Luna Lunaria @lunalunaria

Discord at ᒪᑌᑎᗩ ᒪᑌᑎᗩᖇIᗩ, Wolf Territories Grid, Kitely, Utopia Skye, Digiworldz, Mobius Grid, Friends Grid, OSGrid, and Second Life Offline

Spiritual Seeker, Science Fantasy Writer, Creator in virtual worlds


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I might be able to make the last hour, depending on how RL goes
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Hopefully this works out better this time
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That was fun hanging around there early and gabbing
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One of the many reasons I am on this lovely grid :-)
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What I haven't seen discussed are items purchased elsewhere by an OSGrid avatar, especially from the Kitely Market. Fortunately, as a merchant on the Market and as a Gloebit merchant, it is easy for me to redeliver items purchased previously, and if you end up on a different grid, I'll personally travel there and hand-deliver replacements on request.
Thank you, you provide good customer service.
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FS 7 is faster and more efficient because it is able to use more than one core of a cpu, which is why even older computers with 2-4 cores are able to run it. And the more cores you have the faster it is. Of course even an older graphics card will dramatically improve performance since FS 7 also makes more efficient use of those.
yes theoretically it should be now for the first time multithreading. But for my Mac it is worse. Best is still my 6.6.8
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No, this is unrelated to 0.9.3 and is more of a storage/server issue on their part that has been ongoing for some time. Wolf Territories has been running the 0.9.3 version for a long time with none of these problems.
This is a problem that all OpenSim grids will encounter one day or another. I wish this grid to be far away for as long as possible.
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OSgrid avis will struggle if they have a large inventory, since OSgrid does not have a suitcase. So if they visit a new place, the servers are forced to index all their inventory and not just a suitcase as with avis from other grids. An OSgrid avatar completely crashed the 2019 Opensim Fest event for that very reason.
Luna, does it make a difference how the inventory is organized? For example, making sure there are as few items and folders in the root folder? I've observed this seems to make a difference.
That question is beyond my pay grade I'm afraid. Have no idea. I have an OSGrid avatar, but I keep her inventory completely stripped down to make it easier when attending hypergrid events.
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I love your music sets :-)
Thank you :D 💗
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I've found that most visitors are there for freebies and nothing else. They generally stay for a couple of minutes in one spot and leave. It's the ones that wander the region that I love to engage with since they're there for the experience
that's ok for me. Nothing against freebies. But I think it has also other reason in my case. There are some Big City called sims and it will be confused. They ask me for things I can only say "don't know where you get this ..." I have to tell then, that my Big City is alive and that's why it is called Big City "Life". lol Not Big City Mall to shop.
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Got my booth there :-)
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Volunteers Lunaria Emporium for a bridge :-)
Ooohhhh thank you so much!
I'll build a parking area and a road right to it
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I have my office there, and we've been discussing a website for me
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As a merchant I am on multiple social sites. Some I interact with more than others. We all got spoiled several years back when we were all on Google+, but once that disbanded we were all blown to the four winds :-(
I can understand it from a content merchants perspective for the need to be where the consumers congregate but not for those who are socializing themselves on the Hypergrid only as it makes it harder to find others.
Well, to be fair, she is still active in the Fediverse.
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Contact me there :-)
Hiya luna I have left messages there in blue sky :)
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As a merchant I am on multiple social sites, including Wolf's mastodon
sure I know. I am also on Facebook. But so many platforms is not better. OSW itself is also one. We are anyway just few people. lol So less is more.
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So very sad to see your place close down Milly. I wish you nothing but happiness and peace no matter where you are
thank you honey really appreciate it. Still have the E Grid for rentals, and keeping Builds Ahoy going :)
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This was such a cool underwater space, thanks for having us :-)
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Thank you for having us, it was a great tour