Hicks @hicks

france Offline

buildouilleur francophone mais bredouille quelques mots d anglais .

Liked posts


Hicks: beautiful region with lots of details to discover. a beautiful walk in perspective :p 1 month ago

#newbody #ultimatebom #arkhamgrid

Novale will close at 21 hour SLT today Friday Nov. 15th
Winter season will be accessible toward the end of the November.

Hicks: last scent of autumn before winter, I didn't come earlier. I can't wait to discover the next one, bravo :p 1 month ago

How long will my kingdom last?

OpenSimUser: Until you get dethrowned 1 month ago
OSGrid explique ses mésaventures ici https://www.osgrid.online/news/assets-and-daemons/ . Suite à une surprise logicielle qui a majoré la taille des assets, ils sont dans l'obligation de corriger leurs centaines de millions d'assets. Ils disent qu'aucun asset ne sera perdu.

Hicks: Et Paela à ajouté hier sur le dicord qu' il n y aura pas de retour avant la semaine prochaine. 1 month ago

Zoree Jupiter singing LIVE @ Speakeasy Swinghard
11:00 am`12:30 pm
Come and have a great time with us 🙂
Map us at: alternatemetaverse.com:8002:AMV Events

Europa Colony by Jimmy Olsen.

A new release is finally out. On November 16th the grid will be shut down for a while, as I will then update to the current release.

Misty_Falls_NWZ: Great AI work, love the hair. 1 month ago
Reminder: I do have some free housing.
Feel free to drop on by, address is on the poster.
Infinity 11 near the main landing.

There is more options that what is seen on the main land. Wolf Territories Grid.
If anyone needs help with anything for almost anything you can also message me ( wicked ).

Contact Wicked Way for assistance.

Hicks: Wolf is a beautiful grid. Fast and stable, and wicked is ....very nice person. 1 month ago

Please stop this...

Ludo Davis: For image generation involving human hands, AI models can sometimes create overly long or odd-looking thumbs. To improve the outcome, you can add specific instructions in the prompt to guide the model... 1 month ago
If any of my osgrid renters want their land on on my dreamgrid till it is back, just message me here. Doing my best to make sure you can access HG while osgrid is down. To make a FREE account go to http://maze.outworldz.net:8002. INstructions to add the Maze Dream to firestorm can be found here Instructions are at https://mazeofthemind.com

Hicks: thank you Prince :p 1 month ago
Notre chère ville toujours prête à vous accueillir, n'hésitez pas à vous inscrire sur le site http://agartha.ovh afin d'obtenir votre compte ainsi qu'un bel avatar que vous pourrez customiser à volonté et surtout participer à notre volonté d'agrandir la grille Agartha. Merci à vous tous.

Venx84: cool didn't know ovh had their own domain extension. Welcome fellow OVH client :) Canadian Grid is proud to be with them for our grid. 1 month ago
When creating my metal for jewelry I found @FredFerderix Outworldz Metal Plates, these give the best effects on metal wow. These work well with ceilings too https://outworldz.com/cgi/free-seamless-textures.plx?c=Met...
(this is not PBR) just using Binn-Phong

Jupiter Rowland: It sometimes appears to me like the OpenSim community isn't used to Blinn-Phong, maybe not even to shiny surfaces in general. Maybe that's because they've rarely been exposed to it over the years. I g... 1 month ago

Walking in my garden.

OpenSim was released

As reported by Ai Austin, OpenSim is now a stable release. Also, there's a new development version, OpenSim


New season of Safari begins on January 1 so if you're interested in having us come visit, please leave a DM and read this handy how-to page on the Safari blog. https://hgsafari.blogspot.com/p/tips-on-hosting-safari.htm...
Speaking of the blog, here's the latest
All about celebrating veterans on Neverworld, with Tig Eberdene and Troy Seaknight
Nyx Breen's amazing work with EEP .. and an invitation to you to get involved with collaborative art projects
Tina Bey's upcoming Opening party on SolarPunk
and a look at Plastichansa Bade's freebie pose store and more

I had to add this image from Mall 1