LizaCD Aho @lizacd


Sou homossexual masculino (passivo).
Adoro dançar e ficar ouvindo musica.
Só trago de RL a tentativa de ser uma pessoa melhor a cada dia, corrigir minhas falhas e erros e entender as pessoas.

Liked posts

Party im Club Infinity
Where: Club Infinity
When: 6 years ago [9 Jul 2019 20:00 SLT]

Party im Club Infinity
Wir laden euch alle herzlich dazu ein
Dj Achim & Djane Anette
Los geht es ab 20 Uhr

The new OSW beacon is now in the OSW package in our region. The new beacon includes some bug fixes and a new Like / comment button that allows people who visit your region to give likes and comments to your region. Get it from our region along with the new HUD!