I am fully self-taught, and being a designer and a portrait artist in RL I have used graphics-intensive software for some time. Most of what I make are large architectural builds that are mostly prim with some mesh components mixed in, some of which I make in Blender and some that I either buy outright or source with commercial licenses. By choice, no part of my builds are sourced from Opensim, not because they're aren't great builders here, but much of what I find has questionable provenance, so I avoid the issue entirely. If an online 3D modeler has already made an excellent mesh component that will fit my larger vision, I'm not going to waste time trying to perfectly duplicate their work just to be able to say I made every little part of something. My cinema for example has over 3000 parts, 95% of which are my own prims, mesh, and textures, but it also includes a few very nice art deco pieces I purchased.
In Second Life I was able to source the few components I needed from stores there, but when I came to OS a few years ago none of that infrastructure existed and I had to start over from scratch. I had to learn Blender, mesh, materials, basic scripting, sounds, and others. My skills took a significant leap forward, and while it was all a very steep learning curve, I've never regretted it. There are so many creative areas I haven't yet stepped into, and there are so many OS artists I totally admire like my friend Cherry Manga. I respect anyone in OS who tries their hand at making anything. As for me, I love creating and stretching my talents, and I am very grateful for those loyal patrons who make it possible for me to keep doing what I love.
As for the TGA Discord group, I joined just for the camaraderie and to offer help wherever I can, which has already happened. I'm sure others will share information and tips that I will find helpful in my own work. I haven't seen any standards being mandated for anyone, just a fun collaboration mostly among those working with avatars and avatar accessories. Those are beyond my purview but interesting to follow. I'm glad I joined :-)