Joined 6 years ago

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My Regions

Lucia Island
12 0 Island 0 Users
Naturist islands for human, furry, kemono and anime who wants to be naked (Clothes can be worn optionally) On 2 large 4x4 grids with a total of 2.097.152 m² there is a nice club, an airport, a harbor, many island wiht pier with carousels, ferris wheel and much more, lots of nice things to relax an...
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Lucia Island

Lucia Brachmann: Hier ruht Harold Rigel 2 years ago

Lucia Brachmann: Harolds Tempel 2 years ago

Lucia Brachmann: Beach Club 3 years ago

comments 18 post likes 86
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My Reviews

very nicely designed region

Isle of Nara

teleport failed no foreign users allowed in this region wow someone has something against foreigners, seems to be a region where guests from another country are discriminated against five stars but minus

Factory Connection

hm it's funny I tried three times to agree to the terms of sevive, and still I always get the message you have not accepted our terms of service


There are great things here, I can only recommend visiting this region, it's worth it Many thanks to the creators of these great things


would be a nice freebies grid with lots of nice things, but unfortunately not one ended up in my inventory although I wanted one, tried several times at different times but always the same thing couldn't take anything with me, the things there are probably not cpoy ?


unfortunately the grids at are often offline for a long time

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