Kishaki Grid @hertha201

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New area in Tierra de Volcanes, Avatar Accessories, Appearance & Components

Jordan Melody: ooo love me some tatts with neck cover♥♥♥ 3 days ago
Khiron Ametza Live
Monday, February 17th, 2025
Join us for a great hour listening to good music among nice people!

2 pm @ Majestic Island Ballroom - Semi to Formal Attire

PamellaEaston: ♥♥♥♥ 4 days ago


Good evening everyone, this evening at 9pm Italian time the grid update starts and will be offline for a couple of hours

SciattisiGrid: Grid in ON and updated! 6 days ago

----- NEW -----

Valentine's Day Event
New items for this great love event

KittenKeppler: Got a few outifits to Reborn...lovely and well choosed itens congratulations for the hard working 9 days ago

NEWS!!! Earrings Lel EvoX -Male/Female hop:// De Volcanes/120/110/3827

Thorben Goerssen: Einfach eine Klasse Location....super Sachen zum anziehen und Möbel..Avatare...usw.. Nur weiter zu empfehlen...ein grosses danke an die Owner.-) 10 days ago
Hello everyone, there are some new legacy clothes in my shop again. Come by and let yourself be surprised :) This swimsuit is also included...


wicked: Attempted to go but says bad gateway 10 days ago

News!!! Be my love Dress hop:// De Volcanes/140/115/3827


Kiana Fawn: Beautiful job I love what you did! 10 days ago

NEWS!!! Monica Full Avatar hop:// De Volcanes/346/205/5002

Jerralyn Franzic: Love it, but... Is it OK is if I take the avatar and use the clothing on myself anyway lol 💘🤩 11 days ago
Looking to self-host your own region? Neverworld lets you connect unlimited regions—100% FREE! Setup is quick & easy!

Don't want to self-host? Our hosted regions start at just $2.50/month, or claim one of hundreds of massive parcels (10,000m² and up)—totally free! Hypergrid users welcome!

Celebrating 10 years with near 24/7 support, Neverworld is a trusted, drama-free grid where you can build, explore, and connect.
hop:// Welcome

Arielle: Oh this is good to know and an excellent price, 11 days ago

New women's face skins have also been released today

LisaLandar: thank you for making it possible for us to look beautiful ♥ 14 days ago

News!!! hop:// De Volcanes/365/227/6001

News!!! hop:// De Volcanes/148/122/3827

CyberGlo CyberStar: Oh Marpil. I'm so sorry, I went to tierra de volcanes on amv to try to get the male elf outfits you made that I love. But when I got there it teleported me away and says the region does not exist an... 17 days ago

VampireDorf in Candoranien

News!!! hop:// De Volcanes/365/227/6001

New Burlesque Outfits for Shows!

I stumbled across something cool today. I have been working on a huge cluster of 6x6 regions, with all mis-matched, imported terrains. So there was a LOT of terraforming and blending, which can take a long time with the land tool. I discovered a debug setting "LandBrushSize" It normally maxes out at 11, but you can set it to cover a HUGE area and very quickly flatten out sim edges and smooth them, build mountains quickly, etc. You can get to the Debug settings with control-alt-shift-S and type "LandBrushSize" in the search box. It set mine to 30 or 40 to do large areas.

Hyacinth: Another great tool. Unreal Heightmap. You can specify the image size to match your region: 256, 512, 1924, etc.. and they work great with OpenSim. This one is centered on New Brunswick Canada... 20 days ago

News!!! hop:// De Volcanes/139/145/3827

Arielle: Wow, the selection is almost overwhelming! 21 days ago
NEWS!!! 41 EYES DEFORMERS (UNISEX) These deformers were created to be for LeLutka heads, they are unisex.
Experiment with the different versions so that you can find the perfect match for your desired look. hop:// De Volcanes/120/118/3827
Liebe OpenSim Gemeinde, heute starte ich mit meinem ersten Set im Open Grid. Über euren Besuch würde ich mich sehr freuen. Lieben Gruß von Eurer Feeny❤️
Taxi: hop:// Party/42/180/22

Liebe OpenSim Gemeinde, mein erstes Set steht vor der Tür. Über euren Besuch würde ich mich sehr freuen. Lieben Gruß von Eurer Feeny❤️

ADULT_LIFE_GERMANY: Schon eine Ansage, gegen bestehende Events anzutreten... 22 days ago
Hello all
I would like to explain, why it is better to use animesh instead of NPC. If you just need one or 4 NPCs on your sim then it is not really important to read this. But if you want to have a population on your sim like I have on Big City Life with 400 moving people then it is very relevant.
NPCs take a lot of performance of a sim. It is very resource heavy like the land itself (because of physics) or Avis. Animesh people you can calculate like trees you pant on your sim.
Many still believe you can't do much with animesh. Just put some animation in it to move or dance a bit. But that's not really true. We all know the animesh horses of Roland Francis and what you can do with it. It is similar with all other. Here a video to demonstrate that you can even have sex with it and let them walk around.
Usually everyone would use NPC for this. There is one advantage for NPCs, of course, because you can sit them on moving vehicles. But this is the only advantage of NPCs. My Jockeys at the horse race track are also NPCs. There is no easy other way to solve this with animesh Jockeys on the horses.
But for all other things you can easily use animesh people. If you need help for scripting stuff then you just need to ask any AI LLM today. They are already that good that they can script for you in OSSL a script to get all working what you want the animesh do.
For building good looking animesh people it is recommended to use the Ruth or Roth body as root prim and add all other to this body. It has just to be rigged. All stuff you attach to the body has to be rigged. Even if you want to let an Animesh man or woman ride a bicycle then the bike has to be rigged and you put in the matching animation with a route script. Very easy to do. All handmade.
But since newer times you have already really good option to let AI create your animesh. I don't talk about complicated routines you connect your LLM with Blender through Python script or such. There is now very easy solution everyone can do on a website. This is called Meshy AI.
Meshy creates your animesh just by telling him through text. You get first 4 examples as Statue and you choose the best you like. Then you can even give the AI an image to create texture for this figure. But you can let the AI decide what texture is the best. Just give him some hints what it should have. That's all. Then you can let meshy rig the animesh man or woman or monster or animal or whatever you want to have. Meshy knows usually where to rig at arms and legs etc. But for this the statue should be symmetric. You can also rig unsymmetric but then you have to edit a bit by yourself. Usually you get symmetric statue anyway and then every kid can create a rigged statue as animesh. Download this as blender file or any other file and put it in blender to convert it in dae file. Then upload this dae file and you have a new animesh inworld. Just put in the animation script with animation and it moves. We have in opensim now an expert for creating animesh with meshy AI. Ask Prince Amor. He is creating every day tons of new animesh for opensim. And all created with AI. Usually he is showing off his new creation now as Avi on Lbsa. Yes you can also use all this as Avatar too. The complexity is very low compared to usual Avis or NPCs.

MrSnoodle: ah yes the Animesh vs NPC debate, and before I start I have no hate in anything I'm saying. You have put so much work into the place. I will say that animesh still have skeletons to calculate, and th... 23 days ago

New Soccer Jersey, Name Change and Number Change for Legacy (M/F) and Reborn

The old sofa looks very beautiful when I used PBR material brown leather on it, also I changed the material of the wood and gave the cushions an elegant look with the help of silver fabric material. If anyone needs this sofa, please contact me. Also in my residence there are many more interesting PBR furniture. Сome and see, the photo does not convey this amazing view. My entire residence is 60% PBR

RemmyRavenhurst: Good Texturing really does make a difference. Well done looks beautiful. 23 days ago
All people really want in a virtual world is a place to call home

A place where they can express themselves, connect with others, and feel secure.

Friends grid....a place to call home!

* limited complimentary parcels with 10,000 prims are available to people who want to make this their main home and become a part of this growing community. Contact @zuzubahro or @safinemahoe2 for details.
Seasons has just released its Valentines 2025 collection. Newly designed for Valentines Day 11 new female outfits ( 6 fitting Xara/LaraX and 5 fitting Simona/Athena) 4 Mens outfits and 4 Dinkie outfits.. Be the first on your grid to shop at Seasons for Valentines. Seasons is located behind the photo studio and beside Everyday InsTYle.

rayne: thank you so much! 24 days ago
Some people love sailing across our connected regions....

Some people love playing blackjack in the casino....

Some people enjoy building on their complimentary sim size island with 10,000 prims

but the greatest feature at friends grid is our people!

Contact Zuzu Bahro or Safine Mahoe for details on making friends grid your home!

Gentle Dragonheart: Friends Grid is amazing. it runs on kickass hardware, Safine and ZuZu really take care of us and are very helpful if we have a problem, need to find something etc. The free parcels that are as big as ... 25 days ago
**Reid Hairbase & Beard Set for EvoX**
Matching the Reid Skin fatpack, out now as well this set:
- Includes hairbase in 10 different colours for EvoX
- Beard in 10 different colours, matching the hairbases, for EvoX

**Uber:** hop://
**Reid Skin Fatpack for CAMDEN EvoX Head**
Out at the store is another face skin fatpack:
- Shape shown on Camden EvoX Head (available at Sciatisi Grid [LM inside])
- Comes in 10 different tones matching the 'Jupiter' body skins also at the stores
- Brow and browless options. All versions have neckfade incorporated.

**Uber:** hop://


----- NEW -----

Release Now
Lots of women's hair with different hairstyles and 46 different colors
Come and get them!

victorialogan: I loved the store, excellent place to visit 26 days ago

Hello, come to my new shop in Nabila world. I have some clothes for the legacy body :-) There are new clothes and shoes.

even today there are 6 more new heads

EllenOptinett: Thank you, very nice things you have 27 days ago

New Women's Skin Faces Full Compatible with Picasso by @AuroraAsteria

EllenOptinett: Thank you, very nice things you have 27 days ago
Kitty_Shirt-&-Off with Ur Shirt - Bear Black

New Exclusive!
Top with Hud Colors
Cute Animesh Bear

Nuovo Esclusivo!
Top con Hud Colori
Simpatico Orsetto Animesh


Arielle: Very cute but how can I make the top pink and the bear white? Is that a seperate box? 29 days ago
This is now starting my 15th year of trying to improve Opensim with the DreamWorld and DreamGrid systems. I haven't done an OSCC talk for several years so I thought I'd give a quick review of some Opensim stats that I track. This data is based on anonymous data from the DNS servers and and the publicity checkbox, which generates XML for the function. I am also able to count some stats from known 'other' grids via a web crawler that runs hourly scans.

There are now 259 free OARs, and that includes 63 exclusive regions for DreamGrid owners. I licensed these from the creators, and collections are copyrightable. The most popular Public OARS are at and sorted by popularity are IARS at I have many more to upload still.

I do not have access to any of your assets, backups, OARS, IARS, or any personal data. My servers periodically crawl the web looking for Opensim servers from publicly available sources such as my visitor lists, the data I publish and from Hypergrid Business.

DreamGrid goes back to 2011, when it was called DreamWorld. I didn't always track much back then and periodically flushed the database. Since 2018 (6 years) , there have been 5,180 distinct DreamGrid instances. People created 12,280 different grids with it. and 3,378 were online in 2024. In that same time period of six years, I've located 2,935 standard grids. In 2024 alone, there were 2,762 unique DreamGrids online.

Sl has 18,326 private estates, which are equivalent to the 12,334 regions in Dreamgrid. However, we have much larger regions, the equivalent of 73,341 SL regions. An SL region costs $349 to set up, and $209 a month to rent (not own). The first year, one region costs $2,857, the second year $2508.

When you compare DreamGrid with the SL private estates, we've collectively saved $209,535,237 in the first year, and $183,939,228 per year after that.

~ Fred

Racci: Wow, amazing stats Fred. Thank you so much for all you have done, your Dreamy software is totally amazing. So easy for anyone to get on the hypergrid with their own regions, and we all save and share ... 29 days ago

Hello, come to my new shop in Nabila world. I have some clothes for the legacy body :-)

One of the tower blocks at Wolf Territories Grid Welcome Region - Home to Wolf Software Systems Ltd, a real life software company that makes web sites, mobile apps and more.

Luna Lunaria: I have my office there, and we've been discussing a website for me 1 month ago