Liked posts

What, "Your ticket please?" I don't have one, now what?^^

Jerralyn Franzic: No comment lol 2 days ago

Jimmy updated our community meeting theatre to make it bigger!

Cause I'm a gypsy, are you coming with me?
I might steal your clothes and wear them if they fit me
I don't make agreements just like a gypsy
And I won't back down 'cause life's already bit me
And I won't cry, I'm too young to die
If you're gonna quit me
"Cause I'm a gypsy"


Andromeda: ***Gypsy Poem*** It is the dance that unites the heart and soul!! This is me… “Daughter of the Wind” “Those who have never seen us dancing have no idea of ​​the magic contained in our dance. Throug... 3 days ago

News!!! hop:// De Volcanes/87/205/3829

Did you know that Wolf Territories Grid hosts 2 RL Universities and a host of other educational projects with our WolfTec educational programme?

Xenon Darrow: Thank you for highlighting this, Jimmy! 4 days ago

Right now we have a massive road building project in progress across the grid. Start off at welcome and follow the road!

Frank Hurt: ooooh, this will be fun! I need to find something road-worthy and go sight-seeing! 4 days ago
Sunday, February 16, 2025
The second day of the event was also very moving and wonderful. Thank you to everyone who doesn't let themselves be discouraged and who dares to stand up against the political pressure from the right, even in virtual worlds.

Sonntag den 16.02.2025
Auch der zweite Eventtag war sehr bewegend und wundervoll. Danke an allen, die sich nicht entmutigen lassen und sich trauen auch in virtuellen Welten gegen den politischen Rechtsdruck aufzustehen.

Dorena Verne: Da das Event gelaufen ist und ich keine Lust habe mich an der Stelle um weitere Hatebeiträge oder Getrolle zu kümmern, mache ich hier mal zu. Since the event is over and I don't feel like dealing with... 5 days ago

Short and shirt plaid with hud new in the bar on Katers Menshop!


Lone Wolf at Wolf Grid Welcome Region next to our balloon rides, helicopter hire and even more!

----- NEW -----

Busy Wolf! New website updates to make thing's easier! Free office, shop or showroom for region owners at our welcome area!

Tomorrow is the day!
Es reicht!! Event gegen rechts in Dorenas World

15.2.2025 und 16.2.2025

Samstag den 15.02.2025
18:30-19:00 Uhr Einstimmung mit Klarabella Karamell.
19:00-21:00 Uhr Wolem Wobbit Live-Konzert
21:00-22:00 Uhr Rogue Galaxy Live-Konzert
22:00 Uhr bis Openend mit Xenos Yifu

Sonntag den 16.02.2025
16.30 Uhr-18 Uhr Bogus Curry mit großartigen Musikprogramm.
18:00-20:00 Uhr JohnVincent van Dyke Live-Konzert
20:00-21:00 Uhr Kueperpunk mit einer Lesung/Vortrag zum Thema.
21:00-22:00 Uhr Rubeus Helgeruth liest Wolfgang Borchert.
22:00-Openend "DJ-Battle Klarabella und Aki".

Enough is enough!! Event against the right in Dorenas World

February 15th, 2025 and February 16th, 2025

Saturday February 15th, 2025
6:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Warm-up with Klarabella Karamell.
7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Wolem Wobbit live concert
9:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Rogue Galaxy live concert
10:00 p.m. until open end with Xenos Yifu

Sunday February 16th, 2025
4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Bogus Curry with a great music program.
6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. John Vincent van Dyke live concert
8:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Kueperpunk with a reading/lecture on the topic.
9:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Rubeus Helgeruth reads Wolfgang Borchert.
10:00 p.m. - Openend "DJ Battle Klarabella and Aki".
Feedback geben

Pagane: Unfortunately, politics has obsessed our thoughts and feelings. OpenSIM was created by the people here with all their pros and cons. I completely understand Doren and her dream of replacing the Russia... 7 days ago

News!!! Arabela Full Avatar hop:// De Volcanes/346/205/5002

Fly away

Innatenessboucher: Obfusives will come visit soon, Great pics... Waves... 7 days ago

Spontan beim Wiener gehts gleich los ...
Proxnet - Evenets, events (180, 124, 21)
wer noch lust und zeit ist herzlich willkommen
Proxnet - Evenets, events (180, 124, 21)

Cosa: ach ja die Tinni - schöne Mucke :-)) 8 days ago
We've been updating some of our office buildings in our welcome area. Region owners can have a FREE office to show off their regions and provide an immersive experience.
Rock-House (Special)
Freitag 14.2.2025
mit DJ Anachron

Beginn 20:00 Uhr

❤ Zum Valentinstag:❤
Irgendwas mit Liebe?

Ende wie immer um Mitternacht.
Hypergrid :

Rock-House (Special)
Friday 14.2.2025
with DJ Anachron
Starts at 8:00 p.m.
❤ For Valentine's Day:❤
Something about love?

Ends as always at midnight.


Play and sing my song..

Pagane: Look good with few small mistakes: A guitar with 6 strings, 7 crooked keys and a support for the 8th key. We won't argue about the two left shoes - AI is known for this mistake :) And actually where d... 10 days ago

NEWS!!! Earrings Lel EvoX -Male/Female hop:// De Volcanes/120/110/3827

Thorben Goerssen: Einfach eine Klasse Location....super Sachen zum anziehen und Möbel..Avatare...usw.. Nur weiter zu empfehlen...ein grosses danke an die Owner.-) 10 days ago

Introduction to Wolf Territories Grid, including our control panel.


Kiana Fawn: Beautiful job I love what you did! 10 days ago
I lied. We partying. Now.

Join us for the GRAND OPENING of the NEW GRID WELCOME AREA! Territories Grid Welcome Area

Wolf Territories has a NEW WELCOME Area with Club Stonehenge!

DJ Xenon Darrow will be spinning for you with an eclectic mix of upbeat and driving pop and rock! Come on out, celebrate, and be sure to check out the entire region on the bus or train!

But most of all, GET READY TO PARTY & HOWL @ THE MOON!

TWO shows: 11 am & 7 pm grid time!

Lone Wolf at the Irish Wolf Pub on our welcome area. Picture by Jimmy Olsen

Frank Hurt: Thankfully, no wolf-boogers to be seen! 14 days ago
Rock-House (Special)
Freitag 7.2.2025
mit DJ Anachron

Beginn 20:00 Uhr


Ende wie immer um Mitternacht.

Rock-House (Special)
Friday 7.2.2025
with DJ Anachron

Starts at 8:00 p.m.


Ends as always at midnight.


JAY-Z - Young Forever ft. Mr Hudson

Arkham City: what did I do? lol Nice avatar 16 days ago

Wolf Grid Welcome has Balloon Rides, Taxis and Vehicle Rezzers. Come and enjoy our massive new welcome area.

Two new Tea Houses are now available at the Emporium. Each structure is a mix of prim and mesh and is finished with both PBR and standard textures. Each Tea House comes with a Tea Set Seating Group, working doors, and lighting controls for the interior and exterior. Each structure is about 360 prims, fits a 27M x 27M base area, and has modify and copy permissions. Matching garden pagodas are on display there as well and are also available.

In the lobby, click the Japanese teleport sign on the left, then you will see the Tea Houses across the way on the other side of the garden area that you can walk through. Alternately, you can walk out of the lobby and take a left until you come to a Japanese bridge with torii gates that takes you through the main gate to the Japanese area. All of those items are available as well.

Coming up next, I will be working on a temple and a shrine, followed by a more opulent home, and finally a castle. I will eventually wrap up this style with multiple accessories.

Wolf Territories Grid: Ooh another castle for my collection. 16 days ago
Es reicht!! Event gegen rechts in Dorenas World

15.2.2025 und 16.2.2025

Samstag den 15.02.2025
18:30-19:00 Uhr Einstimmung mit Klarabella Karamell.
19:00-21:00 Uhr Wolem Wobbit Live-Konzert
21:00-22:00 Uhr Rogue Galaxy Live-Konzert
22:00 Uhr bis Openend mit Xenos Yifu

Sonntag den 16.02.2025
16.30 Uhr-18 Uhr Loru Destiny mit großartigen Musikprogramm.
18:00-20:00 Uhr JohnVincent van Dyke Live-Konzert
20:00-21:00 Uhr Kueperpunk mit einer Lesung/Vortrag zum Thema.
21:00-22:00 Uhr Rubeus Helgeruth liest Wolfgang Borchert.
22:00-Openend "DJ-Battle Klarabella und Aki".
Enough is enough!! Event against the right in Dorenas World

February 15th, 2025 and February 16th, 2025

Saturday February 15th, 2025
6:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Warm-up with Klarabella Karamell.
7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Wolem Wobbit live concert
9:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Rogue Galaxy live concert
10:00 p.m. until open end with Xenos Yifu

Sunday February 16th, 2025
4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Loru Destiny with a great music program.
6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. JohnVincent van Dyke live concert
8:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Kueperpunk with a reading/lecture on the topic.
9:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Rubeus Helgeruth reads Wolfgang Borchert.
10:00 p.m. - Openend "DJ Battle Klarabella and Aki".

Dorena Verne: At this point something appropriate: 18 days ago

📝 They Are Back

They march again, in shadows deep, Their voices loud, their hatred speaks. They hunt my neighbor, full of fear, But we stand strong, we’re staying here. They try to break us, tear us down, But ...

Thank you to all who came to the memorial service for Trizzy, the benches and candles from the service will stay up for a bit longer for those that want to come and pay there respects.

Kylie Brimmer: Am sorry i missed out coming there cause my interrupted RL. 22 days ago

We are Back and running!!!!

Ludo: Welcome back. 22 days ago
Hello all
I would like to explain, why it is better to use animesh instead of NPC. If you just need one or 4 NPCs on your sim then it is not really important to read this. But if you want to have a population on your sim like I have on Big City Life with 400 moving people then it is very relevant.
NPCs take a lot of performance of a sim. It is very resource heavy like the land itself (because of physics) or Avis. Animesh people you can calculate like trees you pant on your sim.
Many still believe you can't do much with animesh. Just put some animation in it to move or dance a bit. But that's not really true. We all know the animesh horses of Roland Francis and what you can do with it. It is similar with all other. Here a video to demonstrate that you can even have sex with it and let them walk around.
Usually everyone would use NPC for this. There is one advantage for NPCs, of course, because you can sit them on moving vehicles. But this is the only advantage of NPCs. My Jockeys at the horse race track are also NPCs. There is no easy other way to solve this with animesh Jockeys on the horses.
But for all other things you can easily use animesh people. If you need help for scripting stuff then you just need to ask any AI LLM today. They are already that good that they can script for you in OSSL a script to get all working what you want the animesh do.
For building good looking animesh people it is recommended to use the Ruth or Roth body as root prim and add all other to this body. It has just to be rigged. All stuff you attach to the body has to be rigged. Even if you want to let an Animesh man or woman ride a bicycle then the bike has to be rigged and you put in the matching animation with a route script. Very easy to do. All handmade.
But since newer times you have already really good option to let AI create your animesh. I don't talk about complicated routines you connect your LLM with Blender through Python script or such. There is now very easy solution everyone can do on a website. This is called Meshy AI.
Meshy creates your animesh just by telling him through text. You get first 4 examples as Statue and you choose the best you like. Then you can even give the AI an image to create texture for this figure. But you can let the AI decide what texture is the best. Just give him some hints what it should have. That's all. Then you can let meshy rig the animesh man or woman or monster or animal or whatever you want to have. Meshy knows usually where to rig at arms and legs etc. But for this the statue should be symmetric. You can also rig unsymmetric but then you have to edit a bit by yourself. Usually you get symmetric statue anyway and then every kid can create a rigged statue as animesh. Download this as blender file or any other file and put it in blender to convert it in dae file. Then upload this dae file and you have a new animesh inworld. Just put in the animation script with animation and it moves. We have in opensim now an expert for creating animesh with meshy AI. Ask Prince Amor. He is creating every day tons of new animesh for opensim. And all created with AI. Usually he is showing off his new creation now as Avi on Lbsa. Yes you can also use all this as Avatar too. The complexity is very low compared to usual Avis or NPCs.

MrSnoodle: ah yes the Animesh vs NPC debate, and before I start I have no hate in anything I'm saying. You have put so much work into the place. I will say that animesh still have skeletons to calculate, and th... 23 days ago
Hello all
Perhaps it is not known for most people here. I would like to introduce something new that is more known or even common for player in new games.
We all know the problem with mesh hair and that flexi hair is not perfect too. If we would have flexi mesh hair then complexity would increase to mio. Much too much. The hair problem is not solved in many games. Even in VRchat the hair problem is not perfectly solved but right now the best solution. For clothes especially coats etc it is the same problem.
But we can also have other solution for clothes. It is not flexi but we could have animesh clothes. It looks almost realistic. Roland Francis created some animesh clothes and here you can see it in video. You get it on his Neiferleaf sim in shop at landing point. Here in this video you can see. It was not meant for showing of animesh clothes, but doesn't matter. Good job Roland!

SilviaFrey: Hola. Donde puedo conseguir este hud de caminar por favor? Gracias. 25 days ago

📝 The Colors of the Day

Morning rises, she opens the door, feels the world calling her for more. In her dress, so free, so light, a brand-new day feels just right. She lives in the colors of the day, every outfit a sm...

NEW Release SN Niko Shorts

- Athletic
- Legacy
- Gianni

Alltime Moneygiver and Luckyshower at Beach

----- NEW -----

=Onryo Unisex Tattoo in 3 tones=
Last one today!
The Onryo Unisex tattoo: comes in Fresh, Faded, and Worn 'tones'.
Uber: hop://