Luna Lunaria @lunalunaria

Discord at ᒪᑌᑎᗩ ᒪᑌᑎᗩᖇIᗩ, Wolf Territories Grid, Kitely, Utopia Skye, Digiworldz, Mobius Grid, Friends Grid, OSGrid, and Second Life Offline

Spiritual Seeker, Science Fantasy Writer, Creator in virtual worlds

Liked posts

Weeeeee'rrrrreee heeeeere!!!!!! Yayyyyyy! It's Christmas! We still have a bit of construction so pardon our dust...but we couldn't wait to bring you another wonderful place to visit this year! The snow is cold so dress appropriately but hopefully, this little Christmas town will warm your hearts!

Slowhand: I have no access to this region, why??? 15 hours ago
First of all, Happy Holydays for all of you from my heart.
Now bad news, My region will be down for a while because I paid for a new server and we are moving everything there. Hopping all will be smooth and fast, but you know how life goes. As soon as we are back online I will post it here. Thank you so much for your understanding and patience.
This is a replica of Metacomet's war club from the late 1600's. It is currently on display at the Fruitlands Museum in Harvard Massachusetts. Each wampum inlay along the top commemorates an invader personally dispatched by Metacomet during the King Phillip War 1675-1678

LeonitasLionheart: that is cool and detailed, but do tell us, dear Hyacinth, how many look at ya curves and wish they could "wampum"? *teases* hugs & happy holidays to you and yours! 18 hours ago

Historically accurate new outfit. :D

Arielle: Historically accurate in the middle of the summer maybe. ;) 23 hours ago

I called out absent from work tonight. Just exploring our beautiful world in my canoe... hehe

Silver Von: Nice! yesterday

May you all have a blessed and merry Christmas and a healthy, happy, safe and prosperous New Year! From all of us on the Genesis Roleplay Grid.

Lynne Lundquist: Merry Christmas Lavia. 2 days ago

Wigwams. :)

RemmyRavenhurst: Looks Wigwarm and cosy! 2 days ago
We've finished the move, upgrade and relocation, as well as calibrations of E Grid, but we have some port forward issues that are new.

Tech coming out today, this one is beyond me.

The Grid and regions are safe. Just no hypergrid. Bear with ...

Zoey Cutey: I am having the same issue (I use Dreamgrid)! Everything looks right, and it was working ahhhhh! Good luck! 3 days ago
He's making a list, he's checkin' it twice
He's gonna find out who's naughty or nice

in 3 days, Christmas is coming to Friends Grid!

When: Thursday, December 19 11.00 grid time / 20.00 Central Europe
Where: At Club Oasis
Who; Well, YOU, of course! Bring your friends, your loved ones, that awkward person who has nothing better to do..
What; Pop tunes and a ton of rock in the spirit of Christmas
Dresscode; something festive

Friends Grid is an adult grid - Please no child avatars
I added metal PBR Materials in the foyer so that you can edit your jewelry.
Copper, Gold, Rose Gold and Silver, 8 materials in each pack. notes in contents. Jewelry

You must have the latest Firestorm and the grid has to have the PBR implemented. To test you can come to my grid it is implemented. I have a sandbox where you can test.

Marianna : I added info on how to use the metals. Some of you might wonder how in the world do I create a GLTF texture? I found a great little free png----->GLTF converter 3 days ago

Not dead...working on the new store for all of you!

Jared Seda: Super Excited!!!! 4 days ago
Am Sonntag den 15. Dezember gibt es die nächste Adventslesung mit Rubeus Helgerud. Ab 20:00 Uhr gibts Weihnachtsstimmung im Märchenzelt auf Dorenas Weihnachtsmarkt

Weihnachtliche Vormusik gibts wieder ab 19:30 zu hören. Schnappt Euch Glühpunsch und setzt Euch auf die Kissen ins gut beheizte Märchenzelt und hört ein wenig zu. Wir freuen uns auf Euch alle.

On Sunday, December 15th, there will be the next Advent reading with Rubeus Helgerud. From 8:00 p.m. there will be a Christmas atmosphere in the fairy tale tent at Dorena's Christmas market market

Christmas pre-music will be heard again from 7:30 p.m. Grab some mulled punch and sit on the cushions in the well-heated fairy tale tent and listen for a while. We look forward to seeing you all.
Kitely winter fair is close! 15 th of December noon 12.00 Pm grand opening! Want to see what's on the fair, the new builds, the merchants and freebees ? Check it out here.

Working on a Role Play/Educational System (volume a bit low)

May all that is beautiful, meaningful and brings you joy be yours this holiday season and throughout the coming year!
We wish you a Merry Christmas!

Andremus & Alchy
Winter Wonderland => hop://
Standing in line for open call auditions for a christmas production... it looks like it's going to be hard to get the part though, everyone matches the specs in the casting call and we all look the same. I guess it must be won on personality alone. i had to get my nails taken off to look like a peasant, now my fingers look like i've been digging dirt with my bare hands my whole life. Salon day tomorrow!

Merry Xmas :) x

Grid Offline for System Upgrade and installations Thursday 12/12/2024 to Saturday 12/14/2024

If we finish early we will be back online Friday night!

Important upgrades for the security of our Grid, thanks for your patience! - How to create 3d text in blender and upload to OpenSim Jimmy Olsen/Lone Wolf

Marianna : When I first started creating jewelry I discovered that I could use the dingbat fonts for neat jewelry parts. You have to make sure you have permissions especially if you plan to sell the jewelry. ... 7 days ago
Blues / Rock Xmas @ Crossroads on Immersive 1 on the Pangea Grid.
Wollem Wabbit plays live from the Crossroads, a Nyx Breen creation.
12/18/24 @ 12 SLT
Thirza hooked this combination up the holidays a little differently.
Wanderers beware: the forest at midnight is no place for the living.

In the heart of a sprawling, overgrown forest, where the trees loomed like ancient sentinels, a dark gothic Victorian mansion stood in eerie defiance of time and nature. Its silhouette rose sharply against the midnight sky, jagged turrets and gabled roofs clawing at the heavens. The air was thick with fog, shrouding the clearing in a spectral gloom, but the mansion’s presence was undeniable, a monolithic monument to forgotten eras and whispered horrors.

The mansion was a paradox both a sanctuary and a trap. Its grand doors were always open, inviting any soul brave enough to enter. Visitors were welcomed warmly, offered fine wine and decadent meals by Melanie and Hana. Aeris herself would greet guests with a charm so disarming that few realized they were prey until it was too late. The coven entertained their guests in the candlelit parlor, where shadows danced like specters across the walls, and music from Camille’s phonograph lulled them into a false sense of security.

But as the hour crept closer to midnight, the house revealed its true nature. The fog thickened, pressing against the stained-glass windows like curious hands. The air grew colder, and the laughter of the hosts took on an unsettling edge. One by one, the guests would realize the danger they were in. By then, it was far too late.
Just in time for the Christmas Parties, Vesti has released a new store called Seasons. Right now it has 10 new female outfits and 3 new male. Seasons is behind the photo studio beside Everyday InsTYle. Check it out

Essensual: one outfit has (X) on the poster, this outfit fits Xara/LaraX 8 days ago
As some already know, we have had issues a couple days with access to the private E Grid lands.

Great News!

A configuration setting was adjusted and access was restored to the private lands here!

Thank you for your patience!
I woke up to a message from @Ferdzee casually saying, "Oh, by the way, your grid now supports PBR." Wait, WHAT? PBR? You mean DG has PBR now? Yep! Shiny, beautiful gold—Yay! Over time, I'll be updating all my jewelry. It’ll take a while, but the future is looking golden and brilliant! Dreamgrid 5.9 is PBR! Time to update your FS viewers people :) Thank you @Ferdzee you are my Hero!! Yayy

News!! hop:// De Volcanes/121/136/3827

Coucher de soleil sur le cimetière/ Sunset cimetary

Our lore / backstory
To avoid being killed in a vicious nightly attack, King Maximus, and his advisor Steve, had to leave the continent temporarily. What was ment to be only weeks, became years as they crashed in unexpected islands reefs.
They finally travelled back with trusted people to reconquer the Throne, and on arrival found something quite intriguing. The seven kingdoms were left without rulers, almost emptied, even from citizens!
The former King and his group investigated, one land after the other, questioned the rare livings still around. They discover that dragons came back in mass, and took over by the force of their claws and fire, into what is now called the Flaming Era.
Everyone will try to unite, finding ways to regain control of the kingdoms.

RemmyRavenhurst: Love to see people being creative 11 days ago

I went shopping for vintage furniture today and found this watch in the drawer... anyone know a place that sells watch batteries? It's stuck on stop watch mode.

LeonitasLionheart: even the watch stopped to watch Aeris... 12 days ago

At 2 pm grid time, I will be speaking on the VWEC panel at OSCC! I would love to see you there!

The Welcome Region for the new Hub Grid.

Come see and pick up a membership in the Hub Grid Residents Group as well, for Rentals.

We have a starter Box for male and female available!

The E Grid should be back up tonight.

Apologies to our Residents and Guests!

Thank you for your patience. Be sure to check out our new Hub Grid, many of your favorite lands are on there now!

Found at Luxor Region, Wolf Territories Grid

Aurora Starchild: Oh noes, the Goa'uld! :O 12 days ago
Happy Holidays to all, here is a little group gift, there is blink for the light and it is holdable.
We lava U!!!
*** Remember if you are already part of Tierra de Volcanes Group come and get your group gift, open the group info ---> announcements, there open attachment and get your group gift.
If you are not yet a member don't forget to join the next time you visit us

Aurora Starchild: Oleeee ya lo tengo 13 days ago

Sweet sea style. Guess who is back! ♥

Mistressdalgato: welcome back! been wondering where you was 13 days ago
Planned Maintenance this morning took out 3 nodes of our High Availability Cluster. the cluster moved things around to keep things online. We lost 2 nodes out of our Mariadb 5-node Galera cluster and brought them back automatically total down time I reckon 5-10 minutes for what for some grids would have ben a catastrophic failure.

Luna Lunaria: One of the many reasons my home is here 14 days ago

Walking in a Winter Wonderland over at Trianon-World Welcome.. a beautiful romantic ice skating rink in the back with all the games ( the roller rink is away for the winter)

MidnightRain Glas: that is so pretty, cant wait to see it \ 14 days ago

News!!! Danceroom hop:// De Volcanes/125/277/3462

Simple idea. Get a region from Wolf Territories Grid, use the terrain generator to make some mountains then flatten a bit and put a house on it.

Hicks: And with the tide system it gives a lot of creativity 15 days ago

Hicks: Encore une jolie région d aphra .bravo 15 days ago
As the snow fell softly around us at the Funsize Dinkies World Resort, the excitement in the air was palpable. We are having a great time by the Lake, having a friendly fishing competition, with everyone eager to see who would catch the biggest fish first.

Armed with fishing rods and bait, we settled in by the frozen lake, each determined to outdo the other. The tranquil setting was interrupted only by the occasional sound of a fish splashing in the icy water.

Despite the chilly weather, we were kept warm by our shared enthusiasm and the snacks we had brought along. Hot cocoa, marshmallows, and freshly baked cookies fueled our competitive spirits as we waited for the fish to bite.

An hour passed, with each of us trying different techniques and lures to attract the elusive fish. Laughter and friendly banter filled the air as we recounted past fishing adventures and shared tips with one another.

All Dinkies on Opensim are welcome to hangout and join in the Funsize Winter Fun and also today is Day 3 of the Advent Calendar (its not to be missed by any Dinkie)
All Dinkies are Welcome to have fun and explore.
