Luna Lunaria @lunalunaria

Discord at ᒪᑌᑎᗩ ᒪᑌᑎᗩᖇIᗩ, Wolf Territories Grid, Kitely, Utopia Skye, Digiworldz, Mobius Grid, Friends Grid, OSGrid, and Second Life Offline

Spiritual Seeker, Science Fantasy Writer, Creator in virtual worlds

I love to build massive and mysterious things

HG Address:

Lone Wolf: When you realise that something awesome is happening on your grid! Great Job Luna. 3 years ago

Steadily working on Luxor

The other end of the bridge. All surfaces are PBR. That doesn't mean they're all reflective, just that they capture the lighting more realistically.

Luna Lunaria: @Jerralyn Franzic Here's the same shot with a pbr viewer, high graphics, and full draw distance. 10 days ago

Arcfury: Amazing. ... Now there it looks like you are starting to turn into a J-type 327 Nubian royal starship. :) 13 days ago
Found a parking space for the X-Wing over at the store. Flew her over from Luna Starbase after giving her a new PBR paint job. Might be time again to give her some exercise flying across the grid.

Made by Lain Iwakura of Iwakura Systems and scripted by Armenious Horada. I helped Lain with the model upload issues and some of the texturing and also helped with flight testing. They have some interesting hud, weapons, and flight characteristics. Armenious has moved on to other projects outside of Opensim and Lain is no longer making the models though she is still on Kitely. Their entire inventory of about 20 ships was given to me as a trust to preserve. I'll eventually display them all at Starbase.

You can see the X-Wing at the store next to the cinema. HG Address is Emporium - Main Store

More fun with PBR

OpenSimUser: Pabst Blue Ribbon? lol 2 months ago

Another pic of the new Egyptian area at Lunaria Emporium. Gonna be packing a lot into this one.

Wolf Territories Grid: "Luke, I am your father" 6 months ago

Just completed a complete remodel of the Decor Room in the main store building at Lunaria Emporium. All furniture, Lighting, decor, and accessories have been fully updated and new items added.

I've already had a couple of requests from patrons to customize the main marquee sign from MAJESTIC to something unique to their region. I am more than happy to do this for anyone who buys the venue and will do so at no extra charge, so feel free to ask :-). Please keep the name at 9 letters or less so that it will fit nicely on the sign.

Many grateful thanks to those who have purchased the new venue. Your support and profuse compliments humbled me. Of course, I expect invites to grand openings and galas.

LeonitasLionheart: I thought of it, but i like the ring of The Majestic Theater/Cinema. We named the region Royalty, and plan to turn it into a wedding region on a 3x3, free for all to use. It might take us a few months... 7 months ago
At Lunaria Emporium on Wolf Territories Grid you can walk through and interact with all my structures, including the Victorian Club, a large entertainment venue / bar done in the late 19th century Gilded Age style, rich with texture and lighting. The venue is perfect for live performers, DJs, and any other large celebration or gathering, such as grid parties, birthdays, weddings, and anniversaries. Step inside to luxurious elegance and extravagant detail, from dark wood paneling and chevron wood floors, to gold chandeliers and paneled ceiling. A full bar greets you after you enter, complete with leather and wood stools, granite and leather countertops, brass taps, registers, glasses, and a variety of spirits. At the far end is a turn-of-the-century stage with Edison lighting. Along both sides by ornate carved columns you'll find plush leather chairs and cozy lighting. The entire build truly comes to life when paired with Shared Environment and higher graphics settings to bring out the material textures.

The Club began life 3 years ago on Utopia Skye Grid as the Fetish Fire Club where it is still used for fantastic music and light shows to this day. A slightly modified and larger version sits on Wolf Territories Grid as the Wolf Pack Club which is also in continuous use for various events.

The Club comes with a variety of extra accessories: a beautiful mesh vase with flowers, a variety of mesh glassware, a copy of the Victorian Seating group, and a copy of the Victorian Street Lamp.

There are 3 gold light switches inside the club that control 3 lighting areas. Two are located near the back of the club to the right of the stage on a wall: the top one turns on the chandeliers and the bottom one turns on the wall sconces. The third switch is on the middle of the bar and turns on the 4 bar lamps and undercounter lights near the stools. The scripts for the switches are NO MODIFY, due to a licensing agreement with the script creator. All other scripts and parts of the club ARE modifiable. This will cause the copy of the club in your inventory to show as NO MODIFY, but it's really only these 3 scripts that cannot be changed or looked at.

All chairs and stools use the AVSitter seating system and must remain linked to the build to ensure they remain working properly. While the AVSitter poses can be adjusted, no more can be added, but you can remove AVSitter and add your own seating system and animations if you like.

The Victorian Club is available on the Kitely Market here: and can be delivered directly to your inventory on your grid.

If you don't mind hypergridding, the Club is 20% off Kitely Market prices if you get it directly from my main store.

Joe Builder: Very nice :) nice textures I'm not one for the use of spec map to much but nice never the less. 10 months ago
After looking at the gold Buddha in the 360° snapshot from yesterday, I realized the gold can look much better so I retextured it. This is not pbr, it uses material textures, and adding lights around it will bring out the sparkle even more. This statue is free and can be found in the Asian room in the main store building.

Jerralyn Franzic: That's great! Neat to see it done without PBR. Not against PBR, but with the current engines SL and OS use, it slows things down so much, even with modern PC's because of optimization issues. Anyway, ... 11 months ago
This is the Asian Heritage room at Lunaria Emporium inside the main store building, primarily consisting of Japanese / Chinese inspired items. None of the pieces are intended to be historically accurate, just my personal take on the styles. The buildings displayed on the vendors can be walked through by clicking the teleport link under each one. Some of the items in the room are free, such as the golden Buddha and the lizard garden lamp. You can get to this room by clicking the Asian sign in the main lobby.

Mistressdalgato: I have a few of those pieces and can say its worth the money. 11 months ago
Lunaria Emporium is my flagship store located on Wolf Territories Grid, where you'll find unique products created solely by me that can be purchased with Gloebits, or with other pay options through links to the Kitely Market.

The central store is large, with multiple rooms that include themes such as Christmas, Gothic, Vampire, Arcane Magic, Castles, Steampunk Airships, Medieval, Japanese/Asian, Greek and Roman, Statuary, Decor, freebies, large architecture in multiple styles, and large Venues.

Surrounding the central rotunda are large viewing parcels at ground level where you can walk through all of the structures available for purchase and fully experience each build. They can be accessed by teleport boards, bridges, flying, or taking a boat ride.

There is a freebies section inside the central store with several items free to anyone. Also available for free are the Ruth 2.0 and Roth 2.0 mesh avatars.

Important Note: Use Shared Environment and higher graphics to see the region properly. As you explore the various parcels, the sky settings will change to fit the theme.

Many of my products can also be found on the Kitely Market here:

Lone Wolf: The buildings there clubs etc are incredible. Its worth a visit just to see the build! 2 years ago
I have a nice collection of full perm building components you can use in your builds as well. The full perms are intended for use as part of a larger commercial build, and cannot be sold, given away, or placed in a freebie store as is.

You can find these in the central store rotunda on Lunaria Emporium at both Wolf Territories Grid and Kitely Grid:

Main Store: Emporium - Main Store

Kitely Store: Emporium

And many of my items are available on the Kitely Market here:

Why do default midday when you can do MIDDAY

I love details and materials. This is the interior of my Victorian Club

Richard Lionheart: Nice look! 2 years ago

Details matter

There's a new Holiday display area at the Emporium on Wolf territories Grid. There you'll find ice to skate on and free skates in multiple colors with a skating AO built in (sorry, I know they're rollerblades. Haven't had time to bring the ice skates in yet). Click the Seasonal sign in the lobby to get there.

HG Address is: Emporium - Main Store

Luna Lunaria: This is the skull of Enceladus, the giant who fought with the Greek gods of Olympus. In mythology, this is written about him: Enceladus (like other vanquished monsters, thought to be buried under vol... 2 years ago
Many of you have asked for my Victorian Club since I first unveiled it at Opensim Fest last summer. It is now available for purchase exclusively at my main store on Wolf Territories Grid at a reduced price. Paste this HG address in your world map, then click the Entertainment Venues sign in the lobby: Emporium - Main Store

This venue began life a year ago as the the Fetish Fire Club on Utopia Skye Grid, which is closed to the hypergrid. It is my most detailed build offering so far, pushing the boundaries of what can be done with materials especially.

The Club covers a 52 x 80 square meter plot, and is a mix of mesh and prims with a 1924 land impact. The build can be copied as much as you like, and everything is modifiable with the exception of the lighting control scripts in the switches, as per my agreement with Mike Chase of Utopia Skye who wrote those.

This build is not yet available at my other store locations on Mobius Grid or on Kitely Grid. I am currently working on a version for the Kitely Market, but that is taking time, since that market forces me to retexture everything before I can list it there.

IMPORTANT NOTE FOR FIRST TIME VISITORS TO WOLF TERRITORIES GRID COMING FROM SMALLER GRIDS OR DREAMGRIDS: Set your graphics low before you arrive, since it takes time not only for your viewer to cache the region, but also for Wolf Territories to establish new communication links with your originating grid. You may need to relog and return. For this same reason, purchases using Gloebits may not show in your inventory until you return home and relog. You can always contact me here if you have any questions or issues.

Faith Fromund: Super excited about this build and will be picking it up inworld soon! Thank you so much!!! 2 years ago

“The object of art is not to reproduce reality, but to create a reality of the same intensity.”

-Alberto Giacometti

Hella: And if more intense, can be, yes we can feel that art is a reality :) Ty to post this so touching quote.. Luna ! 2 years ago

I prefer to take unprocessed photos in world to show what Opensim is capable of

So this post was left on one of my regions and is fairly representative of the mindset original opensim creators will grapple with if they want to sell their products here:

"It looks nice but I like the whole sharing is caring idea. So many places in OS that offer free stuff. Not here, too bad."

I don't blame this shopper at all for wanting to find quality items for free - who doesn't? I was grateful that they visited in the first place and cared enough to leave a comment. It's for that reason that from time to time I do exactly that - offer most of my stuff for free as I did this past OSFest.

No, the ones that make life for opensim creators difficult are those freebie mills continuously churning out stolen content from Second Life and calling it 'sharing', and who aggressively push the idea that merchants in opensim have no right to exist.

As I replied to this user: Sharing is truly caring only if it's the original creator giving it away free, or if they have explicitly given permission to others to do so. And that only works if they don't have to pay for their regions, which is not the case for me.

My region costs average $20 per month per region, and the money I make from sales covers that most of the time. There are months I take a loss with my opensim stores (my Second Life store has never posted a loss in 14 years). But because sales do cover most of my rent I can keep doing what I love: making original content for Opensim.

Paying for regions of course is my choice - I prefer to be on well-run grids that truly respect creators rights. I know that you can easily find quality items for your regions for free all over opensim, so no one is more grateful than me when you choose to purchase at my stores :-)

LeonSullivan: People confuse me here. On the one hand "sharing is caring" freebies are damned, on the other hand there are tons of "likes" for just those kind of freebie regions 2 years ago
Explore the cemetery area at Lunaria Emporium. Click the Gothic sign in the lobby to experience a truly dark and mysterious build, and make sure Shared Environment and sounds are turned on. Featured on Octoberworld on Kitely by Storylink Radio.

LeonitasLionheart: I'm actually at this venue right now, on my own region, poolside, sipping a pink lemonade out behind the theater, chatting with a dear friend. Thank you for your lovely creations, Luna! I am so exci... 5 months ago
Chapter 7 - Insomnium from my book Eos Renascent is now on Wattpad. You can read it here:

"Maeia jerked awake, choking and disoriented, and found herself on her hands and knees with hot, broken stone beneath her. Caustic, black smoke billowed in the air, burning her throat as she tried to breathe. The light from great fires raged in the distance, silhouetting shattered buildings and soaring structures and casting everything around her in an ethereal orange glow.

Feeling excruciating pain, she looked down at her arms to see red, bleeding skin and blackened blisters from severe burns. Lying on the ground nearby was the red sword she recognized from the sarcophagus. It had a faint red glow, as if it were red hot, especially around the handle grip.

What is happening to me?"
Hypergrid International Expo opens this Friday and sessions start Saturday in multiple languages!

HG Address: Welcome

For full information go here:

TrisTH: thanks for thinking about the subtitles, I will try to remember and attend 1 years ago
It's that time of the year again when OSFest is nearly ready to open the doors of a new grid to exhibitors, merchants, and sponsors to start placing their creations before the official opening on September 15th. I know I've been working on my new exhibit since mid July.

OSFest (OpensimFest) is a big event with tons of exhibits from multiple grids, including individual exhibitors, merchants, and artists, as well as educators and grid owners. Each year they create a grid just for the festival with multiple regions and tons of performers that lasts 2 weeks. At the end they have a large celebration just before the entire grid is taken down until the next year.

If you wish to participate as an exhibitor, performer, or merchant, please go here to register for a parcel: then click Register on the top menu line. Once the grid opens you'll receive a parcel number by email.

OSFest sponsors are those who support the grid monetarily to help offset the server and technical costs of running a short-term grid. Their support ensures the grid is free to everyone. If you would like to become a sponsor, go here to register where you can choose a support level you're comfortable with:

For those of you who would like to attend, you can find the calendar of events here:

To hear all the news before everyone else, join our Discord here:

Star Ravenhurst: I had no trouble registering from the website and I joined the Discord server with no issues. I plan on being a volunteer for some hours and a Hostess for some time and helping out in any way I can. I... 1 years ago

Chillin out at the Isis Club on Luxor before getting back to work on my OSFest build

Doing a little work at Luxor

You can find my work at these locations:

Wolf Territories Grid:
Gloebit Store: Emporium - Main Store
Podex Store: Emporium - Podex

Many of my items are also available on the Kitely Market here:

Always make a home for Magic and Wonder

These are my regions open to the hypergrid in Opensim. Always very grateful for the grid owners hosting me. and for all of you who are patrons of my work.

My Main Store can be found on Wolf Territories Grid here: Emporium - Main Store

Luxor, my Egyptian Sci-fi region, can be found on Wolf Territories grid here:

Lunaria, primarily an exploration of Art and Amethyst, can be found on Mobius Grid here:

My Kitely store can be found here: Emporium

And many of my items are available on the Kitely Market here: