Konecta-Radio @konectradio

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Konecta Radio es un open sim español que quiere disfrutar de buenos momentos con el resto del mundo. Podeis acceder a las página oficial de nuestra querida emisora, Konecta Radio, a través del enlace https://konectaradio.com o a través de la página del open sim de Konecta Radio: https://opensimworld.com/hop/91197. Gracias y Un Saludo Ciara Orssinni / CEO Konecta Radio Asociados

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Indigo Blue Realm Welcome Center especially built with newbies in mind. Video & Walk through tutorials. Now have to translate them to other languages. Always something to add or tweak in virtual life. There is a learning house and learning store to practice rezzing items, buying items and decorating rooms etc.

Jamie Wright: This is so cool! Thank you for offering this @IndigoQueenKing 2 months ago