reason. "Grow the hell up!" is all I have to say. God is my soldier, and you are the devil in disguise, attempting to attract attention. Here's my handkerchief; go on. Most people recognize me as a decent person, and I've helped a lot of people who came to my grid from other grids. I don't support lying or grieving, regardless of who you are. You must stop destroying and move on to real life.
My point was made.

HoneyOG: This is bashing and defamation of character against you Adore and very unwarranted and just plain bullying! You, Adore are the reason I remained on OpenSim and your kindness and generosity are legenda... 13 hours ago
This is a replica of Metacomet's war club from the late 1600's. It is currently on display at the Fruitlands Museum in Harvard Massachusetts. Each wampum inlay along the top commemorates an invader personally dispatched by Metacomet during the King Phillip War 1675-1678

Hyacinth: This is actually something I have intimate knowledge how to make. I learned when I was a little kid. The ball is made from the knot of a tree, and is quite hard and heavy. An alternate design has... 5 hours ago

Historically accurate new outfit. :D

Arielle: Historically accurate in the middle of the summer maybe. ;) yesterday
🌟 Meet TAMARA! 🌟
✨ She's beautiful, desirable, playful, and irresistibly cheeky. TAMARA lives for fun and excitement, and she's ready to share it with you!
Come and meet TAMARA, the captivating female avatar who brings life and energy wherever she goes. With her charming personality, quick wit, and flirtatious spirit, she guarantees unforgettable moments full of laughter and connection.

💃 Want to dance? Laugh? Flirt? TAMARA is here to spice up your day and make every encounter special.

🔗 Where to find her?
Join us in Agartha.ovh:8002 – a welcoming, vibrant place full of surprises, where TAMARA takes center stage as the ultimate hostess.

🎉 What’s in store:

Fun-filled parties
Playful and cheeky moments
The chance to meet new friends and explore exciting experiences
TAMARA is waiting for you to join her for fun, laughter, and a touch of mischief. Don’t miss out!

🔞 (Adult Audience – Fun Guaranteed)

🌟 Rencontrez TAMARA ! 🌟
✨ Elle est belle, désirable, amusante et terriblement coquine. TAMARA n’a qu’une envie : profiter de la vie et s’amuser avec vous !
Venez rencontrer TAMARA, l'avatar féminin qui va mettre de l’ambiance dans votre OpenSim. Avec son charme irrésistible, sa spontanéité et sa personnalité pleine d'humour, elle promet des moments uniques et enivrants.

💃 Envie de danser ? De rire ? De flirter ? TAMARA est là pour vous séduire et rendre chaque rencontre mémorable.

🔗 Où la trouver ?
Rejoignez-nous dans notre région agartha.ovh:8002 pour découvrir un lieu festif, accueillant et plein de surprises où TAMARA règne en maîtresse de cérémonie.

🎉 Au programme :

Soirées animées
Moments coquins et complices
Découverte de nouveaux amis et expériences
TAMARA n’attend que vous pour vivre des aventures fun et excitantes. Rejoignez-la dès maintenant !

🔞 (Public adulte – Fun garanti)

Emma Lewis: Fantastick ! 2 days ago

New exclusive christmas clothes for all bodies, if you use legacy made by us there are auto alpha

New sweater available at SUKI! Made for Reborn with 14 different colors. Come and grab your new sweater — we’re waiting for you at the Mediterraneo Shopping Center!

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