Lillysparks @lillysparks


Marvelous minds are all around you. Everyone has something amazing to create. Do it!

Joined 1 years ago

About Myself

I find humor in the shreds of light even in the darkness. Laughter is the way I cope with everything from tragedy to great love.

My Interests

Building, surfing, learning, and experimenting with the endless possibilities of hypergrid.

I'm Looking For

Scripting wizards, like-minded artists, cool folks, and great animations. I really want to meet people that have time in world to hang out and do fun things .

Favorite Quote

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Music I Like

jazzy, sexy, house blend beats, swingish-classic rockish-jam bandish-techno-ish-hip-hoppity-pop-mixxity-soul. How's that for an answer? ;)

My Heroes

People that learn to enjoy a social atmosphere without gossip. Those are rare and worthy people.

My Regions

Grid Tumbler
19 8 Tumbler 0 Users
Unique sandy beaches and wild terrain compliments the frothy blue sea which happens to be filled with the best surf waves available. Visitors can use the surfboard rezzers at the landing any time night or day. YES the landing is in the water, but it's just ankle deep. You can handle it. Put on a s...
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6 0 0 Users
The sea that borders the famous Monterey Bay is here—Miles and miles of clean, open ocean. There is an obscure and sensual secret cave somewhere distant. You can surf at the edge of the cave too so please try it. It is very worth your travel. Bring a date and prepare to forget the world for a few. ...
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No upcoming events

My Reviews

Brown Beach Surf

I was lucky enough to see this beautiful place while it was under construction. This is a truly stunning seascape and go prepared to stare out into the blue sea. It is mesmerizing. Great work.

Amoa Nude Beach Swingers Resort

A beach bum's dream. Endless waterways that meander through intricate and beautiful builds. Lovely place. Great work. Plus you are required to be nude so it removes a superficial layer we all get so used to. Good stuff. Cheers .

Extreme Surfing

This place is built with much kindness and care. The details are lovely. The owners are always gracious and welcoming. I love this place, and they have my support.

SE Mall

The organizational skills of the owner had me saying wow. Lots of really neat original stuff there. Check it out and you will be impressed. It won't be a quick trip though. Be prepared to shop a while. Look around. =)

R&M Creations

This place is amazing. First of all, its cluttered but it the most adorable, naughty-fairy=goddess way. It's like ... tripping over glittery art and stumbling onto the best secret adult furniture selection ... then when you think you have seen it all you fall in the water and BOOM ... mermaids...dolphins...whales ... all kinds of marvelous goodies. It crazy. Just trust me it will be a favorite - a...


A delightfully sinful treat. I got many new toys and I windsurfed. It was beautiful. xoxoxo


I loved shopping here thank you for all the great stuff. =)


Great stuff, plenty of select adult finds too. Nice work!

Nautilus Salty Surfers Isle

Gorgeous, magical, stunning views of the shining blue sea. Plus the best surfboard rezzers and waves on the grid. I am officially going to surf there at least a couple times a week. Forever. hehe Great work building that awesome place.

Brokeback Mountain

You MUST see the awesome river with the coolest tube feature ever!! Must see. Great work Chad. High fives.

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