kindra Turian @kindraTurian


Gorean kajira since 1997, been collared to the same wonderful Turian Man since June 25th 1997 and part of one of the greatest online Gorean cities with the same people for as long. Counter Earth grid is the culmination of "love" of Gor. We want to give something back to our community that builds community together. We also want to be able to provide a Gorean experience that Goreans can experience closer to what they think is Gor. Connected lands and waterways, tarns, fair meter, farming that is Gorean con

Liked posts

Working on a whole line of Native Clothing outfits for Men and Woman more traditional spanning 5 different tribes. I only just started but im doing a very large Native build right now and there wasnt much to choose from. hgusss ill put them all out in the WEST STORE as soon as im finished. Some parts i had to make from scratch so.... be patient lol hugss

Thirza Ember: Grief is the price we pay for love. 2 years ago


Marianna : Stunning image, I have been working this morning on rigging a kimono, worked great except for the sleeves. I still have a ways to go to perfect it. Beautiful Cherry! 3 years ago

Belly Dancing event at Manipura -DJ Cataplexia 10a-12noon Tuesdays! Join us in Manipura, the beautiful Land Of the Golden Sun- Tribal & World beats & Sensual Eastern rhythms- All are welcome, Men & Women - Dress code silks or Warrior Kilts (men yup men do it too!). Free outfits available for both M & F, come early!

What makes OSGrid special?
Some grid veterans weigh in... including Dan 'pretty boy' Banner, shown here
plus news of the musical fun coming up over the weekend of the 30 - 31 July

NAZIRAH: Hugs thirza!! 2 years ago

To have an idea were to search her !!

because you where flying i told you and asked you Nicely not to fly you didn't listen to my Rules

Putting on the ritzzz,, This girl dancing before the tournament of arms event.

Stop in for a dance and a chat. * blows kisses *

I receive constant offenses, why can't the offensive reviews be removed?
Sorry I received a bad offense review, because I have banned the use of copybot viewers in my regions
this account attacks my person and my page I have blocked but I still find it in the comments Brand

@ Oasis of four palms FREE, FREEBIES, ADULT, ROLE PLAY

Come Visit the Oasis of Four Palms