Lilie @lilie


love open sim

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Funsize Dinkies ROAD TRIP on ICE at SilverFox Winter Region
The Dinkies always has so much fun on Wednesdays

JustCurious: Where can i find the christmas outfits for my dinkie? 27 days ago

FUNSIZE DINKIES WAS HERE.......... Halloween Roadtrip pt 2 to lfgrid.com8002Halloween Island

Littlefield Grid: We hope you enjoyed your time there! 2 months ago

Funsize Dinkies getting ready for todays Roadtrip...

RemmyRavenhurst: Adorable 3 months ago
Based on the Alternate Metaverse Grid (Dinkies ONLY Region)

Hangout with many other Dinkies on Opensim from 8:00am (PDT)
Tuedays - Games Fortnightly
Wednesdays - Road Trip
Fridays - Dinkies Coffee Talk in the Joint
Sunday Monthly - Dinkies at the Movies

MidnightRain Glas: my dinkie says she needs a bathing suit and some glasses I guess I need to take her shopping 2 years ago

The Funsize Dinkies and Friends always having Fun at the Resort...
It's Eyes Down for the Winter BINGO!!! over at the Dinkies Winter Market.

Sorcha: Bon BINGO 23 days ago

A Great Party with alot of Laughter and Open singing to songs that the dinkies love doing, DAVE KING performs songs that the Dinkies love hearing at the Funsize Dinkies World Resort's 2nd Birthday.

ZelleMist: Dinkie KNow How To Partyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Happy Birthday Dinkies... Congratulations 2 months ago
Todays Dinkies Halloween Roadtrip Tour..
We all had so much fun and laughter over at
Grid, this is a great place to check out no matter how big or small you are, its all about having alot of fun..

RemmyRavenhurst: Stop being so adorable plsss!! 2 months ago

Beginning with the SOAPBOX CAR Race

This is a open Event for watchers and take parters
Location: Dinkies

πŸŽ„ Funsize Dinkies Christmas Market πŸŽ„

✨ Open from 20th November - 2nd January ✨
🎁 Enjoy lots of FREE Dinkie Outfits, Dinkie Activities,
and lots of fun happenings for all the Dinkies to enjoy!

πŸŽ… Advent Calendar kicks off on 1st December – surprises await!

πŸ“ Location: Funsize Dinkies Dinkies

Don't miss the holiday cheer β€” join us at the Funsize Dinkies Christmas Market! πŸŽ„
The Funsize Dinkies Christmas Road Trip is set to begin on Wednesday, 4th December, 11th Dec and 18th Dec. Funsize Dinkies are always excited and ready for adventures, we will be gathering at the resort just before 8am like usual.

The Tour bus will be loaded with snacks, blankets, and festive music playing as we hit the road. We will be driving through snowy mountains, and shared plenty of laughs along the way.

So, any Dinkies out there around Opensim come and join us its going to be fun!

Also, Check out the other DINKIE EVENTS that is happening on the FUNSIZE DINKIES WORLD RESORT at Dinkies its where all the magic happens!!!
On the special occasion of Funsize Dinkies World Resort's second anniversary, the cheerful Dinkies gathered in jubilation. Soft tunes spun by DeeJay Sofee filled the air, setting the perfect party ambiance. Then, the spotlight shifted to the main event - none other than the talented Dave King. As Dave King dazzled the crowd with his electrifying performance, colorful fireworks illuminated the sky, in the background.

The merry Dinkies laughed and chatted animatedly in their distinctive local voices, filling the atmosphere with joy and excitement. Some Dinkies couldn't resist indulging in the delectable spread of food, their faces lighting up with delight at each flavorful bite.

As the morning progressed, it was evident that the bonds between the Dinkies and their beloved resort had only grown stronger over the past two years. The celebration was a true testament of love and happiness shared within Funsize Dinkies World Resort, leaving everyone with cherished memories to hold onto.

Happy Birthday Funsize Dinkies and to many more years ahead to come...
"We are the Funsize Dinkiessss"
!! YAY !!
Join us Dinkies in celebrating its 2nd Birthday on the Funsize Dinkie World Resort in a Special Location on the Region, and as our Birthday tradition we are also celebrating "The Day of the Dead" at the same time, which means we get to Dress Up, there will be lots of Food, Drinks, Fun Banter and Great Music for everyone to enjoy in Great Company.. Bring your Friends and their Friends!!!

Starting at 8:00am (Grid Timezone) with a Party DeeJay and followed by Live Perfomer.
The party ends when everyone belly's can't handle it no more.
Located at: Dinkies
The Dinkies of Funsize Dinkies World Resort were always up for a good time, especially during the Big Halloween RACE Event. The atmosphere was filled with laughter and screams of excitement as the Dinkies zoomed around the race track. Laps after laps, they raced faster than lightning, on their self made Bikes and Soapboxes whizzing past each other with incredible speed.
(Big Congratulations to Grace Noel for winning the Races hands down.)

(See More from the Funsize Dinkies World Resort pictures and happenings check out their Facebook page):
Funsize Dinkies Halloween Fishing in a Special Events Area on the Resort.
Any Dinkies out there looking for other Dinkies, come and join us all for a Chit Chat while Fishing for Spooky Goodies.
Location: Dinkies
Any DINKIES out there want some company, come join us on the Funsize Dinkies World Resort for our Last Sunday of the Month Movie Morning..

Today is Beetlejuice Beetlejuice (Number 2) to keep in the Halloween Festive.

TP on over to hop:// and laze in a comfy Sofa Car and PopCorn is Free!!!!
Join us for another exciting Dinkies event at Funsize Dinkies World Resort! Today, the Dinkies are hosting a Halloween bingo starting at 8 AM. Jump into your funsize body and teleport over to the Funsize of OpenSim for a thrilling experience! Dinkies
Join us for another fun and crazy Dinkies event at Funsize Dinkies World Resort! on the 30th NOVEMEBER, the Dinkies are racing for Halloween starting at 8 AM.

Jump into your funsize body and teleport over to the Funsize of OpenSim for a spooktacular time! Dinkies

FUNSIZE DINKIES WAS HERE.......... Halloween Roadtrip pt 1 to world.escapelands.com8002EL-loween Halloween 2024

Dinkie Greedy@The Camping Area~Funsize Dinkies
Dinkie Greedy - Starting at 8:00am - 10:00am

Open invite to all Dinkies on Opensim.

Join us for a couple of Dinkie Greedy Games and meet other Dinkies around Opensim in one Resort.

A Great Resort to hangout with all the Funsize Dinkies.
Location: Dinkies

See you Over there!!!
Starting at eight o'clock this morning like no other Fashion Show on Opensim, check out the latest trendy outfits created by the FUNSIZE Dinkies.
Outfits after the show will be available for purchase in the Dinkie Marketplace and some even up for grabs for free!

Bring your Biggies and Friends on over to enjoy the show at Dinkies

(Anyone can come over to watch the show, but the clothing is strickly Dinkie sizes only)



Fashion is all about expression, and the FUNSIZE Dinkies are turning heads with their unique style!

Join us on Friday, August 9th, starting at eight o'clock in the morning, Pacific Daylight Time, for a Dinkies Fashion Show like no other.

You'll see the latest trendy outfits created by the FUNSIZE Dinkies, and after the show, these fabulous looks will be available for purchase in the Marketplace, with some even up for grabs for free!

Don’t miss out on this chance to embrace fresh fashion and discover what these trendsetters have in store!

hop:// Dinkies
(Anyone can come over to watch the show, but the clothing is strickly Dinkie only)

GAMES without BORDERS (Sack Races)
Dinkies always having FUN together on

"Games without Boarders" at Funsize Dinkies World Resort - Today (28th June)
Be on the Resort by 8:00am for debrief as its all Go..go.. go.. at 8:15am

Do you love to have fun?? The Funsize Dinkies spent alot of Sweat and Time building their very own Soapbox Cars for this BIG Event...

Soap Car Races, Archery, Sack Races, Duck Races and more Relay Games in "Games without Boarders" Event today.

A Great Resort to hangout with all the Funsize Dinkies.

Location: Dinkies

Come Join in the FUN or Come and Watch for yourself
See you Over there!!!
Join the adventure on the Funsize Dinkies World Resort ROADTRIP; the excitement begins every Wednesday at 8:00 am sharp. The bus departs at 8:15 am on the dot towards our thrilling destination. Immerse yourself in the joy and wonder that awaits at Funsize Dinkies. The journey promises endless fun and unforgettable memories. Don't miss out on the excitement that a ROADTRIP with the Funsize Dinkies brings. Pack your bags and get ready for an epic Ride!! Dinkies
Funsize Dinkies World.
A place where dreams come alive and imaginations run wild.
Join the Funsize Dinkies community as you begin a journey filled with endless adventures, laughter, and new friendships.
It's a place where neighbours become lifelong friends, sharing unforgettable moments and creating memories that will last a lifetime.
This is a place where every day is a new chapter in your Dinkie Story.

Funsize Dinkies World Resort Dinkies
Funsize Dinkies World Resort has moved over to Twiztid Time Grid and is opening its Resort to All Dinkies on Opensim.
Join us all at the usual time Friday at 8:00am - 10:00am
Meet us at the JOINT to discuss happenings and more in Open Chat.

Location: Dinkies
See you Over there!!!
Dinkies Friday happens every Friday from 8:00am - 10:00am on the Alternate Metaverse Grid
DINKIES ONLY REGION & HG Friendly at Location: Dinkie
Come on Over (DINKIES) and Hangout with us all on the Resort ..

(Dinkies ONLY Region) on Opensim
Dinkies always have So much Fun at the FUNSIZE DINKIES WORLD RESORT on AMV Dinkies

(Dinkies ONLY Region) on Opensim
Dinkies always have So much Fun at the FUNSIZE DINKIES WORLD RESORT on AMV Dinkies

(Dinkies ONLY Region) on Opensim
Dinkies always have So much Fun at the FUNSIZE DINKIES WORLD RESORT on AMV Dinkies

Dinkies Underwater Event at the Mermaid Cove (DINKIES ONLY) TODAY

Dinkies Only 3 Hour Event on Funsize Dinkies World Resort based on the Alternate Metaverse Grid.
If your a Dinkie we invite you to a Live Event with a Couple Live Dinkie Performers in an Underwater Mermaid Cove

Starting at 8:00am - 11:00am (pdt)
Location: Funsize Dinkies
HG: Dinkies
Happening right now on the Dinkies Resort
Dinkies Movie Drive Thru on a Big Screen
at FUNSIZE DINKIES, Last Sunday of the Month 8:00am - 10:00am (pdt)
HG: Dinkies
Dinkies Underwater Event at the Mermaid Cove (DINKIES ONLY)
Date: 17 May 2023
Starting at 8:00am - 11:00am (pdt)
Location: Funsize Dinkies
HG: Dinkies

Book time with us at Funsize Dinkies for a Dinkies Only 3 Hour Event on Funsize Dinkies World Resort
based on the Alternate Metaverse Grid.
If your a Dinkie we invite you to a Live Event with a Couple Live Dinkie Performers in an Underwater Mermaid Cove.
At the Funsize Dinkies World Resort this is where all Dinkies meets together for open chat on voice or in chat, open subjects and to hangout. join us in funsize cuteness at Region: Funsize Dinkies Dinkies
Creator Cris McCracken taking out the trash at Zombie Jungle - An immersive 3d Live action Zombie Hunting Game on Alternate Metaverse Grid. An Island far away, but not far enough fell victim to a toxic waste spill converting people, Jungle animals and even insects into hideous brain-sucking Zombies! Can you survive the Zombie Jungle??
Map Us: alternatemetaverse,com:8002:Zombie Jungle
Zombie Jungle - An immersive 3d Live action Zombie Hunting Game on Alternate Metaverse Grid. An Island far away, but not far enough fell victim to a toxic waste spill converting people, Jungle animals and even insects into hideous brain-sucking Zombies! Can you survive the Zombie Jungle??
Map Us: alternatemetaverse,com:8002:Zombie Jungle

Zombie Spider @ Zombie Jungle-Immersive 3D Zombie hunt- Weapons Provided, Fear Generated
Map Us: alternatemetaverse,com:8002:Zombie Jungle

Creator of Zombie Jungle Chris McCracken!
Immersive 3D Zombie hunt- Weapons Provided, Fear Generated
Map Us: alternatemetaverse,com:8002:Zombie Jungle

Immersive 3D Zombie hunt- Weapons Provided, Fear Generated
Map Us: alternatemetaverse,com:8002:Zombie Jungle

Weapons supplied- Fear Generated
Zombie Jungle - An immersive 3d Live action Zombie Hunting Game on Alternate Metaverse Grid. An Island far away, but not far enough fell victim to a toxic waste spill converting people, Jungle animals and even insects into hideous brain-sucking Zombies! Can you survive the Zombie Jungle??
Map Us: alternatemetaverse,com:8002:Zombie Jungle