Wolf Territories Grid @nbtafelberg

Watford, United Kingdom Online

Owner of Wolf Territories Grid

Lone working on his stand at Wolf Winter Fest this weekend!

ToniaKara: Very Handsome Indeed xx 2 months ago

A dutch ship has just arrived at Wolf Territories Ocean 20.

In the new Firestorm "Take Copy" on the menu has moved, TAKE is now a menu - which gives 2 options, take and take copy before we get any more tickets.

Thomas Etzel: wow, how could we survive for so long without this feature?!:-)))))) 2 months ago

Mountains were created with our Terrain Generator. https://www.wolf-grid.com

wicked: I bet there is a youtube video for the terrain generator.. ;) Can't wait to see it. 2 months ago

Mountains were created with our Terrain Generator. https://www.wolf-grid.com

Wolf Software Systems New headquarters https://www.wolfsoftwaresystems.co.uk

Wolf Winter Fest is coming....

Wolf of the Caribbean. https:///www.wolf-grid.com/

One of Luna Lunaria's incredible creations. At the Hangout Region - this is PBR mirroring at it's finest