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"Wake the kids and phone the neighbors!"
Grainger Village is back

bonjour hello
gardes numéros un
guardes number one

ALEPPO PINES PACK ** Available for FREE and FULLPERM at DESERT AREA, BOX 02. Only 2 prims and light leaves animation. Enjoy
"Pinus halepensis, commonly known as the Aleppo pine, is a pine native to the Mediterranean region. Its range extends from Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Spain north to southern France, Malta, Italy, Croatia, Montenegro, and Albania, and east to Greece. There is an outlying population in Syria, Lebanon, southern Turkey, Palestine, Jordan, and Israel."
MOUNTAINS (and also offsim mountains), ROCKs, CRYSTALs, CAVEs, MINEs and RELATED MEGAPACK ** Available at BOX 01 at MOUNTAIN AREA for FREE and FULL PERM!
Ps. Thx for all who advised the mountain box had a lot of asset issues. All fixed now and added tons of new stuffs. Just be patience when grabbing the box.. it has really a lot of stuffs inside and may take a while. Enjoy :)
Party safely in opensim!

If you are homebound due to coronavirus, stay safe and have fun in the virtual worlds. Many places to party in opensim, and they are all 100% safe!

Thanks to Aaack Aardvark and Bibiana Bombinate we have new designs for the OpenSimWorld Teleporter, including a steampunk version!

As always you can get them from the OSW region:

*** WATER & RAIN & WAVE RELATED (PACK) *** NEW RELEASE *** All of these sorted stuffs available at TROPICAL AREA, BOX 01 for FREE and FULL PERM! Enjoy :)
PS. For thoses whom are looking for the rain/snow HUD system, it is still at WEATHER AREA. thx
HG Houses with Snow Control - NEW @ Needful Things

I added to all my HG Winter Prefabs a Snow Control Panel, so you can switch between summer / winter with just one click.
Most of these houses got a Light Control Panel, too.

p.s.: More modificated HG prefabs will coming soon in "Need a new Home?" store - opposite to the Bank of Needful Things.

* * *

HG Häuser mit Schnee-Menü - NEU @ Needful Things

Ich habe meinen Winterhäusern mit Schneedach, die ich über die Jahre im HG aingesammelt habe, einen Schnee-Kontroll-Schalter hinzugefügt, so dass man mit nur einem Klick zwischen Sommer- / Winterstyle wechseln kann.
Ebenso haben die meisten der Häuser einen Lichtschalter zum Kontrollieren der Lampen bekommen.

p.s.: Mehr modifizierte HG Häuser (ohne Schnee^^) folgen nach und nach in den neuen Shop "Need a new Home?" - gegenüber der Bank von Needful Things.
LIGHT MUSEUM is now known as LIGHT and SOUND MUSEUM *** Available for FREE and FULL PERM (store number 07), SOUND BOXES (environment sounds) for ur sim/place:
Choose different environements such as:

NATURE SOUNDS: Boreal Forest, Australian Outback, Pine Forest, Desert,Rain Forest, Swamp, Beach, River, Waterfall, Rain, Thunderstorm, Wind, Tornado, Underwater, Whales & Dolphins ,Volcano Eruption, Earthquake, Wet Water Cave and African Savannah.

URBAN SOUNDS: Bar, Harbor, Amusement Park (Machinery, Merry go round, Haunted Mansion and Zombies), Construction,Subway, Factory, Military Base, City Traffic, Airport, Stadium, Garden Party, French Cafe, Irish Pub, Buddhist Temple, Bazaar (Oriental Market), Mosque, Chinese Market, Cooking, Office, Volleyball, Hospital, Night Club ,City Battle WW2, Swimming Pool, Traffic Jam, Gregorian Chant, Grocery, Police Department, Coffee Shop, Mantra OM and Hockey.

FARM SOUNDS: Farm Ambiance, Ducks, Cattle Yard, Turkeys, Backyard Geese, Horse Stable, Goats, Pigs, Fire (Campire and fireplace) and even an Old West Saloon Ambiance.

BIRDS SOUNDS: Amazon Parrots, Black Capped Chickadees, Budgies, Cockatiels, Crows, Eagles, Nightingales, Northern Cardinals, Owl, Pigeons, Robins and Thrushes.

MEDIEVAL and FANTASY SOUNDS: Medieval Tavern, Space Station, STARWARS (Cantina, Duel of Fates, Imperial March), Yggdrasil Viking, Cosmic Melody, Enchanted Forest, Dinosaurs Jungle and Spiders Cave.

P.S. When boxes are rezed for the 1st time it might happen the sounds break a little bit. Normal at Opensim when more than 1 wav file is played. But after loop is completed ,sounds will go smooth :)

*** NEW RELEASE ** A good collection of snow, cloud, mist ,fog in mesh or sculpted for covering houses or streets to the close winter. Available at WEATHER AREA for FREE and FULL PERM.
PS. I updated also the FALLEN LEAVES and PETALs box at BOX 08 , GARDEN AREA.
Enjoy :)
*** GREEK OLIVE ANIMATED TREES PACK *** FREE and FULL PERM different models. Seasonal textures (spring with flowers, summer with green and black olives and winter) included. Animated leaves (script included when needed). Available at FOREST AREA (ground) at BOX 05. Enjoy :)
I worked out a solution for initial sitting bug in the NPC Horse (script by Shin Ingen) where the avatar sinks through the horse when wearing an AO.
In the NPC horse script by Shin Ingen in under run_time_permissions(integer perm) FIND
and REPLACE with
list anims = llGetAnimationList(llGetPermissionsKey());
integer len = llGetListLength(anims);
integer i;
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) llStopAnimation(llList2Key(anims, i));
//llOwnerSay("Permissions Accepted");
If you don't like coding, just hop over to Neiferleaf and fetch the boxed new horse rezzer at the landingpoint.
CHERRY TREES PACK * FREE and FULL PERM available at FOREST AREA (ground) at BOX02. Animated particles are in mesh and separated prim so u can remove it when playing seasonal (textures inside). Enjoy :)
Come for the freebies. Stay for the sites! Take your time exploring this beautiful sim, filled with picturesque views, large forests, rivers, lakes, waterfalls, and beaches. Don't forget to visit Santa along the way.
JAPANESE MAPLE TREES PACK with animated leaves ** FREE and FULL PERM ** Available at BOX 02 at FOREST AREA (ground). Many options of trees sizes and seasonal textures (spring, summer, 8 kinds of autumn and 2 for winter). Also included leaf particles rezer for this time of year. Enjoy :)
SIX KINDS of sculpted wild grasses and weeds for ur place! ALL FREE and FULLPERM at GARDEN AREA BOX 01 with seasonal textures (and this time I put the standart size and also the reduced 128x128 pixels one that helps reduce graphic lag when many are rezed).

LIGHT MUSEUM opening! All FREE and FULL PERM for LAMPs, STREET LAMPS and LIGHT related..
In STORE 05 u will find: Neon signs. Enjoy :)

Oubliet: TY! 3 years ago

Updated Avi-eater, with goggling eyes

Justyn Tyme: Is he/she up for grabs? 3 years ago

New men's clothing pack with hud included !!

New Avatar minotauro Female !! and New Clothing male - Female Avatar minotauro !!

Enjoy and share!
Kingman City
Teleport in Arkham City

Enjoy and share!
Kingman City
Teleport in Arkham City

6 KINDS OF ONE PRIM MODELS OF STREETLAMPS ** All for FREE and FULLPERM at STORE 02 (STREETLAMPS SECTOR) ** Use only one single script (*)!!

(*) if its at same SIM and when streetlamps are linked / script goes to the last streetlamp selected (root prim) // Enjoy :)
Hello New Avatar [Male Dragon Quadrupe]

The new four-legged Dragon avatar is now available, if you have any questions you can use the box of restraints and I will read the problems A greeting, For next week the same avatar will be but a Female! Thank you

Kingman City
Furniture Store

now a little bit of ChinaTown on BastelWastel. have a lot of fun building it makes your world a little more interesting
etzt neu auf BastelWastel ein kleines bisschen ChinaTown . habt viel spass beim bauen macht eure Welt ein bisschen intressanter
SFposer is now in v0.9, more complete than ever!

SFposer is an animation controller compatible with PMAC that packs the functionality offered by addons in a single script. It also provides many additional commands to enhance animations and communication between objects. SFposer offers:

- Fully Automated editing allowing you to create new notecards and poses for up to 99 avatars without any editing, and real-time experimentation with different animations
- Live adjustments for positions, as well as additional expressions / sync and more
- Built in support for LockGuard chains
- Built-in support for RLV
- Built-in support for Rezzing NPCs
- Built-in Object Giver
- Built-in rezzing of Props including temporary auto-attach props
- Built-in utilities such as sending chat channel messages, OSSL messages, attachment messages and more
- Online converter to convert notecards from AVsitter, MLP, as well as existing PMAC addons and CHAINDATA notecards (
- A full set of short-code commands for powerful scripting without scripts.
- Custom buttons which execute custom commands
- Auto-upgrade mechanism to upgrade to future versions with a single button click
- Extensive configuration via the '.SFconfig' notecard which also support startup commands
- Small footprint: A single script for everything.
- Link_message and dataserver-APIs for fully remote operation. SFposer can thus become the animation-controlling part of another object such as a vehicle or a game
- Permission system for limiting access to menus.
- Snappy operation and uncluttered menu dialogs

Learn More here:

Enjoy and share!
Kingman City
Teleport in Arkham City

Update! SFposer is now almost 1 WEEK OLD! And the beta version has had many many updates. It now supports LockGuard chains, RLV, NPCs, Props (including attachment props) and more.

Learn more about SFposer here:

Get the latest script code:

*** NEW RELEASE ****NG - NEXT GENERATION GREEDY GAME TABLES *** Available for FREE and FULL PERM! Please read notecard READ ME before using table + controller as there are many extra features! I reproduce text from NC here though:
NG GREEDY TABLES NOW are in 2 pieces;

- Table itself (around 41 prims, depending on model used and only 3 scripts);
- Greedy Controller Board (GCB) (89 prims and 1 script); and it can be paired to only ONE TABLE!


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------(GCB) GREEDY CONTROLLER BOARD

ACCESS: U can now set who will be able to change the settings from ur table.

JOIN ON SIT (*): When selected, players will be added automatically to the game when they sit down. If not selected, they need sit down and click JOIN.

(*) Selected or not, players can play the game without sitting down (since they are not far away from table - see PLAY RANGE).

KEEP: Let`s say player A makes 1,4K and leave two dices to be rolled. So next player, B, can choose either ROLL with this two dices left or click STOP and then ROLL again, so table will refresh to 6 dices to rolled. But If player B decides to roll with these two dices left and at least one of them is "1" or a "5" and press STOP he will KEEP the 1,4K points made by player A plus the score given to the dice selected ("1",100 points, "5", 50 points).

STEAL: Exactly like KEEP mode but if player B rolls a "1" or "5" from the two dices left from player A and press STOP he will STEAL the 1,4K points from player A plus the score given to the dice selected ("1",100 points, "5", 50 points).

CLASSIC: Like on V6 tables, so no KEEP / STEAL mode enabled.

DEVIL DICE: When selected, eventually a devil will show instead of a numbered dice. It works like a "joker dice" u often see from SL tables: u can select any value to that dice to make a combo with a highest score possible. Eg: U have two "6". so u could make the devil dice to be a "6" so u will have 6,6,6 (600 points).

SOUNDS: When selected, sounds from table will be ON; when unselected, OFF (sounds volume can be controlled by the buttom VOLUNME);

PARTICLES: It refers to particles threw when game is over: when selected, ON when unselected, OFF;

CHAT: It refers to open chat messages coming from the table during a game: When selected, ON (a); when unselected, OFF (b).

(a) Open chat will be read by players only though. Very handy if u need rez 2 or more tables, close to each other.
(b) Only table reset and winner info will be displayed. Very handy for rezzing tables at club areas.

POINTS TO WIN: It refers the max points a player should reach to be the winner;

POINTS TO JOIN: It refers the min points a player should have to be "in the board".

PLAY RANGE: It refers how far in meters a player can play the game and be recognized by the table. In this case, player needs to press JOIN to join the game. If it occurs the player is > 64 meters, table will do the self cleaning.

ROUND TIME: Time in seconds, a player can play his turn, starting conter AFTER player rolls the dice.

SKIP IDLE: Time in seconds a player has to roll the dices when its ur turn, otherwise a red skip button will show up (between ROLL and STOP on table) and ANYONE (*) can skip the current player.. Very handy for lazy players who are watching Facebook instead of playing greedy lol).

(*) Player won`t able to skip him/herself though.

OBS: When SKIP IDLE is selected to 0 (zero) it will be considered as disabled during the game.

SKIP POINTS: It refers the points given to who skips a player. A such nice incentive to skip lazy players :)

VOLUME: As name says, it controls the volume of sound from table.

Have fun!

Jimmy Olsen (design)
Durham Redmond (script)
SPOILER ALERT!!! SOON THE NG - NEW GENERATION GREEDY GAME TABLES.. Not available yet at my sim but u all can test it at:

1) ALFHEIM: (at Alfheim Kaffé cabin);
2) AMV WELCOME AREA: Welcome (2nd floor);
3) LBSA PLAZA: Plaza
-Always wanted a greedy table u could skip lazy players who are watching FB instead of playing greedy? Now u can :) AND GET POINTS FOR THAT! LOL
- Top 5 high scored players board now available!
-Full control of table, mode CLASSIC (like v6 versions) or KEEP or STEAL mode! Making the game funnier!
- Nice for club areas! Chat message now is read only by players and sounds and particles can be removed as well!
- Set access to board to ALL/OWNER or to ur GROUP;
-Devil dice (as Joker dice seen in SL tables);
AND MUCH MORE! For info on how to use it, click at NG logo at any NG table available and have fun :)

Upgrade Avatar - Hud alpha and eyes,honrs.

Stressed about Corona Virus? Keep Calm, Play Greedy: Zen Greedy Game for up to 08 players to ur relaxing moments and having some fun at same time. Play Greedy with a relaxing water stream sound. Available for FREE and FULL PERM. Enjoy :)

Enjoy and share!
Kingman City
Teleport in Arkham City

Enjoy and share!
Kingman City
Teleport in Arkham City

LIGHT MUSEUM opening! All FREE and FULL PERM for LAMPs, STREET LAMPS and LIGHT related..
In STORE 02 u will find: Streetlamps stuffs. Enjoy :)

Hello guys new mens clothes hope you like it! we will have more clothes soon!

Lunaria on Mobius Grid

My goal with all my stores and regions, but especially this region, is to show that even a store can be an artistic expression of the highest order. Every piece I sell and every place I display them is a work of art.

See Lunaria here:
Use shared environment and advanced lighting model to see it as it was meant to be seen.

Lone Wolf: I love your work so much... 3 years ago