Joined 10 years ago

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Linkwater Woodlands
1 0 Woodlands 0 Users
Take to the mountains and visit Linkwater Woodlands. It's primary (and for now only) attraction is a hydro-electric power plant being constructed.
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Linkwater Meadows
2 2 Meadows 0 Users
Linkwater Meadows is a less densely developed region in the west of the Linkwater estate. It is house to the Linkwater Railroad, where the terminal station for line 2 is also the central operations center and workshop for the LWRR. More info about Linkwater on
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Linkwater Central
1 0 Central 0 Users
Central region of the urban-themed Linkwater estate. With the info-center, real estate agency (free land available), mall with parking, the odd off-beat pasture and a jazz club. A test rail vehicle exercises the central line. More info about Linkwater on
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