Lannorra Sion @lannorra

Phantom Rose Grid Offline

Creator/owner of Phantom Rose, originally in SL, then Inworldz, GCG and now Phantom Rose Grid. Came to SL in 2005, the metaverse in 2008, Inworldz in 2010. I love to create environments. Phantom Rose is an non-commercial grid. I have had a website for many years: and I have a blog,

Joined 7 years ago

About Myself

Content creator, artist, singer, writer, machinima maker, animations when I have to, script wrangler and a little bit of many things. Started out in Second Life in 2005. Been gaming since 2001 (Everquest, Star Wars Galaxies, WoW, 7 Days to Die, Ark, Conan,)

My Interests

Everything Virtual World. I love my grid and many other grids in the Opensims. I am glad the mother ship is still hanging in there, but it is only a place I visit rarely now.

Favorite Quote

The only way to have a friend is to be one. -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Music I Like

Too much to list

Films I Like

Uplifting movies, romantic comedies

Books I Like

I like paranormal books about Vampires, etc. Big fan of Gothic Romance books.

My Heroes

My Dad.

OpenSimulator Version

Phantom Rose is a Dream Grid, by Fred Beckhusen... Bless you Fred!

Viewer Version

Firestorm OS


kick ass

My Regions

Phantom Rose Medieval
7 0 Rose Medieval 0 Users
GRID DOWN UNTIL FEB, DUE TO PERSONAL TRAVEL. This is a 5x5 region dedicated to a Fantasy Medieval theme: Knights, Pirates, monks, Merfolk, magic and Dragons! Knight's Landing is the welcome area for this Region. There you will find starter role play clothing. In the inner baily, there is an Advent...
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4 0 0 Users
GRID DOWN UNTIL FEB, DUE TO PERSONAL TRAVEL. Akrotiri is the starting Region for the Phantom Rose Mer Nation. The beacon takes you underwater and by using the Mer Portal system, you never have to be out of the water to see all the Mer area's on Phantom Rose Grid. There are a total of 8 counting A...
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Phantom Rose Ocean
2 0 Rose Ocean 0 Users
GRID DOWN UNTIL FEB, DUE TO PERSONAL TRAVEL. Phantom Rose Ocean is a 4x4 water sport region. You start out at the Marina where you can swim in the two pools, play games in the club house, rent boats and jet skis, swim, laze on the beach, tube, or kayak. Explore the vast water area and find Tiki b...
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Phantom Rose Nile
6 0 Rose Nile 0 Users
GRID DOWN UNTIL FEB, DUE TO PERSONAL TRAVEL. The Phantom Rose Nile Region (2x2) is an expanded version of my Phantom Rose Egyptian Adventure at 3RD Rock Grid (3RG). Whereas in 3RG, the Victoria Hotel is just a facade attached to an off sim bank of the Nile, here its a fully functional Hotel that y...
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Phantom Rose Steam
8 3 Rose Steam 0 Users
GRID DOWN UNTIL FEB, DUE TO PERSONAL TRAVEL. This is my homage to Jules Verne and Steampunk. Fantasy Victorian theme, where you will take the balloon elevators at the Tower to visit the Steam Phantom Rose Opera House, Conservatory and the Royal Observatory. There are steam powered balloons to use...
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Phantom Rose Nature
3 0 Rose Nature 0 Users
GRID DOWN UNTIL FEB, DUE TO PERSONAL TRAVEL. Phantom Rose Nature region at Phantom Rose Grid, is a 2x2 dedicated to outdoor activities! Horse back riding, kayaking, tubing, swimming, white water rafting, trail hikes, hang gliding (free gift), donkey rides up the mountain, rock climbing with poses ...
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Phantom Rose Welcome
5 0 Rose Welcome 0 Users
GRID DOWN UNTIL FEB, DUE TO PERSONAL TRAVEL. Welcome region for the Phantom Rose Grid. non-commercial grid that has many unique freebies, hunts and Adventure Quests! Phantom Rose originated in SL from 2007 to 2015, at Inworldz from 2012 to 2017, and now a stand alone Grid! Bringing all your favo...
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Phantom Rose Bayou
9 0 Rose Bayou 0 Users
GRID DOWN UNTIL FEB, DUE TO PERSONAL TRAVEL. Phantom Rose Bayou, on the Phantom Rose Grid, is a Role Play region for dark Fantasy and gothic creatures. Magic, quests and more! Bayou has two distinct faces. Set in fantasy New Orleans in 1798, the City is has the culture and elegance of any Europe...
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Phantom Rose friends... The grid is going to be down until Feb. I am traveling on a "once in a life time" trip with my husband. I am beyond excited. Since I host my own server, I have to shut down. Being out of the country for that long, there is no way for me to keep Phantom Rose safe and healthy. When I travel in the US, I am able to use my remote link to do many things, but for safety, I have decided to shut down the grid for the duration of my travels. I assure you, Phantom Rose WILL be back! Hopefully, better than ever. I have been running 24/7 since 2019 and I am looking forward to another 5 years in the Opensim Metaverse! Thank you all for your support and I will see you in February 2025!

HarperHeld: Enjoy your trip and take as long as you want. See some sights for too. Looking forward to your return! :) 6 months ago
It's that time again at the Phantom Rose Grid! ( The Opera House is decorated for Christmas.
Come get your annual Christmas picture at Skate Mountain, Phantom Rose Welcome. We also have an auto-skater for hands free skating fun! Free skates available, with skating at Skate Mountain or Swan Lake (at the Opera House). Christmas music and hot chocolate. Come find your Holiday spirit. Take a picture alone or with a friend. Happy Holidays to everyone! :) We will also have our annual Christmas ballet, 24/7 at the Phantom Rose Bayou Region Opera House!
Phantom Rose Grid has a new address: Rose Welcome. Beacons have been changed and are working. Don't forget we have a number of Adventure Quests that are available 24/7; do solo or bring friends.
Surf's Up! Phantom Rose Region Ocean has a beautiful natural beach with surf-able waves! You can use a windsurfer, several types of surf boards or a surf kayak. If you love the ocean, but want a more laid back experience... maybe a cocktail while getting your feet wet and listening to the seagulls over head is more your speed? Just stop by the Kahuna Tiki beach bar and chill out with soothing music. Surf Beach is just one of the many activities you can enjoy at the Phantom Rose Grid Region Ocean.
The Dive Shop, by Lannorra Sion, on the Phantom Rose Region Ocean, is the place to get your free Snorkle set! Set on a lush island in the 4x4 region, the Dive Shack close to the underwater wonder, Atlantis! When you land at the Marina area, you can take a map of the different points of interest. There are power boats, jet ski's, kayaks, tubes, etc. that you can use to explore! There is a romantic couples cove, a Tiki bar island party area, and lots more.
British Embassy Outpost 1, by Lannorra Sion. Inspired by the actual British Embassy in Cairo. Inside there are pictures of the Cairo embassy and Lannorra's Outpost. Very detailed office with a red leather dispatch case. So much to see at the Phantom Rose Nile!
The Lotus Rose Palace, by Lannorra Sion. Just one of the many places to see at the Phantom Rose Grid Region Nile. Turn of the century Egypt. Join the Duke and Duchess of Phantom Rose on their newest adventure... exploring the Pyramids! Don't forget to stop at the English Tea House, at the region landing area. There you can read the latest edition of the English Gazette, as you enjoy a pot of tea. Catch up on the new gossip!
1001 Nights of Pleasure await you! Scheherazade's belly dancing club. NPC Dancer. Adults only. Take the beacon to PR Nile directly or hop via the map: and land at the Phantom Rose Grid welcome center. You can use the Grid IDP to teleport to the Nile.
Phantom Rose Bayou Region Adventure Quests: Vampire Hunter and Demon Hunter! To start your journey, take a map at the Bayou Landing area, then head towards the SeaDog Pub. Take the east road out of the City. Look for the Ship just before the river. The parcel is "Passage to Van Helsing". When you land at Van Helsing, you will see the Quest Giver, a display of the Quest Reward and free gifts of a Vampire Hunter Kit and a Demon Hunter Kit. The kits have a display box, plus wearables. The Demon Hunter Holy Water actually sprays water at the Demons! These are dangerous assignments. Do you have the courage to stake a Vampire or send at Demon back to hell?
The Phantom Rose Mer Nation has a new region - Phantom Rose Medieval! The Underwater Kingdom of Lyonesse, is located on this new 5x5 Medieval/Fantasy region. Hop via the Akrotiri beacon and then use the Mer Portal (medieval) to access via underwater.
The latest Mer area for the Grid: The Underwater Kingdom of Lyonesse! There is a free gift of a shark rider, along with temp-rez shark riders to use on the region. Bring some friends and compete at the Colosseum in Seahorse Chariot races. 6 colors, who will win? You can also use the Colosseum for Mer swim racing, unlimited number of competitors!
Medieval Marketplace and majestic Monastery! The Monastery is truly an outstanding build by Tenshi Engel; from its imposing portcullis entry, thru its many rooms with unique textures and gold highlights, all backed with Byzantine Music, it is worth the trip! Land at the dock and make your way thru the busy Marketplace and over the moat.

Beware the Witch! The Citadel is the home of Larissa, High Priestess of the Phantom Rose witches. Explore at your own risk!

Knight's Landing is the welcome area for Phantom Rose Medieval region. Here you will find starter role play outfits, some gifts, important information about the grid and the region, Free region gifts information and map of region. There is a regional teleporter to the main areas, but we encourage you to use a free boat from the docks, to enhance your experience. The Landing has a small medieval fair with dancing and a functional maypole.
New Region now Open at Phantom Rose Grid: Akrotiri! This is the starting region for all of Phantom Rose Mer Nation. The beacon lands you underwater and by using the Mer Portal system, you will never need to be out of water while visiting the 7 other Mer areas on Phantom Rose. Each area has a unique gift. In all you can collect 3 sets of free Fins for mermaids and tritons, 2 coral reefs, and 3 rideables ( Shark, Swordfish and Dolphin)! The new Medieval area also has Seahorse Chariot racing. 6 colors. Get the full description from my blog
Looking for something new and unique to do? Come to Phantom Rose Grid's Nature Region and do some rock climbing! Lannorra has hand made all the rock climbing poses and set up a dual course near Olympia Falls. The side by side climbs let you race a friend to the top! The view once you get there is spectacular and you can follow the stairs up to the free hang glider, to float your way back down. Upon landing at Phantom Rose Nature Region, make sure you get a trail map pamphlet and region guide from the kiosk. Follow the yellow trail thru the campground and pick up the Lake trail going past the falls on your right. The rock climbing area is on the side of the mountain. Take some pictures of your climb and drop on Lannorra Sion, and she will post one to the Champion board! You can hop to PR Nature region via the Opensimworld beacon, or go via the viewer map using url: and use the IDP teleporter from the welcome area.

OpenSimUser: Only you would go rock climbing in high heels and leather britches lol 3 years ago
Phantom Rose Grid, Steam Region's Water power Clock, with Chateau du Coeur, in the background. There is a lot to explore on this region. You can use the steam powered boats to explore via the massive water ways or ascend to the Conservatory and use the public balloons offered for guests to float over this beautiful region. You can go to the main dock and start an Adventure Quest to Mysterious Island and win a great prize or explore the undersea beauty of Mermaids of the Mists. There is a hidden cavern under the Graveyard, with some interesting challenges! There is no need to be bored in your virtual life, when Phantom Rose Grid offers many interactive activities 24/7! Hop to Steam via Opensimworld, or use your viewer and paste in:, which brings you to the public Welcome Region. From there you can use the Interdimensional Portal (IDP) to travel throughout the Grid.

Steampunk Siouxsin: I havent been, but this looks fantastic, very well done! 3 years ago
The Nile Region has so much to see! You can walk thru the many shops with free gifts, do a Hunt to win a special prize, take a sail boat down the mighty Nile, ride a camel through the desert, tour a Pyramid, ride a horse out to the Mosque Village or take a balloon ride and float over this very detailed region. Stay at the Victoria Hotel, tour the Lotus Rose Palace, watch the archeologist work uncovering artifacts, get your Mer on and start at the Nile's Mer grotto and ride a dolphin down the Nile. So much to see and do! Hop from Opensimworld or use the viewer map and paste in the url: and land at the Phantom Rose Grid welcome center.
Phantom Rose Grid turns 3 years old! Presents new Musical Vignette at the Welcome Region Opera House. New Blog Post:
Phantom Rose Grid, welcomes you to attend the new Snowflake Ballet at the Phantom Rose Bayou Region Opera House. This production is open 24/7 for your convenience and will play until Spring. Take a beacon to Phantom Rose Bayou or hop via the viewer map to, upon landing at the welcome area, just use the Interdimensional Portal (IDP) to Phantom Rose Bayou and its beautiful Opera House!
Once again, the Phantom Rose Grid Welcome Region is a great destination for the Holidays! Skate Mountain has a free Photo op with Santa for Christmas 2021! You will also find Lannorra's auto skater for hands free skating with friends! Hot chocolate, free skates and joyful Holiday music. If you are feeling romantic, do not miss Swan Lake with a free skate area, along with couples sits and photo ops. And like most regions on Phantom Rose Grid, there are free gifts for guests to find. Pick up the Free Gifts notecard for locations. :)
It's the night before Christmas and Santa is taking a rest with some cookies and milk, while his Elf spreads the joy of Christmas with an exuberant dance! Phantom Rose Grid, welcomes you to join the merriment at the Phantom Rose Bayou Region Opera House. This production is open 24/7 for your convenience! Take a beacon to Phantom Rose Bayou or hop via the viewer map to, upon landing at the welcome area, just use the Interdimensional Portal (IDP) to Phantom Rose Bayou and its beautiful Opera House! Do not miss this fun presentation that will play thru Christmas Day.
Phantom Rose Bayou Pagan Drum Circle
Where: Phantom Rose Bayou
When: 3 years ago [6 Oct 2021 14:00 SLT]

Join us Wednesdays, from 2pm - 3pm, for our Pagan Drum Circle! Let the magic of the drums and the rhythm of the dance take you. You can dance, drum or simply meditate to the ancient harmony that surrounds you! Truly a magical experience. Set your sun to midnight, hop to Phantom Rose Bayou, then take the regional teleporter directly to the Pagan Drum area. This is a place of peace and all creatures are welcome!

New!! I have opened TWO new Adventure Quests: Vampire Hunter and Demon Hunter! To start your journey, take a map at the Bayou Landing area, then head towards the SeaDog Pub. Look for the Ship just before the river. The parcel is "Passage to Van Helsing". When you land at Van Helsing, you will see the Quest Giver, a display of the Quest Reward and free gifts of a Vampire Hunter Kit and a Demon Hunter Kit. The kits have a display box, plus wearables. The Demon Hunter Holy Water actually sprays water at the Demons! These are dangerous assignments. Do you have the courage to stake a Vampire or send at Demon back to hell?
NEW: Free Snorkel sets: 3 colors; mask, snorkel and fins! Grab a map at the Ocean landing area, then take a boat and head out to the Dive Shack to get your free set. The Dive Shack is located conveniently next to Atlantis. Explore the ruins, swim with the whales, investigate wreck sites!
Phantom Rose Bayou Dark Nights Open Role Play
Where: Phantom Rose Bayou
When: 3 years ago [1 Sep 2021 11:13 SLT]

Join us EVERY Wednesday 11am-2pm PST for Open Role Play at the Phantom Rose Grid, Bayou Region. The Dark Nights RP area is dedicated to gothic, supernatural creatures, Vampires, Demons, Witches and Voodoo to name a few. We are an easy going area, great for beginners. We offer help with creating your character and merging into our world. We welcome other grid's established RPer's and will help find a common ground between your storylines and ours! So join us, the Shadows are gathering....

Phantom Rose Bayou Pagan Drum Circle
Where: Phantom Rose Bayou
When: 3 years ago [1 Sep 2021 14:00 SLT]

Join us Wednesdays, from 2pm - 3pm, for our Pagan Drum Circle! Let the magic of the drums and the rhythm of the dance take you. You can dance, drum or simply meditate to the ancient harmony that surrounds you! Truly a magical experience. Set your sun to midnight, hop to Phantom Rose Bayou, then take the regional teleporter directly to the Pagan Drum area. This is a place of peace and all creatures are welcome!

Phantom Rose Bayou Dark Nights Open Role Play
Where: Phantom Rose Bayou
When: 4 years ago [11 Aug 2021 11:00 SLT]

Wednesdays from 11am - 2pm Join us for open role play (RP). Dark Nights is a gothic RP area for Vampires, Demons, Witches, Voodoo and other dark fantasy creatures. There are 3 levels of RP area; the surface, Bon Temps (level 1) and the Demon area (level 2). We are open to any gothic races, just have some back story ready. I have put out some Vampire bite animators around the area and also have a Ritual Room at Bon Temps that has Vampire bites. I will be adding more as I have time. Jump to Phantom Rose Bayou, then take the Regional Teleporter directly to Dark Nights. Set your sun for Midnight and come add to our story! In addition there are 2 Magic Circles (wiccan and dark magic), a Voodoo ceremonial area, a Pagan Drum Circle, gothic Mermaid area at Haunted Lake, a maze with prize at the center and many other activities.

Come join the fun at Dark Nights at Phantom Rose Bayou. Tons of role play opportunities for gothic creatures. Here is a sample of the Demon level:

Mysterious Island Adventure is open! Take passage from the main dock next to the welcome area, to Mysterious Island! Survive the shipwreck and scale the rocks to find the inner lush jungle. But beware of the Dino's! Cross treacherous paths to find the Tiki camp. You will see the Adventure Scroll with information on this exciting quest. Will you have the courage to face a T-Rex as you cross the jungle? Can you figure out where the hidden cave is? Follow the clues and earn your reward!
Phantom Rose Steam. View of the main square with the tower. The Opera house is on the first tower level, accessed via a balloon elevator. The Royal observatory and the conservatory are on the 2nd tower level, also accessed via a balloon elevator. From the 2nd level of the tower you can take a hot air balloon and do an aerial survey of the entire 2x2 Region. Get maps at the region welcome center!
Help with landing people at coordinates other than 128,128,0
When people copy my HG address from Opensimworld, it always puts them at 128,128,0... is there a way to over-ride this. I tried putting a region telehub, but it did not land visitor at that place. I did not use beacons before I built my regions, so some of them, it is totally wrong landing at 128,128,0. If people come via the beacon itself, it lands them near beacon. But it is unlikely that most people come that way. I think most people just copy and paste from the opensimworld HG address on the region itself.

Swim with the whales

Phantom Rose Grid has extensive underwater features for Mer folk. At welcome area, take the regional TP to Grotto. From there you can travel thru the grid underwater, via the Mer Portal. Phantom Rose Welcome has free fins made by Lannorra and a Mer Playground with merry-go-round (original by Bad Katz and customized by Lannorra), swings and a treasure chest to find. Each region on the grid has its own unique mermaid area.
It is almost July and Phantom Rose Bayou, my newest region will be opening in a few days! A large part of Bayou is my Dark Nights Role Play area. It is a Dark Fantasy RP with Vampires, Witches, Demons and Voodoo! Here is a look at the new Demon level of Dark Nights. I hope you enjoy it. ?

(Grid URL:
Phantom Rose Grid's newest region: Phantom Rose Bayou Opens in July!

Another sneak peek, this time of the Phantom Rose Bayou Opera House Summer Forest Fairy Ballet:

Phantom Rose Grid's newest region: Phantom Rose Bayou Opens in July!

Another sneak peek, this time of my Pagan Dance circle:

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No upcoming events

My Reviews


It is amazing that you made all these wonderful clothes and are giving them away! Beautiful things. Thank you!

Phantom Rose Welcome

Debra, The first freebie is a gazebo right next to the visitor landing area. If you keep walking the short distance to the Boutiques, there are shops right there, where all things are free. It is only maybe 30m from visitor landing. I am sorry I thought you were asking for my Steam Region.

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