Wolf Territories Grid @nbtafelberg

Watford, United Kingdom Online

Owner of Wolf Territories Grid

Wolf Territories Grid

Sodasullivan: Wow, you can almost hear the wind in the trees. Love the sky setting! 6 months ago

Wolf Territories Grid Map

Get your spot from $6 a month. https://www.wolf-grid.com/

Please remove if not allowed. We've got a land sale on!!!


JayR Cela: I joined Wolf Territories Grid April 1 2024, just to check it out. May 1 2024, I leased some land. I am more than happy. 6 months ago

Introduction to PBR WIth OpenSim NGC/Firestorm 7 on Wolf Territories Grid


Chelsea Louloudi: Wow, thanks for doing this video! I was looking for workflows in blender to make these (eek) this is wonderful! 6 months ago
Thanks to the AMAZING Firestorm and OPENSIM NGC team (and a bit of work from us!) our whole grid is now running with PBR textures and terrains. IN fact this image doesn't use PBR materials, just the standard texturing. Wow.

Luna Lunaria: Cool to see some of our older work holding up and even looking better. Stoked to begin working with it starting next week. Out of town this week. 6 months ago

Testing PBR textures and Terrains - we will be rolling this out to the whole grid very shortly - currently only on a couple of regions.

Susanna_Heller: PBR is good for floors, for example (glossy laminate floors, for example) and it only looks good with a reflection probe. 1000 textures are disfigured with PBR in OpenSim. And if you have watched the ... 6 months ago

PBR Terrains are starting to get interesting!!!

Wolf Territories Grid https://www.wolf-grid.com/ Wt Atlantic 015

Sodasullivan: When I look at this picture, I can almost hear the water and the wind. Very pretty 6 months ago
Join us for our closing ceremonies at 3pm at Tiki Stage hop://grid.wolfterritories.org:8002/Wolf%20Fest/136/195/22 with DJ Indi~Q on the ones and twos Closing remarks from Lone Wolf, Luna Stormfeather, Xenon Darrow. Open mic. Come give Wolf Fest a big send off till we do it all again next year!! It was an awesome fabulous weekend!! Even though the parties are over you can still visit the exhibits and awesome builds!! Thank you everyone for making our first Wolf Fest awesome.

Xenon Darrow: Best festival ever! 6 months ago

Thank you so much for everyone who helped to make Wolf Fest incredible!


Happy Wolf Fest day check our website for events. FREE festival, education, tech talks and much more.

Xenon Darrow: So we are doing this quarterly now, RIGHT? RIGHT? ;p 6 months ago

Happy Wolf Fest everyone

Wolf Fest Schedule.

Good morning all it's Wolf Fest Day 1 kicking off with 2 University Presentations then Lone Wolf at the Big Top for his day 1 tech talk! Please use the teleporter board here to get around - but to really enjoy the festival take some time to have a walk round our incredible exhibits. Don't forget to ride the Space Race roller coaster.

Wolf Fest starts tomorrow

https://www.wolf-grid.com - details of events

Wolf Fest starts tomorrow!

This weekend!!!!!

Wolf Fest starts this weekend kicking off with education, tech talks and music plus some incredible builds. (to see a detailed list head over to https://www.wolf-grid.com/ )

Luna Lunaria: Yay! Excited about this one 6 months ago
We are now offering regions from 256x256 up to 3072x3072 (144 sl sims) on our land shop. You can choose your prims and completely customise your selection before the grid brings up your region https://www.wolf-grid.com/

A demonstration of our terrain generator-generated mountains. FREE for our region owners to use.


We have just upgraded our 3 node mariadb cluster to a 5 node cluster.

The forests of Madrigal